1st cycles: Test E vs Sus (Me vs My roommate)


New member
Im writing this so people who are looking at doing their first cycle can see if; and how good 300mgs a week of Test E will work. They can also see how doing research and being informed as well as other variables will help or hurt with your gains. My buddy and I are both doing our first cycles together, Im doing Test E 300mgs a week for 10 weeks. And my buddy is doing Sustanon (sust). 250 at 250mgs a weeks for 10 -12 weeks. We lift together and eat the same... Most of the time.

Here’s a little background info on us. I have been lifting hard for about 2-2 ½ years. I am 23, 5'8 165lbs about 10-12% bf, My diet is pretty good. I’ve been looking on this site for about 5 months, read all the stickys and gathering as much info as I can. I was planning on doing Test E at 500mgs a week but after reading the post by thefantomt1 (http://www.steroidology.com/forum/showthread.php?t=51758) I decided to go with 300mgs. I would like to think that I have done a good amount of research and am well informed on my cycle and pct.

Then on the other hand there is my roommate. He’s been lifting hard for about all 2 months if that, he’s 22, 6' about 200lbs. About 15-20% bf. His diet is getting better, I have been making him eat the same stuff I do, but every once in a while I’ll catch him getting Mc Donalds or some shit like that. He’s doing a Sustanon (sust). 250 cycle. He’s really hasn’t done any research and has no idea what he is doing with his cycle.

Lets get on thing straight im not just sitting back and watching my friend fuck himself up, I’ve tried to help him out and give him as much advise as I can, sometimes he’ll listen and other times he doesn’t care, but I’m not his mom. Hopefully by the end of our cycles you can see how getting being physically ready, getting informed and listening to some of the vets on this site can make a difference compared to just getting some gear and jumping in head first.
Week 1 Day 1

My buddy started a week earlier then me, but im not going to count his 1st weeks so they match mine,(besides he didn’t really lift his first week... yeah I know). We haven’t recorded our stats on lifting yet because I didn’t think I was going to make a log. I will start with the lifting stats at the 2nd week.

I was going to split my injections up between mon and thurs. but since im only doing 300mgs I think I only need one a week.

Mon- Chest (injections)
Tues- Legs
Wed- Arms
Thurs- Off
Fri- Shoulders
Sat- Back
Sunday -Off

Cardo- M,W,F 20-30 min (Will step it up later in cycle)

Week 1
_____________ Weight ______+/- last wk _______Total Gains
Me ____________165_____________0________________0
My Buddy_______197_____________0________________0
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Good deal man. I'm anxious to see how well you guys do with the low dosages.

I for one, am FOR the low dosages, but that's just me personally.

I think you should do well, but you have to remember:

EAT EAT EAT. And train train train!

For our viewing, could you post your daily diet?

That would help all the new guys out there as well.

Good luck.
haha hilarious love the idea of your thread, lets hope ur buddy doesn't put your gains to shame :D

I'll keep reading with interest so keep us updated
Good idea, give us some info about ur diets, this could be a good example on how a 300 mg dose would work. post some pics if possible too.
Ok here are some of the mistakes my roommate has made so far, I’m posting these so maybe someone can learn from his fuck ups. First he got his gear online from a website he found by typing in steroids in the search menu...yeah that’s right he basically googled his gear.

Then the site said it would take 5 days to a week to get here, so instead of waiting for it to get here, he gets one of his other buddies to give him a shot of their own gear (thank god it was the same shit). So of course what happened? 10 days later still no gear; it took almost 2 weeks, I didn’t think it would even come.

Also he takes his Sustanon (sust) shot once a week, I haven’t gotten too much info on Sustanon (sust) but I think you have to shot it EOD because of the Test P (am I right on his? Im not sure). Remember this is only week 3 for him, I’m trying my best to help his dumb ass out, but sometimes he just doesn’t care
-Ya Sustanon (sust) should be taken twice a week or more. once per week isnt a good idea.

-the 250 mgs for a guy like him ( 200 lbs ) might not work as expected.

