the whole gay acceptance thing being what it is,lets stop the PC horse shit
hiv mainly spread with butt sex and through sharing needles. the end.
don't care if OP is gay or a IV drug user.. or a gay IV drug user. just don't care
but for educational purposes, and not being some PC yammering fucking sheep - lets just call an apple an apple
the fact he says he contracted it from banging a girl on the rag - hey thats a fucking real possibility from what i just read with a quick google search. shitty luck man, sorry to hear you're dealing with something like this.. fact is tho - you're life may be far from over if you take care of yourself brother..
oh hey, did i mention that buttseks and IV drug users get the hiv more than any other demographic?
so don't have unprotected gay buttseks, don't share needles, and apparently.. use condoms if the bitch is about to start the rag. no hatred there, just being honest and real for any kids that might be reading this
OP wish you the very best brother, sounds like you need to do some homework and draw your own conclusions
you will very likely be more educated and have better study references than 90% of the docs you visit once you have really spent some time on studying the subject
a lot of times ( most the time) a doctor will refer to what is termed " standard of care" and just do whatever protocol is the norm for whats in front of him.
many times it won't reflect the latest studies, studies done abroad, or alternative therapies that are irving themselves to be far more effective and useful for treatment..
because if a doc deviates from the " standard of care" thats deemed the norm for treatment - and that case goes south?
he can be sued and lose his license for malpractice. he might be better informed and have umpteen different ways he would really WANT to treat you..
but the state of healthcare being what it is - his hands will basically be tied , and he will have to do the run of the mill treatment for your case just to cover his ass..
and please man - be extra careful and responsible in disposing your equipment, if you can't access a legit SHARPS container that you can drop off ith the health dept once its full - then get an empty plastic jug from laundry detergent to dispose of your needles into.. once you have filled that plastic laundry detergent jug with used needles - take some silicone or other beast adhesive and glue the screw on lid shut when you tighten it down for the last time..
set the example and lead the way for others that might find themselves in your spot- id encourage you to log on here about what you learn, what you do , and the results you get man.. you could do a lot of good for someone else.. think about it, and really.. wishing you th best of luck man
chucky b