2nd Cycle - Recomp / Cut on Halodrol / Trenavar / S4 / LGD


No, 3 day vacation weekend.
Update will come tonight. Stepping on the scale this morning was the second scariest thing I have done in my life. lol
2nd only to my daughter's birth. haha

BUT - the good news is, that my weight went down again. Phew...
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Day 22 - S4 / LGD

Alright. After a couple days of "freestyle" eating, I'm back to the routine.
Today is chest day. I feel weak as fuck. Don't think it will be anything to brag about.

Here's my mass tracking chart in case anyone cares.
Day 23 - S4 / LGD

Chest day

Moved yesterday's WO to today. Felt like crap last night. Head ache etc.
Today's WO was great though. My body must have liked the rest.
Weights up some. Just a tiny bit, but still.

Loving the diet. 1800 cals a day. Finally feeling hungry again. Almost forgot what that feels like. LOL
Good to hear. Looks like your heading in the direction u want according to your chart. But your main purpose is to cut fat right? Does body mass figure fat loss and muscle loss separate? Is it possible that your loosing gains in muscle as well as fat, making the scale slope down?
My mass tracking chart is just my weight on a scale.
And obviously the first week or two, there isn't much fat loss going on. It's mostly water and less food in your gut. LOL
But from here on out the slow weight loss should be accompanied by actual fat loss.

I have a set of body fat calipers and evaluate my bf once a week.
This week should be the first in which I see an actual reduction. Not much, but some.
During my first cycle I lost a lot of BF, even though I ate like a horse.
Of course, it's impossible for me to tell you whether that was due to the Halo or the Forma...
S4=HUGE strength gains.
I've never had noticed any cutting effects from Forma. Not sure why given that it's advertised as such. I just use for PCT.
Anyone else interested in the new N2Slin from N2BM? It's a slightly new formula, I think, and mine just arrived today. Don't meant to hijack discussion. You've got a great recomp stack going for sure.
Day 24 - S4 / LGD


Intense WO. Strength up some. Not a hell of a lot, but any thing up is good. haha
I have yet to see HUGE strength gains from S4...
Obviously I am feeding this cycle as a cut, so not sure any will show up, but IMHO - Sarms seem a little overrated to me at this point.
Day 24 - S4 / LGD
Sarms seem a little overrated to me at this point.

I agree 100% from what i read so far on SARMS. Not really worth it being a "rat" for SARM testing IMO. All the companies reference "rat" or "animals" . LOL I have read ALOT regarding the overall results that have been met. You can do the same with hard training and a STRICT diet...
I'll hold my judgement till the end of the cycle, but as of right now - I doubt I'll use SARMs again.
PH are a different story. Halo converts to T-Bol. That's legit stuff.
Trenavar is supposed to convert to actual Trenbolone, which should be pretty darn awesome as well.
Can't wait to start the two compounds! It's gonna be good :)
Day 25 - S4 LGD

Shoulder day

Felt weak as fuck! Lowered weights on most exercises.
Realized after that I forgot my pre WO S4. Coincidence? Who knows.

Tomorrow would be leg day, but I might skip it, as we are playing 18 holes.
Sunday is arm day, that's a must.
Day 26 - S4 / LGD

Golf lol

Turned leg day into cardio - kinda. 18 holes followed by some rental kart fun.
I don't know about you guys, but when I'm on the road, I have no way of sticking to my diet. I try to stay within my calorie limit, but the rest... not so much.
It's fucking impossible.

Anyway, feeling good, looking better than when I started.
Weight loss is slow, but I don't feel like I have lost an ounce of muscle.
Dude, what do halodrol and trenavar convert into? If they convert into what I think they convert into, do you use a test base?
Day 27 - S4 / LGD

Rest - ordered by the nurse

Well, woke up coughing and sneezing and feeling like crap.
Wife made it pretty clear that I am not going to the gym today. haha

On the bright side, weight is down and more importantly - BF is down!
Lost 2 % since I started. Life is good.
What are your doses? My strength was through the roof today after bumping LGD up to 8mg for the last 3 days. I dont know if its coincedence or not, but Im talking hella strength on leg day. Kind of weird everything just felt wicked light