1st time tren user, have cycled before, help


New member
So I've cycled once in my life,
Test E, Ran it 12 weeks and got some good solid mass,
Been off for 6 months now due to an injury. I want to run a tren cycle, Ive studied it but theres so many options.
Post me ya opinions.

Age: 24
Height: 5'11
Weight: 216 pounds
be a bit more methodical

test abc xmg per week
ai how much per day or EoD and for how long

pct = clomid and nolva, xmg per day for how many weeks
ah I get you now,
well for the starters I did not take any a.i or undergo pct. I know stupid right but now I know how important that is now.

I jabbed 1.5ml a week for 12 weeks, twice a week. So pretty much 3ml a week.
I did however take Dianabol for the 1st 4 weeks of the cycle, I noticed a massive increase in strength and size.
I have been lifting 7 years before.

And thankfully did not get gyno but I did catch the test flu
tren is a pretty advanced hormone, not to be played with just like that. not saying you cannot use it and it like atom bomb in ur hands but you DO need to know what you are doing
ah I get you now,
well for the starters I did not take any a.i or undergo pct. I know stupid right but now I know how important that is now.

I jabbed 1.5ml a week for 12 weeks, twice a week. So pretty much 3ml a week.
I did however take Dianabol for the 1st 4 weeks of the cycle, I noticed a massive increase in strength and size.
I have been lifting 7 years before.

And thankfully did not get gyno but I did catch the test flu

When you talk about dosing say it in mg. Not all things are dosed the same. Example most standard test e vials will be 250mg/ml (cc) which. means if you were doing 1 1/2cc (ml) 2× a week you were doing 750mg of test a week that's a hefty dose.
yeah man hence why I am on here for advice, so instead of being that idiot that jumps into something without any understanding
and fucks himself up.

Ive got mates who cycle but none of the have experienced tren.

I have a whole understanding on the body, hormones, as I study physiology, anatomy, nutrition, methods of training blah blah blah,
but TREN which I know not to play around with, but know nothing on how to take, dose or stack with :)

Im not a little teen who wants to play around with steroids if that's what you think haha
So you've got the most important shit which is diet and training well and truly down packed. Awesome, usually it's the other way around.

So you ran 500-750mg of Test with a Dbol kick start for a first cycle, now you're looking at a second one. Depending on your goal, there's no reason why you can't go for another 750mg Test Cycle/Dbol kicker really.

I would suggest stay away from Tren if you don't need it, it's harsh yet strong. If your looking for a bulk I'd suggest the Test and Dbol again or if you want to add in another compound I'd strongly suggest Deca at 500mg per week. If you're cutting I'd use 250mg Test+an oral or Masteron.

Alternatively you could run a short ester bulk with Test/NPP/Dbol if you want. There are many options you can do, I'd suggest comming up with one by looking up different compounds. Sure you can use Tren like you originally wanted, my advice is you can get away with other compounds.

I'm not much of a fan of the ridiculous sides of Tren, but it is potent stuff. If you do want to run Tren and insist on it, I'd suggest going on the lower side of Test for your weekly total (~200m) and running Tren at the 350mg mark and no more. 200mg Test/350mg Tren will yield gains and you'll get a taste for how strong it is. I won't run Tren at anything above 250mg anymore (Acetate) which works out to half a ml ED of 75mg/ml Tren or 35mg ED. And that would be ontop of 200mg Test which is my cruise along with 200mg of Deca, just to give you an idea for how strong it is.
So you've got the most important shit which is diet and training well and truly down packed. Awesome, usually it's the other way around.

So you ran 500-750mg of Test with a Dbol kick start for a first cycle, now you're looking at a second one. Depending on your goal, there's no reason why you can't go for another 750mg Test Cycle/Dbol kicker really.

I would suggest stay away from Tren if you don't need it, it's harsh yet strong. If your looking for a bulk I'd suggest the Test and Dbol again or if you want to add in another compound I'd strongly suggest Deca at 500mg per week. If you're cutting I'd use 250mg Test+an oral or Masteron.

