2nd cycle need help with stacking


New member
Iike i said this is my seconed cycle so im still new to this my first was sus 250 1ml a week for 10 weeks had good gaines but lost them due to no post cycle therapy (pct) from rushing into it and not duing my research i just got

10ml deca 350mg
10ml Testosterone Enanthate 250mg
10ml Testosterone Propionate 150mg

I was wondering how i should stack these and what i should use for a post cycle therapy (pct) sorry if any of thses questions are stupid but you have to start some where and im trying to do this the right way this time so any help would be greatly appreciated !

Im 22yr old
10-15% bf
Front loadin with prop or running with?
Get a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) aro, adex,etc
Nolva clomid for post cycle therapy (pct).

I bet someone says your two young.

I got screwed on my pct also, but alittle different than your case, but it has me on the wall of doing another test only cycle, just so I can successfully complete it and move up to deca.

That's just me tho.

Here's the one I just put up.
if your going to use test prop you will have to pin eod so your average will be 500mg per week which should be plenty for solid gains so you wouldnt need the test e also read up on pct and make sure you have it on hand before starting you cycle i also think your to young but i guess youve made your mind up so good luck
My balls shrunk and I didn't like it. Main reason I'm on the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) this cycle.

What's the deal with the prop?
get more of all three if youre serious, and is the Deca really 350 mg per ml ?

use the pro to jump start every other day at .4ml (240 mg a week )
the E twice a week at 1ml per pin
the Deca twice a week at .6 ml
so total weekly is test E 500 mg, Deca 420 prop 240

or something similar, maybe just prop for week 1 and add the E and then drop the P after 3 weeks in?
I like the ideal of front loading the prop for 3 weeks.
down side is pinning alot.
Hey bhree. Would u pin the prop say
M W F Su T Th Sa M W F S
Or just do M W F(pin later on Friday than pin early Monday morning?
Definitely get more of whatever you're using. I personally don't like the idea of pinning eod. Every 3 days is enough for me. So outside of the prop that is in the blends I haven't tried it. I am a week in on my 2nd cycle as well.
t300-600 mg/wk..........15 wks = 3 bottles
deca 200 -400 mg/wk.........13-14 wks = 3 bottles
adex .25-.5 eod............16 wks
pct....clomid till the nuts get huge!! lol

deca and test in the same pinn every 3 days = 2 ml/cc

Good Luck....hope it helped.
Also since i never stacked before is it save to put both in same shot sorry if this is a stupid question just trying to get everything right b4 i start
Since the Prop is short estered, you could do what everyone's suggesting and frontloading it for 2-3 weeks. Then switch to your Enan for the remainder of the cycle. Deca can be used from the start as well for ~10 weeks.

You can go about it like this:
Wk 01-03: Test P 500mg/wk (150-200mg EOD)
Wk 01-10: Deca 400mg/wk
Wk 03-12: Test E 500mg/wk (250mg Mon & Thurs)
Wk 13-15: Rest
Wk 16-20: PCT (Nolva or Clomid or Both)

Get some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and Adex in case you run into issues with gyno or your balls shrinkin'. Read up on how to dose that too. I would hold off on this cycle until you do a little more research and get everything on hand, it'll be safer in the end and you'll gain more knowledge as well.

Also since i never stacked before is it save to put both in same shot sorry if this is a stupid question just trying to get everything right b4 i start

Yep, sure can my man. :)
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Also one more.question with the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and adex do i take that during the cycle anyways or only if gyno or ball shrinking happen
Also one more.question with the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and adex do i take that during the cycle anyways or only if gyno or ball shrinking happen also if i use just clomid for pct how much should i take a day?
Also one more.question with the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and adex do i take that during the cycle anyways or only if gyno or ball shrinking happen also if i use just clomid for pct how much should i take a day?
Also one more.question with the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and adex do i take that during the cycle anyways or only if gyno or ball shrinking happen also if i use just clomid for pct how much should i take a day?
You can take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during cycle if you know you're gyno prone. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) too. It's best to have both on hand just in case shit happens. Clomid only is fine, Nolva only is fine, but both is preferred. It's really your preference.

If you decide to go with Adex then go with 0.25mg EOD during cycle, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is around 500IU/wk I believe is a good dose. Clomid can be dosed at 100/100/50/50 or whatever you prefer.

I'd recommend you search these forums for the stickies to read up more about what you're planning on cycling. Again, do more research.