24 years old planning first cycle for body recomp. 6 feet tall. 200 pounds. I am not

Gotcha. i***8217;m still planning on getting some midcycle. If I see any illeffects of e2 before then I will get it earlier

I rather have high estrogen and some water retention/higher blood pressure then ever crashing my estro again...
It was one of the toughest weeks mentally for me....
After my second pin, I’m happy to report nothing but smooth sailing. Only side effect thru the first week is a very very mild acne breakout. Nothing some generic acne wash and cream can’t fix (so far that approach has worked just fine). What else can I say? I haven’t had any problems with jabbing my glute. Oh yeah, I believe I’ve lost a little bf. I’m sure that’s from the tbol usage. Liking it so far. i’ll let you know if anything changes
Happy to hear its working out for you bro.
About the acne, i'm not prone to acne, dont have it outside cycles.
But i've noticed its super important to take at least 2 showers per day, preferably 3 while on cycle. Also get some body scrub and some of those scrub gloves.
Makes a WORLD of difference and outside some few occasional back acne, i stayed clean last cycle :)
My appetite is almost barbaric. I was at a football game yesterday. While I ate a couple pieces of chicken, my cousin asked me if I had eaten in a few days lol. Guess I looked hungry. Makes sense. I’m hungry enough to eat a whole hog
Josh, I wanna ask in regard to injections are you going to rotate your pins ? as you progress you will need to get the hang of other sites as you may already know. But just to mention it because possible of scare tissue as well as some PIP.

I also would ask if you aspirate or not. Just pet peeve of mine. It can cause PIP for some who are a lil shaky.

You seem to be in good shape here . Sorry, I in here behind again due to but I haven't been on board but very little lately.

Good luck
My protocol is as follows:
1) Wash hands
2) Take out 3 alcohol prep pads, the vial, new 18 ga, new 22 ga, and new syringe
3) Scrub top of vial with alcohol prep pad. Set aside
4) Open syringe and 18 ga and draw oil
7) Turn needle point-side-up and draw oil out of needle. Push all air out up to base of needle. leave needle full of air
8) Switch to 22 ga. leave capped
9) Wipe jab site with new alcohol prep pad. Open the 3rd prep pad but leave it in the package.
10) Uncap 22 ga and jab.
11) Aspirate needle. (extra important step bc I leave small amount of air to clear the needle of all oil)
12) Push plunger if clear of blood
13) Remove the dart and wipe/massage site with the previously opened alcohol pad.
14) Put everything in my capped hard plastic waste container.

As for jab sites, I did the first jab of the week in my right glute. The second injection went in my left glute. I have that about working each quad into that rotation and calling it good. The quad site needs to be as high up on my leg as possible. I don’t want to draw attention to myself.
Josh sorry again I have to run NOW. So I'll look you backup on this thread. To discuss injections.

Good post
Honestly u should wait till your older, but I know u won't so put the test at 200mg a week and the eq at 300mg a week, sell the turinabol, and u should be fine imo.
11) Aspirate needle. (extra important step bc I leave small amount of air to clear the needle of all oil)

You could inject 40cc of air and it wouldn't matter so its not an extra important step and in the medical field they don't even aspirate anymore.
You could also inject a full ml of test e straight into a vein and nothing would happen.

Just sayin... :P
You could inject 40cc of air and it wouldn't matter so its not an extra important step and in the medical field they don't even aspirate anymore.
You could also inject a full ml of test e straight into a vein and nothing would happen.

Just sayin... :P
Very interesting. I have always hheard that you should be careful with air and veins. Even if you showed me studies to prove that, I would continue to aspirate. The way I see it, it would be a shame to die a sudden death over some muscle
Honestly u should wait till your older, but I know u won't so put the test at 200mg a week and the eq at 300mg a week, sell the turinabol, and u should be fine imo.
Thanks for the input. I***8217;m not sure if you have seen, but I have started. I***8217;m one week in. Would it be beneficial (at all) to start running the eq after I***8217;ve started? I have a 400mg/ml vial of that. It should be noted that I can always get more test if need be.
Dont add compounds right now. First cycle should be one compound, no matter what others may say. The reason for this is just to be cautious. Multiple compounds make it impossible to tell where sides are coming from if you have sides. This is the safest approach......to never add more than one compound per cycle. Now surely, a man that is aspirating to keep from ending is life with an air bubble will be cautious in this regard as well? You've chosen a path brother.....stick it out. If you want another compound then throw it in the next cycle.

Refresh my memory.....what ester and what dose are you on? And how long you gonna run it?
Yes thank you again LateStart lol. I entertained that idea more than I intended to ha. Initially, I just wanted to know if adding the eq for 8 weeks would even do anything.
I***8217;m using test enanthate at 325-350/week (I draw a smidge more than .5 cc) plus 50 mg tbol daily. Planning on going until I finish the 300mg/mL vial I have and then pct. That would put me at 9-10 weeks.
Just to be clear, I***8217;m not adding the eq