2yr's TRT in and all of a sudden getting wierd labs


New member
Ive been on trt for 2 years now. My total test was below 225 on two separate labs. All gear has been self administered and has always been from UGL's.

I started at 200mg/wk which had me at around 934 total test. estrogen started creeping up so I started 1mg/wk of anastrozole which keeps me 20-35 range. Then I started to give blood every 3 months from high RBC count.

Did that for about a year then I dropped it down to 100mg/wk and I was steady at 600-700 depending on gear, I inject Mondays and due bloodwork Thursdays from the beginning.

well on my last two labs done 4 months ago and 2 weeks ago, same 100mg, my levels have been over 1000 total test. I don't understand how that could be unless I was just really unlucky with all the vials I used in the previous 18+ months. My free test is high around 385, my free test has always been high to me but not sure if thats normal. Only other thing outta norm right now is my hemoglobins were at 18.1 (time to donate).

Just wondering if antone has any opinion on this. getting ready to go on a bulk blast which is why I got these recent labs.
If you're using UGL then all bets for consistent blood results are off, no? Cause u have no idea the true test content in each vial.
Do others see these kind of levels at 100mg? Is it normal to see free test so high?
nah listen.
The testosterone might likely have been built up in your system.

I dident believe in Nebido... But 8weeks after 330mg of testosterone, my free testosterone levels were MAX.
330, should basicly last me 3weeks right.
I've come to believe that SHBG goes up and down for reasons not easily determined, and free test can vary significantly even when the dosage is consistent.

That's why I disagree with those who say that it's really free test that matters.
Like Megatron already stated, it's probably just dosed high. With a UGL you're never going to know 100% that they're going to be the same every time.
Yeah I understand that, it's just hard to justify that 4 or 5 other brands were all low and coincidentally the last 2 different brands are both high.