1st rodeo with roids


New member
Sup all, 28 here, 5"9 tall, 170lbs, 15% bf.

I train 4-5x/week, doin a push/pull/legs split. Diet isn't the cleanest but I'd rather stuff anything down my throat rather than nothing. Taking in about 4k cal/day.

Lookin to gain some mass and strength.

Cycle looks like this:

Week 1-14: 500mg test E split into 2 doses, twice a week - Mon/Thurs
Week 1-5: 50mg/day dbol - 2 tabs AM / 3 tabs PM-preworkout
Adex will be takin EOD - 0.25mg

PCT will be standard
clomid 50/50/50/50
nolva 40/40/20/20

Am i missing anything?

Pinned yesterday for the very first time and went fairly smoothly except for the fact that the hands were a little shaky and i wasnt used to the awkward position of twisting around to stab myself in the ass lol. Thought i was gonna be sore the next day for sure, but woke up this morning absolutely pain free.
Sup all, 28 here, 5"9 tall, 170lbs, 15% bf.

I train 4-5x/week, doin a push/pull/legs split. Diet isn't the cleanest but I'd rather stuff anything down my throat rather than nothing. Taking in about 4k cal/day.

Lookin to gain some mass and strength.

Cycle looks like this:

Week 1-14: 500mg test E split into 2 doses, twice a week - Mon/Thurs
Week 1-5: 50mg/day dbol - 2 tabs AM / 3 tabs PM-preworkout
Adex will be takin EOD - 0.25mg

post cycle therapy (pct) will be standard
clomid 50/50/50/50
nolva 40/40/20/20

Am i missing anything?

Pinned yesterday for the very first time and went fairly smoothly except for the fact that the hands were a little shaky and i wasnt used to the awkward position of twisting around to stab myself in the ass lol. Thought i was gonna be sore the next day for sure, but woke up this morning absolutely pain free.

Looks good to me, I ran Dbol and i can honestly say that 30-40mg will be more than enough, some may say disagree. and i would run the clomid at 100/100/50/50. Also maybe if you can get some HCG and blast it the last week, don't have to, but if you can. And RUN liver care 52 or post cycle therapy (pct) ASSIST; i recommend post cycle therapy (pct) assist because it helps in liver, prostate, acne, and BP!!!!! THis will def help with the dbol. You can buy it off tfsupplements.com
-Good luck!
My hands to were shaky the first time, but after the 2-3 weeks man its not biggie, and I myself don't get any soreness too :)
thanks dudes, i'll adjust the clomid and look into gettin some HCG. Taking an on-cycle support supp at the moment too. Got a bottle of N2Guard lying around and it has a bit of everything in there including good liver support and bp management. Might get some taurine too if back pumps are too much.
Day 5

Still running 50mg/day Dbol, and just did my 2nd pin of Test E. Lemme tell you, i'm starting to like this shit haha.. Pin went in nice and smooth, barely felt a thing. Was a lot calmer this time and took my time aspirating and injecting. Ass is a little hard tho because i have to twist around and my lats start cramping up.
Thinking of doing the quads on Thurs, good idea?

I never felt any soreness from my 1st pin, is this common?

Pumps have been pretty good lately, but haven't seen much strength increases yet. Then again, it hasn't even been that long yet. I'm assuming i should really start feelin the dbol around day 7-10.
Sup all, 28 here, 5"9 tall, 170lbs, 15% bf.

I train 4-5x/week, doin a push/pull/legs split. Diet isn't the cleanest but I'd rather stuff anything down my throat rather than nothing. Taking in about 4k cal/day.

Lookin to gain some mass and strength.

Cycle looks like this:

Week 1-14: 500mg test E split into 2 doses, twice a week - Mon/Thurs
Week 1-5: 50mg/day dbol - 2 tabs AM / 3 tabs PM-preworkout
Adex will be takin EOD - 0.25mg

post cycle therapy (pct) will be standard
clomid 50/50/50/50
nolva 40/40/20/20

Am i missing anything?

Pinned yesterday for the very first time and went fairly smoothly except for the fact that the hands were a little shaky and i wasnt used to the awkward position of twisting around to stab myself in the ass lol. Thought i was gonna be sore the next day for sure, but woke up this morning absolutely pain free.

Yes, you are not ready to safley use steroids.
post cycle therapy (pct) wk15-19 is fine and i would cut yout post cycle therapy (pct) doses in half

You should not be using them because your training is not good for building muscle and you even admit your diet is crap.

you need to get that straight, build a base. THEN rune a cycle in my op.
work out 3-4 times a week , about every other day, dont work otu the same muscle more than 1 -2times a week MAX and well I am not gonna spoon feed but here
here is a good read:
All about Doggcrapp Training AKA DC Training

good luck man
Appreciate your insight juced, but i'm gonna have to respectful disagree with your workout principles. Not sayin they are wrong, but there is more than one way to skin a cat, and everyone responds differently to training regiments. I've actually done quite well with 3 days on, 1 day off, push/pull/legs workout schemes. Provided i dont do it for extra long periods of time, i love to throw it in there once in a while. I'm familiar with DC training as well. As for diet, yeah i agree with that haha i probably need to up it another 500 cals and eat a bit cleaner but i'm not really concerned with a bit of fat for now while i bulk.

Again tho, thx for the takin the time in giving me some good points bro, i'll keep em all in mind going forward. :)

yup, in the glutes for now. Glutes have been taking them extremely well tho with very very minor or no pain at all the next day. Might just continue with the glutes for now. Haven't tried the quads yet but i was thinkin of doin them there too!