20 year Old HIV+ Start Seroid Use

This is mainly a US and Canada thing because HIV struck the gay community in the US and Canada first. In most of the world it is just another STD (though a terrible one). In the US, it took a LONG time to move from the gay community into the general public, so the stigma still sticks. It will eventually fade away.

My thought is that he was asking to see if he could find a hook up. ;)

It's baffling to me how uneducated people are on this subject. HIV is mainly in the homosexual community because of it's highest transmission rate is through blood AKA ANAL. Does not matter what part of the world you're in. Why do people have such a hard time comprehending this?
Of course you can have anal sex with a girl but its rare.

In certain positions (which I know very well), my wife actually enjoys anal sex. It odes not hurt for her in those positions and she loves that I enjoy it. I love the look of her ass and compliment her on it often, so she rewards me a few times a month with being able to fully enjoy it. :)

Yes, I have a good one.
It's baffling to me how uneducated people are on this subject. HIV is mainly in the homosexual community because of it's highest transmission rate is through blood AKA ANAL. Does not matter what part of the world you're in. Why do people have such a hard time comprehending this?

That only really applies to modernized nations. If you look at sub-Sahara Africa, you will find that HIV is found in the general population at the same rate as the gay population. This is due to the rampant lack of condom use, the widespread use of sex slaves, and the lack of male circumcision. The horrific discrimination against HIV positive people ensures most people will not do anything about the disease, for to treat it is to admit you have it, which means a loss of your job, your friends, etc. It has also been found that circumcision of males reduces the chance of female to male HIV spread by 60% (as reported by WHO), since most of Africa is uncircumcised (but most of the US is circumcised), that easily accounts for agreat reduction in HIV spread in heterosexuals all by itself.
HIV and AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa regional overview | AVERT

But yes, in the US (and other modern nations) you are completely correct. There was probably just some confusion - I was talking globally and you were talking locally. We were both right in our respective statements based on that.
That only really applies to modernized nations. If you look at sub-Sahara Africa.
One thing you are overlooking is: In almost all African nations, it's really almost illegal to be gay. No, that is not an official law but the majority do not accept it. They take it very seriously. I just saw a video not too long ago where two men were caught kissing in an African village so they beat them, put a giant tire around them and set it on fire and cheered as the men burned to death. I also saw another video where a gay man was beaten to death in another African nation by an angry mob.

It's really not accepted. Also a lot of African nations are Muslims. Places like Saudi Arabia will punish you by death for being gay based on their Muslim laws.

So in Africa, it's kind of hard to do the whole gay/straight thing when it comes to HIV studies.
not that it matters if he's gay or not, but an HIV+ male is far more likely to be gay. FACT.

I never denied that fact...

My point of the original post is, if he answered the question yes what the fuck does that have to do with anything?

Now that your answer the question that you're gay or not yes we can help you now...
honestly speaking, this may come across as fucked up to you or the other members of the board... but you really don't have anything to lose by using AAS ****SAFELY*** now. you really don't. doesn't mean you need to use it recklessly, but in my eyes it can only help you with your own self image. sure, you can get into excellent shape naturally. but being on gear gives you this certain edge over guys that no one else has (except other guys on steroids). i dare anyone on here to argue that
HIV is an indication for AAS therapy in the US. It may take some searching to find an educated physician that's truly qualified to handle your protocol, but I personally would not risk UGL AAS due to the small chance that it could not be sterile.

A compromised immune system combined with potentially "dirty" gear is just a recipe for disaster IMHO.

My .02c :)

This is sound advice. I wouldn't chance ugl either.
honestly speaking, this may come across as fucked up to you or the other members of the board... but you really don't have anything to lose by using AAS ****SAFELY*** now. you really don't. doesn't mean you need to use it recklessly, but in my eyes it can only help you with your own self image. sure, you can get into excellent shape naturally. but being on gear gives you this certain edge over guys that no one else has (except other guys on steroids). i dare anyone on here to argue that

Except if the gear he injects has a weakened virus that we would easily dismiss, could very well KILL him. Bacteria and viruses are things we with functioning T cells don't really worry about a TON as our immune systems can usually kill them off.

A bad infection for you or me from dirty gear is usually an abscess. For him? Six feet under.

Not worth it in my book.
the whole gay acceptance thing being what it is,lets stop the PC horse shit

hiv mainly spread with butt sex and through sharing needles. the end.

don't care if OP is gay or a IV drug user.. or a gay IV drug user. just don't care

but for educational purposes, and not being some PC yammering fucking sheep - lets just call an apple an apple

the fact he says he contracted it from banging a girl on the rag - hey thats a fucking real possibility from what i just read with a quick google search. shitty luck man, sorry to hear you're dealing with something like this.. fact is tho - you're life may be far from over if you take care of yourself brother..

oh hey, did i mention that buttseks and IV drug users get the hiv more than any other demographic?

so don't have unprotected gay buttseks, don't share needles, and apparently.. use condoms if the bitch is about to start the rag. no hatred there, just being honest and real for any kids that might be reading this

