20 year Old HIV+ Start Seroid Use


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20 year Old HIV+ Start Steroid Use

I been lurking around the forums for months now. First post.
I started lifting at 5'9 140lbs. I'm currently at 185lbs. I recently tested positive. I know the recommended age to start using gear is 25.
I researched PCT, HCG, & Blast and Cruise for months now.
HIV eats away your muscles.
Is there really any reason not to hop on now? What really do I have to loose now ?
I go to a hardcore gym. I have connects to some high quality Ugl sources.

Any advice will be helpful.
It will be great if I knew someone who was into bodybuilding & strength training whose positive.
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There is a really good book out there I forget who wrote it but it's about a particular bodybuilder with HIV and it's directed at other people in the lifestyle/BBing/fitness that so happen to have HIV.... you can check it out on Amazon its a really good book/story line... I think it will find you well!
I m out of my depth here but AAS UNLESS unless used in conjunction with a doc would probably compromise your immune system further.

Sorry, but WELCOME.
I m out of my depth here but AAS UNLESS unless used in conjunction with a doc would probably compromise your immune system further.

Sorry, but WELCOME.

It's a really complicated subject, I have read studies that literally contradict one another but everything is rather interesting and the vast majority come to a conclusion that wellness centers are adopting treatment using AAS , and I even seen one particularly that was prescribing "NPP" , and the compounding pharmacy was located in NY/NJ..

Anadrol,anavar,npp seems to be most of the compounds that were utilized with clinical trials...

Like I said prior I forget the individual's name but he has a book out and I hear it's a fascinating book especially listening to his approach and the struggle he deals with at the same time living a healthy happy lifestyle....
No bro. Had unprotected sex with this girl.
1hour into it when I pulled out there was blood on my dick. She started her period and I was exposed to her blood.
HIV is an indication for AAS therapy in the US. It may take some searching to find an educated physician that's truly qualified to handle your protocol, but I personally would not risk UGL AAS due to the small chance that it could not be sterile.

A compromised immune system combined with potentially "dirty" gear is just a recipe for disaster IMHO.

My .02c :)
No bro. Had unprotected sex with this girl.
1hour into it when I pulled out there was blood on my dick. She started her period and I was exposed to her blood.

damn I feel bad for you. more curiosity: did you have symptoms? like what made you go to the doc and get tested?
It does make sense-AAS and an aggressive HIV treatment.
Muscle wasting, emaciation, blood going south..

OP, u touched on an interesting topic, sorry you had to seek more info on this cuz some dumb --nt did not divulge.


I'm just curious, why do people always associate HIV with homosexuality? I'm just curious....

Well considering 70% of the people with HIV are homosexual it actually is a valid association.
To take that even a step further gay and bisexual men represent 86% of new HIV cases annually.
Its kind of funny you made it seem ignorant to associate aids with homosexuality when in fact apparently it is ignorant not too.
Well considering 70% of the people with HIV are homosexual it actually is a valid association.
To take that even a step further gay and bisexual men represent 86% of new HIV cases annually.
Its kind of funny you made it seem ignorant to associate aids with homosexuality when in fact apparently it is ignorant not too.

Wrong fact there, It says in US stats that young black/African American MSM are the most infected with HIV. Sex preference has nothing to do with it.
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Well considering 70% of the people with HIV are homosexual it actually is a valid association.
To take that even a step further gay and bisexual men represent 86% of new HIV cases annually.
Its kind of funny you made it seem ignorant to associate aids with homosexuality when in fact apparently it is ignorant not too.

I don't know where you're pulling these numbers from, but they are irrelevant to the OPs question/topic..

If you take notice, I mentioned the word "curious" twice in my question to Ghost; Because I was curious on why he was asking, when the OP is merely seeking suggestions regarding AAS at the same timing possessing a virus.. Now, how he contracted it has nothing to do with the question, so to ask someone if they are gay displays ignorance based on a preconceived notion that mentioning HIV must be homosexual related.. The gay "owned" disease!

I know a lot of people with cancer,they must be smokers huh??? Wait, or is that narrow mined thinking?

In fairness, yes a lot of gay men possess the virus,but to intentionally assume or speculate when we hear the word HIV/MALE, in attempts to create a correlation is "ignorant"!

My statement to Ghost actually proves that the "association" with HIV and homosexuality is "invalid" because the OP contracted this virus through a female partner..

Where am I going with this? Jimi, if you/ or someone instantly question/assume that a "male" being positive with the HIV virus is "gay", then I'm quite confident that a demitasse would fit your cranium like a sombrero..

But hey, I suppose it's best to unquestionably believing statistics first because they yield evidence and concrete proof..Or is that just wishful thinking?! If anyone conducts themselves in that fashion, they must possess a room temperature IQ
I don't know where you're pulling these numbers from, but they are irrelevant to the OPs question/topic..