Alternatively you could run a short ester bulk with Test/NPP/Dbol if you want. There are many options you can do, I'd suggest comming up with one by looking up different compounds. Sure you can use Tren like you originally wanted, my advice is you can get away with other compounds.

I'm not much of a fan of the ridiculous sides of Tren, but it is potent stuff. If you do want to run Tren and insist on it, I'd suggest going on the lower side of Test for your weekly total (~200m) and running Tren at the 350mg mark and no more. 200mg Test/350mg Tren will yield gains and you'll get a taste for how strong it is. I won't run Tren at anything above 250mg anymore (Acetate) which works out to half a ml ED of 75mg/ml Tren or 35mg ED. And that would be ontop of 200mg Test which is my cruise along with 200mg of Deca, just to give you an idea for how strong it is.

Fucking Awesome answer!!! Thanks
No worries bro.

Let us know what you plan on running in the end and we can see if there is any improvements that can be done to the cycle.
I don't advice Tren for you just yet. As was said it is harsh and I don't think it is needed for the first 4-5 cycles. Your body is going to go through many changes given your age and only one cycle.

Test is best for the first three cycles and with some Deca which will not aromatize very much being a 19nor.

You need to run an AI because it will help control your Estrogen. There are many sides you need to be aware of with high and low Estrogen levels. One of the keys to a good cycle is controlling your
Estrogen. Look up Estrogen and prolactin in the sticky's as you cam in the forum.

When you post your cycle do it in outline form. see 'Ology Frequently Asked Questions
So you've got the most important shit which is diet and training well and truly down packed. Awesome, usually it's the other way around.

So you ran 500-750mg of Test with a Dbol kick start for a first cycle, now you're looking at a second one. Depending on your goal, there's no reason why you can't go for another 750mg Test Cycle/Dbol kicker really.

I would suggest stay away from Tren if you don't need it, it's harsh yet strong. If your looking for a bulk I'd suggest the Test and Dbol again or if you want to add in another compound I'd strongly suggest Deca at 500mg per week. If you're cutting I'd use 250mg Test+an oral or Masteron.

Alternatively you could run a short ester bulk with Test/NPP/Dbol if you want. There are many options you can do, I'd suggest comming up with one by looking up different compounds. Sure you can use Tren like you originally wanted, my advice is you can get away with other compounds.

I'm not much of a fan of the ridiculous sides of Tren, but it is potent stuff. If you do want to run Tren and insist on it, I'd suggest going on the lower side of Test for your weekly total (~200m) and running Tren at the 350mg mark and no more. 200mg Test/350mg Tren will yield gains and you'll get a taste for how strong it is. I won't run Tren at anything above 250mg anymore (Acetate) which works out to half a ml ED of 75mg/ml Tren or 35mg ED. And that would be ontop of 200mg Test which is my cruise along with 200mg of Deca, just to give you an idea for how strong it is.

This ^^^^^^^^ great info
Yes, aromatisble AAS should be run with an AI (Test, Deca, Dbol, EQ for the most part are the main ones, there are others but you probably won't come accross them).

Also, if cycling I would suggest running NPP over Deca as it will clear your system quicker which is far more desirable when running Nandrolone.
That's not to say it can't be used however, but I would suggest dropping it 4 weeks before PCT start date at minimum and is better suited for longer cycles but will still suffice. Most NPP is 100-150mg/ml, reagrdless, pin 1ml EOD of it with some Test and tell me you didn't grow like a horse.
Great info!
Well thank you both for the info, jumping the gun abit early I see.
Algoods, and yeah I don't know how I got away with gyno the first time!
My mate I started my first cycle with, his nipples grew.. looked like a pear. I only got the test cough (flu)
Probaly cos I didn't ramp up on my doses.

Im cutting atm so hopefully build a stack that can help, I am looking at Test and Masteron?

I am aiming to compete in amateur bodybuilding next year.