1st time tren user, have cycled before, help

Great info!
Well thank you both for the info, jumping the gun abit early I see.
Algoods, and yeah I don't know how I got away with gyno the first time!
My mate I started my first cycle with, his nipples grew.. looked like a pear. I only got the test cough (flu)
Probaly cos I didn't ramp up on my doses.

Im cutting atm so hopefully build a stack that can help, I am looking at Test and Masteron?

I am aiming to compete in amateur bodybuilding next year.

Ok my problem is that if you're cutting now, why do so when you will be competing next year?

As in, you won't be growing as much cutting (if at all), so you may as well wait to cut in the lead up to your competition...

If you're doing this for looks over summer (presuming you're in the northern hemisphere), something like test + deca/npp, test + tbol, test + var, test + primo depo may work better.

Have to remember compounds such as test and nandrolone are androgenic and anabolic. You will burn fat off whilst putting on muscle. Deca/primo/var/tbol are great as you won't gain too much water whilst on them (and AI is used properly), so you'll get that dry and hard look I feel you're trying to achieve.

But yeah, I just don't see any point cutting now to then cut again next year before your competition. A year will fly by!
Ok my problem is that if you're cutting now, why do so when you will be competing next year?

As in, you won't be growing as much cutting (if at all), so you may as well wait to cut in the lead up to your competition...

If you're doing this for looks over summer (presuming you're in the northern hemisphere), something like test + deca/npp, test + tbol, test + var, test + primo depo may work better.

Have to remember compounds such as test and nandrolone are androgenic and anabolic. You will burn fat off whilst putting on muscle. Deca/primo/var/tbol are great as you won't gain too much water whilst on them (and AI is used properly), so you'll get that dry and hard look I feel you're trying to achieve.

But yeah, I just don't see any point cutting now to then cut again next year before your competition. A year will fly by!

yet another awesome and great answer.
Yeah man, Im obviously a novice in this whole game, I feel I need to drop my fat percentage .
So If I am looking to compete next year , "April."(southern-hemisphere/NZ); Say start a bulk cycle now and 12 weeks prior to competition start a cut ?

I think the whole reason being that I want to cut now on a cycle, is to get rid of fat fast, get my target fat percentage and define heaps more and then bulk on another cycle whilst maintaining body fat and definition. As I should of in the first place!

My diet is good, I count my macros and micros , and cardio but I just want to fast forward the process a little bit.

If you mean the beach body for summer? nah man not that shit, I mean I want to get swole, compete and win me some medals. Through share of hardwork of course
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yet another awesome and great answer.
Yeah man, Im obviously a novice in this whole game, I feel I need to drop my fat percentage .
So If I am looking to compete next year , "April."(southern-hemisphere/NZ); Say start a bulk cycle now and 12 weeks prior to competition start a cut ?

I think the whole reason being that I want to cut now on a cycle, is to get rid of fat fast, get my target fat percentage and define heaps more and then bulk on another cycle whilst maintaining body fat and definition. As I should of in the first place!

My diet is good, I count my macros and micros , and cardio but I just want to fast forward the process a little bit.

If you mean the beach body for summer? nah man not that shit, I mean I want to get swole, compete and win me some medals. Through share of hardwork of course

Ok, nz nice, aussie here.

You're misinterpreting the common problem with bulking, it doesn't mean you put on heaps of fat. I eat 4k calories a day and am currently off cycle and still sub 10% bf. What you need to work on is your diet as that'll be 80% of your gains right there. You can literally put on weight a nd lose fat at the same time. I signed up with 3J, member of this forum and his ad is on the top right side banner of the forum. Good price for a year of nutritional guidance for less than a gym membership.

So yeah, you can still hit your right bf% by diet alone, let alone a bulking cycle. Just stay away from compounds such as dbol (if not good at dialling in e2) which will add water.

Honestly I'd prob go test + tbol or test + deca if I was in your **********

Then when cutting next year do test + mast + something anabolic
So judging from your guys great comments Ive come up with my 2nd cycle, let me know what you think,
and guess what, it has a PCT this time.

Week 1
250mg test mon/thurs
50mg Turanabol ED

Week 2-4:
250mg test mon/thurs
50mg Turanabol ED

Week 4-6:

250mg test mon/thurs

Week 6-12:
250mg test mon/thurs

PCT -4weeks:

60mg nolva, 1mg Arimidex each day for the first week
40mg nolva, 0.25mg Ari each day next 3 weeks

As much as I want to experience tren, your guys comments and advice has changed that.
So Im am going on a lean bulk, dropped the Dbol for less water retention.
Please let me know if anything else could make this cycle even better.
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AI doesn't belong in PCT. You want your estrogen to come back to normal.
An AI is run DURING cycle.
You're also running too much at 1mg ED. Adex is run EoD

4 weeks at 40mg nolva ED works
where's your clomid?

as for the cycle
I'd probably run the tbol for another week but that's just me


test e 500mg /week 1-12
tbol 50mg /ED 1-5
adex 0.25mg /EoD 1-15 (stop 3 days before PCT)

Nolva 40mg ED 15-19
Clomid 80/40/40/40 ED 15-19
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i think its great you took the input in on this one. i would rec you wait a few more cycles for tren, but also one I would rec on 2nd or 3rd cycle is maste and teste for 12-14 weeks ; )
Test/Mast/Deca and do a long run or Test/NPP/Mast and get in quick and come out with some good mass....

THAT... would be the perfect 3rd cycle

and OP, you might run tren in the future and see how harsh it is how miserable it can make you - and decide that the test/deca/mast is your fav cycle that gives you better results because you can run it longer

great info here, glad to see OP is listening and learning
Mast is just pure androgenic, which makes up for the only thing I feel Deca lacks... A wholesome androgenic component. Mast completes that making Nandrolone+Drostanolone a wicked combo. Can't wait to mix the two.

Clearly though, I am biased away from Tren because I just can't tolerate it well and the reallity is it isn't to be fucked with lightly. Gives me shivers thinking about the anxiety it gives me. Shit I was popping valium left right and centre while running it, and benzodiazapanes whilst they work for AAS induced anxiety are hell to come off if you end up dependant on them.
Hey there, my name is Paul and I'm new here, been pinning Tren for a while now and well its became hard to come by where I am so I opted to extract my own. Its been okay but I have a few questions about it and I'm kinda lost finding the channels here for help on converting. Would you know anyone or direct me to where I should go? Thanks!