20mg or 40mg ug nolva


i have nolva caps, not brand name tabs and im using 20mg so far 3 days in, im like 6 weeks post cycle and just got on nolva. anyways, i heard with ug caps/liquids you have to take 1.5 times the amount of brand name to equal the same. is this true? if thats the case, im only taking in 15mg, should i go to 40mg (30mg tamoxifen citrate). thanks.

BTW im using estrodex from ANC-PHARM.
you could ask them, but you should go to 40... it is not likely they accounted for the citrate molecule
i still feel a lowered sex drive and some bloating in my face which i can tell by now is going away. im gonna take 2 caps ed for 2-4 weeks. its for my post cycle therapy (pct) which i didnt do til now.