2iu of gh for a year = nothing

mranak said:
You're confusing IU with the IU listed on the insulin syringe. The IU listed on the insulin syringe is only valid for a solution that is mixed at a concentration of 100 IU/mL, such as U-100 insulin.

So with jins, 10 IU per vail mixed with 1ml of bac water. Is equal to 10 iu of gh. So 5 iu is half a loaded syringe, right?
SaVaGe said:
So with jins, 10 IU per vail mixed with 1ml of bac water. Is equal to 10 iu of gh. So 5 iu is half a loaded syringe, right?

If you are talking about a 1 cc insulin syringe...then "yes"
Micromegas said:
You're overexagerating.

I've seen pictures of the pro's from all kinds of places and videos where it would not of been photoshoped and their facial features don't look abnormal.
I'm speaking from my personel experience....ask anybody that's seen a pro in the flesh and I'm sure they'll tell you their facial features are not that normal,by the way....I'm not saying all of them but a definetely a handful.
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PARKER27 said:
I'm speaking from my personel experience....ask anybody that's seen a pro in the flesh and I'm sure they'll tell you their facial features are not that normal,by the way....I'm not saying all of them but a definetely a handful.

Anecdotes really amount to nothing. People often say Cutler's jawline is abnormal due to GH use. This is false. Cutler has had a large jaw ever since he was a teenager,Just look at pictures of him. It's purely Genetic. Jay Leno also has a large jawline,always has. Has nothing to do with HGH.

If they really had odd facial features it would show up in atleast some photographs of them, Amateur photographs taken by fans perhaps that haven't been edited or photographs taken by non-bodybuilding sources or non-magazines where they would not edit them.
PARKER27 said:
Well you know what the pro's say 20ius is when the magic happens,magic being in...A plate of bone for a forehead,jawlines that are so pronounced you pop a bottlecap on it.The mag's do no justice...I was able to see them up close and it's almost disturbing,so 16ius is insanity in my eyes!
This is truly an exaggeration. When Serona Pharmaceuticals submitted their Serostim HGH product to the FDA for approval for use on patients sufferring from HIV they used a dose of one kit per week. As you probably know a Serostim HGH kit contains 126iu's, which comes out to 18iu's per day. At that dose many patients do suffer from a huge lump of fluid that developes on the back of the neck, but not acromegaly.
Deepglute said:
When Serona Pharmaceuticals submitted their Serostim HGH product to the FDA for approval for use on patients sufferring from HIV they used a dose of one kit per week. As you probably know a Serostim HGH kit contains 126iu's, which comes out to 18iu's per day. At that dose many patients do suffer from a huge lump of fluid that developes on the back of the neck, but not acromegaly.

I did a Google search and found that the huge lump, (referred to as "Buffalo Hump") on the back of the neck of some HIV patients is actually caused by the other drugs taken by HIV patients. Serostim actually helps to remove this.
Here is a cut a paste article on the subject:

Poster Session 32164: Treatment of dorsocervical fat pads and truncal adiposity with serostim [recombinant human growth hormone] in patients with aids maintained on HAART

Because recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH or Serostim) is known to promote fat catabolism and lean body mass growth, these doctors treated one man and one woman with growth hormone. Both had developed buffalo humps, central fat and peripheral muscle wasting, associated with fatigue and hypertriglyceridemia. One patient also had mild hypercholesterolemia (serum cholesterol 200-350). Treatment was injections of growth hormone 6 mg/day subcutaneously for 12-24 weeks. After 12 weeks of GH therapy woman had total resolution of the buffalo hump, decreased central obesity, increased energy and improved strength. After 6 weeks of GH therapy the male patient had a notable 50% regression of the buffalo hump, and increased muscle strength. Side effects include mild joint pain in one patient and mild hypertension and elevation of pancreatic enzymes in the other. This response is interesting, but the staggering cost of growth hormone makes this of limited use unless Serono changes its pricing.

BTW, HGH produced and sold in the USA is given in mg's not iu's. 1mg is equal to exactly 2.7iu's. The 6mg/day dose used in the above study would equal 16.2iu's/day.
Micromegas said:
People often say Cutler's jawline is abnormal due to GH use. This is false. Cutler has had a large jaw ever since he was a teenager,Just look at pictures of him. It's purely Genetic.

He may have had a large jaw when younger but it has increased as with most other pro's you see. Acromegaly is one of the main sides of gh when taken in large doses. Chris cook is another example of considerable changes between pre and post gh use. Coleman is one of the best, take a look at this link and you can actually watch his head get wider and his abdominals split apart at least an inch from the protrusion of his gh belly. Here's a few examples:

You haven't demonstrated that either of the lifters in those pictures have done anything but add lean mass, including musculature on the face and jaw.
Dave B. said:
You haven't demonstrated that either of the lifters in those pictures have done anything but add lean mass, including musculature on the face and jaw.
Dave,Do you honestly think that the only thing that grows when on GH is your muscles?I a firm believer that a healthy male can take moderate to high doses of GH(the proper way)and have very little sides..if any,But I also know that my uncle was on GH 8 months out of the year for 5 years at about 15 ius daily....the end result was his fucking heart exploded 10 weeks ago.I don't know if I'll get definitve evidence that GH was the cause of it but he was on Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) for 18 years prior to the heavy GH use and had blood taken frequently with results always coming back fine! Believe me I think GH is amazing I've taken it and absolutely loved it...but again that was at 6ius.Get a picture of the midsections of arnold and cutler and put them side by side...you can't tell me that pro's these days have organs that are growing at their natural pace. Ragardless....I think that anybody who can get their body to look like that is amazing in my book I'm just a little more critical with large doses of GH because i lost someone close to me.
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JackednRipped said:
He may have had a large jaw when younger but it has increased as with most other pro's you see. Acromegaly is one of the main sides of gh when taken in large doses. Chris cook is another example of considerable changes between pre and post gh use. Coleman is one of the best, take a look at this link and you can actually watch his head get wider and his abdominals split apart at least an inch from the protrusion of his gh belly. Here's a few examples:

THANKS FOr THAT! the proof is in the pudding
Chris cook looks like he has more bodyfat on him in the 2nd picture and also you have to take into account the different shadows and photograph techniques.

Ronnie Coleman's face doesn't look like it changed a bit. He just got Bald.
Dave B. said:
You haven't demonstrated that either of the lifters in those pictures have done anything but add lean mass, including musculature on the face and jaw.

Apparently there's a lot of muscle on the top portion of your skull? You can clearly watch the width of colemans head increase. Apparently also when you put on muscle in your abdominals they split apart... guess I should lay off the ab exercises.
Micromegas said:
Chris cook looks like he has more bodyfat on him in the 2nd picture and also you have to take into account the different shadows and photograph techniques.

Ronnie Coleman's face doesn't look like it changed a bit. He just got Bald.

Find as many old photo's of chris cook and coleman as you want and compare them to new ones and i'll guarantee you'll see a difference. I'm not just basing this on these two comparisons.
I don't know why people are so convinced that growth hormone doesnt do this. It is proven that excessive gh use can cause acromegaly.

Enlargement of bones of hands and feet and face; often accompanied by headache and muscle pain and emotional disturbances; caused by overproduction of growth hormone by the anterior pituitary gland


This guy musta been on GH too.