20 reps squats


Vae Victis
I was wondering how many of you guys do 20reps squat...

I'm actually on a leg routine where I alternate between heavy 3x8 and (much) lighter 20x2. These 20 reps full squats are HELL. When I'm on the 20x2 day I feel like I have a appointment with a sadistic dentist. After the second one I feel like I'm gonna puke...

Just curious
Only do 20x1 and do it heavy enough so that you feel like you can barely do it--the 16th -20th rep should feel as if you are going to puke, pass out and die. I am doing this routine right now--it is very stressful on the entire body, a spotter is a good idea, and you will puke, its almost a given.
huskyguy said:
Only do 20x1 and do it heavy enough so that you feel like you can barely do it--the 16th -20th rep should feel as if you are going to puke, pass out and die. I am doing this routine right now--it is very stressful on the entire body, a spotter is a good idea, and you will puke, its almost a given.

Thanks Husky.
When I do heavy squat I warm up by starting light and making few reps (4-1) adding progressively weight, in order to protect my back.

Considering that when I do 20reps the range between warm up and work weight is shorter, how should the workout looks like? Something like 4/6/8 and then 20 or should I keep all my fuel for the 20, like 4/4 and then BAM 20?
One med-light set of 8-10 and then 20--I think they are best incorporated into a total body workout--super squats is the routine I am following right now--basically it is like this

Shoulder press 3x10 progressive weight--last set should be very heavy
Bench press--3x10---same as above
T-bar rows 2x15 very heavy
bicep curls--3x10 progressively heavier
SQUATS---1x20 as heavy as I can do 10 but do 20--deep breathing is important as is a spotter
Dumbell pull-overs 1x15 fairly heavy
2 sets of deadlifts--medium weight 1st set x 10, fairly heavy 6 to 8 reps second set
Dumbell pullovers 1x15 heavy
Calves--calf raises 2x20 fairly heavy hold in up ward position for 5 seconds each rep on second set
That's it--if I am feeling great I will do abs as well-but usually I can't until later on.

After the squats I usually feel as if I need to lie down so everything after the squats is really a struggle to get through.

You are doing that much volume in only 1 workout? :eyes:

How many days of rest do you have after such a workout? Isn't your CNS knocked out?
Leiurus said:

You are doing that much volume in only 1 workout? :eyes:

How many days of rest do you have after such a workout? Isn't your CNS knocked out?

At least 2 days between workouts--preferably 3, on off days I work abs
As for my central nervous system--I get a chiropractic adjustment every 2 weeks, my chiropractor understands my program and adjusts accordingly. Important to have a spotter for the squats, have a puke bucket nearby, and stretch before you go to bed.
I've done as much as 20x5. If you want to get more recovery then do these. For me this puts size on my legs. I usually do 2x20 then 2x10. I also like 20's on leg press.

one day for my 3rd set of 20 I was pretty pumped just did 275 for 20 and 225 before that, so having a good day I slap on 315 and on rep 17 I wasn't sure what or where something was going to shoot out of when I got to 20 I racked it then collapsed and layed there for a half hour cuz that was the end of my work out. Last year was some intense training for legs for me wow looking at it now. this is what me and some guys did for about a month and a half of training.

step ups 3x20
front squat 3x12
leg press 2x20
leg curl 2x20
leg ext 2x20
Squat 5x20
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