2nd Cycle - Recomp / Cut on Halodrol / Trenavar / S4 / LGD

Day 29 - S4 / LGD

Chest day.

Feeling better. Not 100% but no fever etc.
Hit the gym and did very well. Added weights on negative bench and flys.

Weight keeps trending down.
I'll post my chart again soon, but the trend looks good.

Still only Sarms. Can't wait for the PHs.
1.5 more weeks. WOOT
Day 30 - S4 / LGD

Back day.

Great WO. Strength felt good, pumps were awesome without PWO! and everything was going well.
However, before my last exercise (deads) my left elbow started feeling... off.
And because I hurt it last cycle, I decided to error on the side of caution and skipped deads.

Overall, things are going great. I am feeling leaner, my strength hasn't vanished and the scale shows a trend in the right direction.
Not sure how this compared to natty, as I have never had my nutrition on point the way I have it now. Therefor it's impossible for me to say if it's the SARMs or the diet that makes this cut feel so good.

To be honest, I have a hard time believing that it would go this well natty.
Maybe the results would be almost the same, but I doubt my strength would stay up and even rise a little on 1800 cals without the SARMs.
Day 31 - S4 / LGD


Workout went great, nothing to brag about strength wise, but considering my cal intake, not unhappy.

What was more important today, is that 3 different people asked me if I am losing weight and how I'm doing it. LOL
That's better evidence that I'm doing things right than any mass chart or fat caliper measurement. :)
Day 31 - S4 / LGD


Workout went great, nothing to brag about strength wise, but considering my cal intake, not unhappy.

What was more important today, is that 3 different people asked me if I am losing weight and how I'm doing it. LOL
That's better evidence that I'm doing things right than any mass chart or fat caliper measurement. :)

Awesome. Good for you bro. Compliments mean the world from other people while your making it happen. Keep killing it!
Day 32 - S4 / LGD

Traded legs for arms

Gonna skip legs again this week.
Yeah, hold your horses. Know the "every day is arm day" memes? You could use my pic for a "every day is leg day" meme. LOL

Anyway - Holy Fucking pumps batman!
Unreal. What a phenomenal WO.
The LGD has to be doing something at this point, because that was not a natty pump, especially with no PWO what so ever.

Little late in the game (3 weeks in for LGD), but damn.
I might be running SARMs again after all.
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Day 32 - S4 / LGD

Traded legs for arms

Gonna skip legs again this week.
Yeah, hold your horses. Know the "every day is arm day" memes? You could use my pic for a "every day is leg day" meme. LOL

Anyway - Holy Fucking pumps batman!
Unreal. What a phenomenal WO.
The LGD has to be doing something at this point, because that was not a natty pump, especially with no PWO what so ever.

Little late in the game (3 weeks in for LGD), but damn.
I might be running SARMs again after all.

I noticed the same pumps brotha, I just starting 10mg LGD today, but after I got to 8mg I noticed crazy pumps and veins like I havent in a while. Like you said, theyre not natty pumps
Fuck, I may need to change my cycle around.
So tempted to up halo to 100 and lgd to 10 for the remainder of the bottle.


Day 33 - S4 / LGD


Well, shopping road trip to TX. hehe

Feeling swell.
As I am typing this, I notice that my hands are more vascular than ever.
I think LGD is the real deal...
Not fast acting, not uber strong, but def better than natty.
Day 34 - S4 / LGD

Rest / "cardio" - track day

Racing cars burns cals too. Haha
No sides, except I feel like my gyno is getting aggravated.
To clarify, I had pupertal gyno and had surgerty to get rid of it years ago. However, they didn't do a good job and I think some is still in there.
Losing weight exposes it more and all the lifting is "rubbing it" I guess.
Being that non of the stuff I use has any gyno sides, I doubt it's from that.
Noob, I've heard of people getting gyno from osta. So maybe they can get it from other SARMs? LGD is basically Osta times 10 so it might be from that.
IDK, but I'm not sure worried about it.
I'll keep an eye on it and contemplate running some stuff to get rid of it in the future.
I pretty much know I'll have to have gyno surgery again in the future no matter what, so I'm not super stressed out about it.