- ur buddy might be seeing faster results than you do, test e will take some time to kick in.

but after reading what you wrote, i think you will be the one laughing in the end.
Here is a typical days diet for me when I was natural and trying to get my Bf down for my the cycle

6 am- 2 whole eggs, 3 egg whites, and a bowl of oatmeal
9 am- Protein shake which is 240 cals, 48g protein, 6 carbs
11:30 am- 10 oz of red meat or chicken and 2 cups of rice
2 pm- Protein bar 270 cals, 30g protein, 30g carbs

4:00 pm- Work out

5:30 pm- PWO mass shake 580 cals, 54g protein, 79g carbs
8 pm- 10 oz of red meat or chicken and 2 cups of rice

9-10 pm- Bed

I know im gona catch shit for not eating enough whole food but, I am in the military and my daily schedule is really messed up, I have now idea what im going to be doing from day to day

I am going to try to replace the 9am shake or 2pm protein bar with an other chix and rice meal. and add the shake or bar right before bed time, but I want to make my gains as lean as possible. Any advise is welcome!

As for my roommate... he doesn't like to eat that early because he would rather sleep for the extra 15 mins it takes to make breakfast and I'm not with him all day so I'm going to put what he says he eats..

8-9 am- 4 eggs i think whole
11:30 pm- 10 oz of red meat or chicken and 2 cups of rice
2 pm- Meso Tech Shake... some times

4 pm- Work out

5:30pm- PWO Meso tech shake
8 pm- 10 oz of red meat or chicken and 2 cups of rice

(I just about beat him when he told me that's all hes been eating)
week 2 day 8

Week 2
_____________ Weight ______+/- last wk _______Total Gains
Me ____________171 lbs__________+6_______________+6
My Buddy_______203 lbs__________+6_______________+6

Had some awsome sessions in the gym last week. It might just be mental because i doubt the gear has kicked in yet, but i feel great. Not too much stronger but alitte. Gained 6 lbs alread, it doesn't feel or look like a lot of it is water weight or fat, I think it might be because i switched my PWO shake to a gainer shake rather than just a protein shake. Either way I'm psyched. My glut felt sore for about 3 to 4 days after the injection, the 3rd day was the worst but all things considered, not too bad. My roommate said that his injection site never felt sore, it makes me think he might have gotten some fake gear. But he is up 6 lbs too, so thats cool. It might just be the fact that he's eat more.
errr....sus should be taken EOD. Both of you aren't exactly ready to cycle, but I at least commend that you've done your research and are starting with low dosages. 300mg/wk should give you plenty of results. good luck.
Week 2 Day 8-11

Monday- I had a really good chest workout.lately I've been working more on my incline then flat, I think it hits my chest better, put up 215 4 times.

Tuesday- I did legs alone, the roommate said his throat was sore. I guess your legs don't work if your throat is sore.... I hit a new max on the leg press.

Wednesday- His throat still kept him from the gym so I went with one of my other friends, and damn i forgot what is was like to lift with some one who pushes me back just as hard as i push him. I loved it, KILLED my arms. I weighted 174, up 3 lbs from Mon.

Thrusday- my day off.

Friday- I have to PT this moarning then its time to destroy the shoulders, I'm gona make my buddy pay for missing those days in the gym....
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Just out of interest why didn't ur friend get his steroids from ur source and why did he decide to take Sustanon (sust) over test e ?
Because he wants everything fast i guess. One of our buddys told him about Sustanon (sust) 250 cuz he is doing a cycle of it right now, so he decided that he was going to do one 2. Then the next day he went online and ordered it from the cheapest place he could find. My jaw dropped when he was telling about how he found the site through google. The more I write in this log the more i realize it isn't going to be a Test E Vs. Sustanon (sust) thing, it's going to be a what not to do with your first cycle. hopeful some one will read this log and realize that gear isn't a miracle drung that you inject and your instantly Arnold.
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TrainLikeUrInsain said:
I told him that he needs to get in better shape before doing a cycle, but he didn't listen. I don't know about a fat shit though, bro.

He looks like he's been working out for a few weeks which is nowhere near enough to cycle. He runs the risk of causing himself damage by putting too much stress on connective tissues.
I totally agree with you bro, but he doesn't want to listen, I'll i can do is help him out with what i can and hope he doesn't fuck himself up too bad. Hopeful someone learns what not to do from his mistakes