21 yrs old Natural


New member
21 yrs old. 5'11 185lbs

All natural so far. Protein, creatine, sloppy diet but try to stay away from soda + junk food.

Please give me some feedback. What should I do now? bulk up ? lean out ? I still feel like I can make more gains without steroids so I'm not going to do them yet.

Deadlift: 380lbs
Bench: 235 lbs :-(
Squat: 300lbs
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looking good, I think u should get more ripped, it's summer so show off what u have and more,oh and get a deep tan so that ur defenition's will show and u can appriciate ur body more,bring out what u already have and more,..
If you want your strength to go up in your bench, make sure you have great form. I assume you typically bench like a BB which isn't going to make you strong for shit. I would stay lean for the summer (assuming you are from Northern Hemisphere) and work on your compound lifts during the winter. You definitely lack a ton of thickness which will come with time and heavy compound movements.
Thank you! I will try to increase muscle as best as I can while staying lean for the summer. Come Fall i'm going to bulk. I'm checking out the diet section now. Good stuff !!
If you want your strength to go up in your bench, make sure you have great form. I assume you typically bench like a BB which isn't going to make you strong for shit. I would stay lean for the summer (assuming you are from Northern Hemisphere) and work on your compound lifts during the winter. You definitely lack a ton of thickness which will come with time and heavy compound movements.

I like your suggestion most.
