New member
As stated I've been through the game in Canada for awhile, I went to my endo on Thursday and after multiple low and borderline results he has stated that since my Total Test is withing range as well as my BioT he sees no reason to treat me, I told him that I would treat myself and he ordered more blood tests which we are going to go over soon but I would very much appreciate the communities help on insight and possible treatment.
In October 2011 I had been complaining about various problems associated with Low T and decided to have it tested, which resulted in my levels being flagged. Anxiety, depression, low libido, poor sleeps, chronic fatigue, gyno in my right nipple and trouble sleeping in addition to no morning wood for a little over 2 years were the main problems.
After an intense amount of tests and trials on antidepressants that made me manic my family GP finally referred me to a known specialist in Toronto in August 2012 who needed more results but eventually put me on clomid for 3 months 25mg Mon/Wed/Fri (ending at the end of January 2013) --- after about 6 weeks my mind fog cleared up, my lifts increased the morning wood was gone everything improved, including my exam marks from that semester due to being able to focus -- Unfortunately he did not think to get levels during this period. It was also in December last year that they found a 3mm mass in my pituitary which is currently still there and will be MRI'ed annually.
In April 2013 I began feeling the anxiety and depression and disinterest towards life creep in addition to the brain fog and lack of morning wood, this was when I got more levels taken which he claimed to be "above what they were before and in range, so it must be a mood disorder" Over the summer I tried further types of antidepressants and mood stabilizers none of which worked or had me feeling as good as the clomid.
My last test in September yielded these results, at the time I was having crazy mood swings - probably attributed to the use of the antidepressant Ciprolex but I was also did not have any body odor, which had always been there before. --- After this test he claimed that everything was ok, and that I'm normal.
My background is an athlete, there has been head trauma and concussions, I rowed and swam competitively through University, currently I sit at 158lb, 8%bf, Weighted pullup 90lb+bodyweight x 7, Deadlift 315x10 and Bench 275x4.
Here are all the bloodtests so far
Oct 7 2011 Range:
Total Test 12.4 (7.6-31.4 nmol/L)
Prolactin 16 (<18)
Free Test 24.7 (31.0-94.0 pmol/L)
sTSH 1.87 (0.35-5.00 mIU/L)
Ferratin 97 (normal 80-300)
Sodium 140 (135-145)
Potassium 4.4 (3.3-5.1 nmol/L)
B12 584 (sufficiency >220pmol/L)
Urate 295 (200-440 umol/L/)
Nov 23 2011
Free Test 40.5 (31.0-94.0 pmol/L)
Feb 6 2012
Free Test 25.4 (31.0-94.0 pmol/L)
May 4 2012
Total Test 10.0 (8.4-28.7 nmol/L)
Free Test 25.4 (31.0-94.0 pmol/L)
Bioav. Test 4.8 (2.0-14.0 nmol/L)
Follitropin(FSH) 4 (2-8)
Lutropin (LH) 4 (2-6)
Sex Hormone Bind. Globulin 33.3 (10-70.0 nmol/L)
July 26 2012
Glucose Fasting 4.8 (3.6-6.0)
Creatinine 104 (62-115)
eGFR 77
Sodium 140 (135-147)
Potassium 4.3 (3.5-5.5)
Total Bilirubin 11 (<22)
Alkaline Phosphase 140 U/L (45-129)
Gamma Glutamyltrynsferase 12 U/L (15-73)
Cholesterol 4.72mmol/L
LDL 2.21mmol/L
HDL 2.06mmol/L
Cholesterol/Hdl ratio 2.3
Triglycerides 0.98mmol/L
Hemoglobin 143 g/L (135-175)
Hematocrit 0.42 L/L (0.40-0.50)
WBC 4.2 xE9/L (4-11)
RBC 4.55 xE12/L (4.5-6)
MCHC 343 (305-360)
MCV 91.6 (80-100)
MCH 31.4 (27.5-33)
RDW 13.3% (11.5-14.5)
Platelet Count 163 (143-400)
Absolute: Neuts 1.4 (2-7.5)
(A) Lympho 2.3 (1-3.5)
(A) Mono 0.4 (0.2-1)
(A) EOS 0.1 (0.0-0.5)
(A) BASO 0.0 (0.0-0.2)
Homocysteine 7.0umol/L (<=15)
TOTAL PSA 0.37ug/L (0.00-4.00)
Lutropin (LH) 2 IU/L (2-6)
Progesterone 2 (<4)
Estradiol-17 BETA <70pmol/L (<150)
Total Test 11.1 nmol/L (8.4-28.7)
FREE TEST 32.8 pmol/L (31-94)
DHEA-S 7.2umol/L (7.6-17.4)
8AM Cortisol 579 nmol/L (NO STANDARD VALUE LISTED)
May 2013
Total Test 16.6 nmol/L (8.4-28.7)
Bioav. Test 8.8 (2.0-14.0 nmol/L)
September 2013
Total Test 14.0 nmol/L (8.4-28.7)
FSH 3 IU/L (range 2-8)
LH 2 IU/L (range 2-6)
In October 2011 I had been complaining about various problems associated with Low T and decided to have it tested, which resulted in my levels being flagged. Anxiety, depression, low libido, poor sleeps, chronic fatigue, gyno in my right nipple and trouble sleeping in addition to no morning wood for a little over 2 years were the main problems.
