2nd cycle what do you think?


New member
This my 2nd cycle and i was reading up and im pretty sure i wanna do

D-bol - 30mg a day for 6 weeks
Sust 250 - 500 mg a week for 8 weeks so 250 EOD

ill be eating around 4000 calories a day along with creatine but what id like to know is should i get Sust 250 or cyponate any suggestions?
This my 2nd cycle and i was reading up and im pretty sure i wanna do

D-bol - 30mg a day for 6 weeks
Sust 250 - 500 mg a week for 8 weeks so 250 EOD

ill be eating around 4000 calories a day along with creatine but what id like to know is should i get Sust 250 or cyponate any suggestions?

Well Sus already has TC, TP and TE in it. the only diff is prop and cyp are fast acting binders so it is on its way out in 24 hours. it has a short half life but they act quickly. Now the other binder is slow acting so it stays in the system longer but slower to start. I personally use (when i use test) Test Prop the benifits are what I am looking, and i dont mind the freq injections.

So bro it really depends on what u want5 and are looking for.

As for diet and other things it is hard for someone to give u advise when we dont know whát u look like bro.
Ok ya im in the middle of writing up a meal plan right now but im mainly looking to gain mass preferabely lean muscle mass for summer, but i will be doing 20 mins of cardio a day to burn a bit of fat off.