If you take notice, I mentioned the word "curious" twice in my question to Ghost; Because I was curious on why he was asking, when the OP is merely seeking suggestions regarding AAS at the same timing possessing a virus.. Now, how he contracted it has nothing to do with the question, so to ask someone if they are gay displays ignorance based on a preconceived notion that mentioning HIV must be homosexual related.. The gay "owned" disease!

I know a lot of people with cancer,they must be smokers huh??? Wait, or is that narrow mined thinking?

In fairness, yes a lot of gay men possess the virus,but to intentionally assume or speculate when we hear the word HIV/MALE, in attempts to create a correlation is "ignorant"!

My statement to Ghost actually proves that the "association" with HIV and homosexuality is "invalid" because the OP contracted this virus through a female partner..

Where am I going with this? Jimi, if you/ or someone instantly question/assume that a "male" being positive with the HIV virus is "gay", then I'm quite confident that a demitasse would fit your cranium like a sombrero..

But hey, I suppose it's best to unquestionably believing statistics first because they yield evidence and concrete proof..Or is that just wishful thinking?! If anyone conducts themselves in that fashion, they must possess a room temperature IQ

LOL you totally took what i said and ran with it...and in the wrong direction. Oh and btw the Center for Disease control is a VERY reliable source of statistics. That and the SanFrancisco Aids Foundation.
My point is this, of course HIV and AIDS is NOT a GAY disease, that being said my statistics are accurate making his question indeed a valid one. Was it tactful and appropriate - no perhaps not but it is indeed valid.
You cannot bury your head in the sand and ignore such a statistic, to do so is doing the homosexual and bisexual population a gross disservice. It is stats like that that need to be publicized and people need to be educated on, ESPECIALLY the gay and bisexual population itself. To ignore such a fact could indeed prove deadly for gay or bisexual male as they very much need be aware that they are in the highest risk population for contracting HIV. Unless that fact is known and understood they cannot adequately protect themselves from contracting HIV.
Thats the problem with liberals IMO, in the processs of trying to be politically correct you are actually potentially harming the very segment of the population you are supposedly "defending".
It is what it is. It is a fact and people need to be aware of such a fact. Should they discriminate based on such a fact, of course not that's assinine but dont do the gay and homosexual population the greatest disservice you possibly could, which is engage in denial that they are in fact at the highest risk for contracting this disease. THATS narrow minded thinking!!!
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Wrong fact there, It says in US stats that young black/African American MSM are the most infected with HIV. Sex preference has nothing to do with it.

Someone needs a quick lesson in sexual education. *Puts on labcoat*. Pay attention as well .Vision.

The easiest and shortest way to put it is this: HIV is MAINLY transmitted through blood contact. Now, that is not to say it can't be transmitted through vaginal fluid or semen, but blood blows those two out of the water at how much higher the chance is to get it from blood. The OP even said that he got it from a girl who was on her period when he discovered his junk covered in blood. MOST OF THE TIME girls will not bleed when you are fucking them unless they are virgins or on their period or haven't had sex in 6+ months. Of course you can have anal sex with a girl but its rare. Out of all the girls I've ever been with, only one actually agreed to anal. And that was not even fun, I stopped after 2 minutes because she was crying from the pain.

However anal sex results in bleeding quite frequently. It's no secret that gay men have anal sex quite often since it's really the only way they can have sex outside of oral. On top of that, they practice safe sex far less than straight men. They do not have to worry about getting anyone pregnant(half the reason straight men use condoms). And lastly, gay men tend to party hard. I have 2 gay friends, and the gay culture is wild. They have orgies and wild parties frequently. It's actually been proven in a study that gay men have a lot more partners than straight men. And if you have any gay friends like I do, you would not need a study in order to see that.

So to recap:
1)HIV mainly transmitted through anal
2)gay men practice anal more than anyone else
3)gay men also hardly practice safe sex
4)gay men have a lot more partners than straight men

That is why HIV is most of the time associated to the gay community

Fun fact: My doctor and I were talking about HIV the other day. He has 11 HIV patients. 9 are male and 2 are female, his 2 female patients got it from their bisexual husbands(or so they claim).

And something tells me that the girl that the OP got it from was with a bisexual man in the past
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I'm just curious, why do people always associate HIV with homosexuality? I'm just curious....

This is mainly a US and Canada thing because HIV struck the gay community in the US and Canada first. In most of the world it is just another STD (though a terrible one). In the US, it took a LONG time to move from the gay community into the general public, so the stigma still sticks. It will eventually fade away.

My thought is that he was asking to see if he could find a hook up. ;)