OP wish you the very best brother, sounds like you need to do some homework and draw your own conclusions

you will very likely be more educated and have better study references than 90% of the docs you visit once you have really spent some time on studying the subject

a lot of times ( most the time) a doctor will refer to what is termed " standard of care" and just do whatever protocol is the norm for whats in front of him.

many times it won't reflect the latest studies, studies done abroad, or alternative therapies that are irving themselves to be far more effective and useful for treatment..


because if a doc deviates from the " standard of care" thats deemed the norm for treatment - and that case goes south?

he can be sued and lose his license for malpractice. he might be better informed and have umpteen different ways he would really WANT to treat you..

but the state of healthcare being what it is - his hands will basically be tied , and he will have to do the run of the mill treatment for your case just to cover his ass..

and please man - be extra careful and responsible in disposing your equipment, if you can't access a legit SHARPS container that you can drop off ith the health dept once its full - then get an empty plastic jug from laundry detergent to dispose of your needles into.. once you have filled that plastic laundry detergent jug with used needles - take some silicone or other beast adhesive and glue the screw on lid shut when you tighten it down for the last time..

set the example and lead the way for others that might find themselves in your spot- id encourage you to log on here about what you learn, what you do , and the results you get man.. you could do a lot of good for someone else.. think about it, and really.. wishing you th best of luck man

chucky b
And it would seem most black males, not all but a lot based on this discussion and crime stats, have less self control. Another politically incorrect yet undeniable fact.
studies have found correlations between elevated test levels and impulsive behaviors

while also not PC, also..

happens to be a fact
the whole gay acceptance thing being what it is,lets stop the PC horse shit


(hope someone gets the reference)
Well considering 70% of the people with HIV are homosexual it actually is a valid association.
To take that even a step further gay and bisexual men represent 86% of new HIV cases annually.
Its kind of funny you made it seem ignorant to associate aids with homosexuality when in fact apparently it is ignorant not too.

I know HIV/AIDs is a big issue in the gay community of my city. I think alot think it might be safer but anal gets you AIDS just the same man.
I totally agree with you and the cases do seem alot higher.
It has nothing to do with talking bad about homosexuality . if anything its a point that should be stressed alot to young gay people and to keep yourself safe.
its bad enough that they have condom boxes for free ones at alot of gay clubs in my area (im not gay but find the community generally nicer and i have a few gay friends and i like to do out to some of the clubs)

Anyways i agree its a big issue
It's baffling to me how uneducated people are on this subject. HIV is mainly in the homosexual community because of it's highest transmission rate is through blood AKA ANAL. Does not matter what part of the world you're in. Why do people have such a hard time comprehending this?


Whether the dude is gay or not man... does it change the way the virus affects his system? Think it's the same HIV either way.. gay or straight.

The real question is why was the question even asked about him being gay? If you knew these stats, you could have just assumed he was (or not even) and played a productive part in the conversation, seeing as how HIV in a gay man, gay woman, straight man, straight woman, and all in between is EXACTLY the same thing. Now you just look like a dick really...

I just really don't see the point in needing to know his sexuality. It's shit like this that draws people in need of help AWAY from those that can and are willing to help.
The amount of vets getting in on the "fun" of this guy's serious inquiry is baffling me right now. A little disrespectful.

I love South Park and all, and LOVE this new season with PC principal.. but the conversation is getting off track and it's a little rude considering the subject matter at hand.
...what does that sentence mean? lol i read it like 5 times and i still dont get it

He's saying.. many think Anal is a safer alternative? That it's less likely to transmit diseases. But, that in reality it is the same.

I think this is what he means?
honestly speaking, this may come across as fucked up to you or the other members of the board... but you really don't have anything to lose by using AAS ****SAFELY*** now. you really don't. doesn't mean you need to use it recklessly, but in my eyes it can only help you with your own self image. sure, you can get into excellent shape naturally. but being on gear gives you this certain edge over guys that no one else has (except other guys on steroids). i dare anyone on here to argue that

No, I said I'm not gay. I'm straight 100% and I know that HIV is linked to the gay community.
I got told that there's this guy at my gym whose positive as well. He never comes off the juice. I'm assuming he cruises on Test. I don't know if this is true or not.
Most likely will talk to him to get some insight from his steroid use and HIV.

Thanks for the advice and Good looking out.
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No, I said I'm not gay. I'm straight 100% and I know that HIV is linked to the gay community.
I got told that there's this guy at my gym whose positive as well. He never comes off the juice. I'm assuming he cruises on Test. I don't know if this is true or not.
Most likely will talk to him to get some insight from his steroid use and HIV.

Thanks for the advice and Good looking out.

Hey man, be careful. As Halfwit has said.. you now have a very weak immune system. A common cold may put you in the hospital, dirty gear injected into your muscle.. that would likely do MUCH worse.

You should go to 100 doctors inquiring about prescribed AAS before you get UGL. Think about your health first.