After an intense amount of tests and trials on antidepressants that made me manic my family GP finally referred me to a known specialist in Toronto in August 2012 who needed more results but eventually put me on clomid for 3 months 25mg Mon/Wed/Fri (ending at the end of January 2013) --- after about 6 weeks my mind fog cleared up, my lifts increased the morning wood was gone everything improved, including my exam marks from that semester due to being able to focus -- Unfortunately he did not think to get levels during this period. It was also in December last year that they found a 3mm mass in my pituitary which is currently still there and will be MRI'ed annually.
In April 2013 I began feeling the anxiety and depression and disinterest towards life creep in addition to the brain fog and lack of morning wood, this was when I got more levels taken which he claimed to be "above what they were before and in range, so it must be a mood disorder" Over the summer I tried further types of antidepressants and mood stabilizers none of which worked or had me feeling as good as the clomid.
My last test in September yielded these results, at the time I was having crazy mood swings - probably attributed to the use of the antidepressant Ciprolex but I was also did not have any body odor, which had always been there before. --- After this test he claimed that everything was ok, and that I'm normal.
My background is an athlete, there has been head trauma and concussions, I rowed and swam competitively through University, currently I sit at 158lb, 8%bf, Weighted pullup 90lb+bodyweight x 7, Deadlift 315x10 and Bench 275x4.
Here are all the bloodtests so far
Oct 7 2011 Range:
Total Test 12.4 (7.6-31.4 nmol/L)
Prolactin 16 (<18)
Free Test 24.7 (31.0-94.0 pmol/L)
sTSH 1.87 (0.35-5.00 mIU/L)
Ferratin 97 (normal 80-300)
Sodium 140 (135-145)
Potassium 4.4 (3.3-5.1 nmol/L)
B12 584 (sufficiency >220pmol/L)
Urate 295 (200-440 umol/L/)
Nov 23 2011
Free Test 40.5 (31.0-94.0 pmol/L)
Feb 6 2012
Free Test 25.4 (31.0-94.0 pmol/L)
May 4 2012
Total Test 10.0 (8.4-28.7 nmol/L)
Free Test 25.4 (31.0-94.0 pmol/L)
Bioav. Test 4.8 (2.0-14.0 nmol/L)
Follitropin(FSH) 4 (2-8)
Lutropin (LH) 4 (2-6)
Sex Hormone Bind. Globulin 33.3 (10-70.0 nmol/L)
July 26 2012
Glucose Fasting 4.8 (3.6-6.0)
Creatinine 104 (62-115)
eGFR 77
Sodium 140 (135-147)
Potassium 4.3 (3.5-5.5)
Total Bilirubin 11 (<22)
Alkaline Phosphase 140 U/L (45-129)
Gamma Glutamyltrynsferase 12 U/L (15-73)
Cholesterol 4.72mmol/L
LDL 2.21mmol/L
HDL 2.06mmol/L
Cholesterol/Hdl ratio 2.3
Triglycerides 0.98mmol/L
Hemoglobin 143 g/L (135-175)
Hematocrit 0.42 L/L (0.40-0.50)
WBC 4.2 xE9/L (4-11)
RBC 4.55 xE12/L (4.5-6)
MCHC 343 (305-360)
MCV 91.6 (80-100)
MCH 31.4 (27.5-33)
RDW 13.3% (11.5-14.5)
Platelet Count 163 (143-400)
Absolute: Neuts 1.4 (2-7.5)
(A) Lympho 2.3 (1-3.5)
(A) Mono 0.4 (0.2-1)
(A) EOS 0.1 (0.0-0.5)
(A) BASO 0.0 (0.0-0.2)
Homocysteine 7.0umol/L (<=15)
TOTAL PSA 0.37ug/L (0.00-4.00)
Lutropin (LH) 2 IU/L (2-6)
Progesterone 2 (<4)
Estradiol-17 BETA <70pmol/L (<150)
Total Test 11.1 nmol/L (8.4-28.7)
FREE TEST 32.8 pmol/L (31-94)
DHEA-S 7.2umol/L (7.6-17.4)
8AM Cortisol 579 nmol/L (NO STANDARD VALUE LISTED)
May 2013
Total Test 16.6 nmol/L (8.4-28.7)
Bioav. Test 8.8 (2.0-14.0 nmol/L)
September 2013
Total Test 14.0 nmol/L (8.4-28.7)
FSH 3 IU/L (range 2-8)
LH 2 IU/L (range 2-6)