3 weeks already on my FIRST CYCLE! 18 years old

This kid seems so dead set on this shit and he has only been at this for 18 months and decided that it is his life. OP, can you afford $20,000 worth of pharma gh every year? This whole bodybuilding is my life thing is just dumb. People end up being bodybuilders because they separate themselves from the rest of the gym bros doing the same shit as them because they are more genetically gifted. None of those top guys were 18 and aspired to be Mr. Olympia, but they noticed how their body grew faster than everyone else when exposed to exercise and exogenous hormones and then they decided to focus on that life. Champions are born and they take the gifts they were given and amplify them by training, eating well, and using drugs. You have no way of knowing if you are made to be a champ, and if you are not then you will become the average gym bro blasting and cruising for life. Then trt will be waiting for you after you come to the realization that your dream is just that, a dream.
And I thought at 18 that I'd be snowboarding the rest of my life and become a pro...like I said, you have ABSOLUTELY no idea what you want to do yet. You haven't even found yourself. It's easy to say that you wanna commit to the BBing lifestyle at 18 because at 18 you have hardly any responsibilities and all the time in the world. Wait about 5-8 years till you're working full time, perusing careers, have a steady girlfriend or wife, a couple kids, bills to pay, hardly any time to eat and train, no money to support the mass amounts of gear you have to run, or food you have to eat....and tell me you still wanna devote 100% of your life to it.

You think you're gonna keep getting bigger on 3 bottles of test per cycle? Your cycles are going to start becoming bigger and bigger and more expensive...then comes HGH, slin, etc....You're looking at a second mortgage right there.

This is by far the best post I have EVER seen on ology when it comes to advice to stupid teens.
To the OP: Listen to this advice. I started young too(not quite as young as you). Everything he is saying is spot on. When I was 19, I used to come home from college ever summer and lift with my gym bros and go to the beaches and we would break necks left and right. Guess what, today I am 23(almost 24) and done with college and out of my 7 very close friends who were extremely dedicated to the gym, I am the only one still lifting. I got VERY lucky and broke up with a psycho EX-GF and do not have kids. On top of that I got a very and I mean VERY lucky opportunity out of college that let me have a schedule to lift and diet and financially support this life. Cannot stress the word LUCKY. Can't say the same about my friends. Don't get me wrong, I still see them all but I am now lifting in the gym alone all by myself(well except the few new acquaintances I made at gym but those guys are mainly just spotters for me as I am to them), and to be honest about 3 out of my 7 friends had YOUR 18 year old mentality. Like I said, I am the only one now who has a kitchen full of supplements, drawers full of sticks, AI's and PCT's. My friends kitchens are filled with baby formula and their drawers are filled with mortgage bills.......

OH and for the record: When I say I "started young" I am not talking about a cruise and blast. I mean that I tried Anavar. Then once I got educated I just keep running Test/Var for 12-14 weeks every summer and that is it(this year thinking of throwing Mast into the mix if I go below 10%). I only do 1 cycle per year and rest afterwards till next year. I am not psycho enough to cruise and blast the rest of my life.
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listen bro i'm turning 22 next month i started juicing at your age. finish the cycle and let it be the end for a long time, trust me. i started cruising at age 19, stopped a few months ago and i cant achieve normal test levels of a 22 year old. before i knew it, i was blasting and cruising for 2 and a half years and i fucked myself up to some degree. im blessed to manage to have test levels of 504ng/dl after what i put my body through.
You guys are over exaggerating the sides of using steroids. I've done my research on it. Most of the sides can be minimal or none at all if the protocol is followed "correctly" im fuking tired of living natty, wasting money on useless supps that is far mroe expensive and gives shitty results than using steroids.

I'll tell you once again that my diet and training is on check so no regrets.
18 months of lifting experience, 18 years old, and a bit of research and you're a steroid guru now ey? You have ZERO first hand experience. But fine, you're 18 and you have everything figured out apparently....you'll learn. We've done all we can here.
You guys are over exaggerating the sides of using steroids. I've done my research on it. Most of the sides can be minimal or none at all if the protocol is followed "correctly" im fuking tired of living natty, wasting money on useless supps that is far mroe expensive and gives shitty results than using steroids.

I'll tell you once again that my diet and training is on check so no regrets.

Good luck then bud. I truly wish you the best, but if you happen to come here and even post about messing yourself up in any way I will laugh at you and so will everyone else. Not one of us will feel bad for you when you destroy your natty test, but you apparently know that you will be doing that anyways. Again, good luck.
You guys are over exaggerating the sides of using steroids. I've done my research on it. Most of the sides can be minimal or none at all if the protocol is followed "correctly" im fuking tired of living natty, wasting money on useless supps that is far mroe expensive and gives shitty results than using steroids.

I'll tell you once again that my diet and training is on check so no regrets.

Start shopping for a good orthopedic surgeon too. With lifts like those natural, I'm pretty sure you're going to be blowing up some tendons or ligaments.

Hope you have insurance as Teutonic mentioned, my last surgery was 45,000 bucks for just an excision in my shoulder. Reconstruction can double that. ;)
You guys are over exaggerating the sides of using steroids. I've done my research on it. Most of the sides can be minimal or none at all if the protocol is followed "correctly" im fuking tired of living natty, wasting money on useless supps that is far mroe expensive and gives shitty results than using steroids.

I'll tell you once again that my diet and training is on check so no regrets.

Then save the money and not buy the useless supps...put that money aside to afford everything you will need for when you are older and can really benefit from a good cycle. You are going to be spending a lot of money just to put your numbers where they are naturally. Think about it a bit. Let us say your test level is at 700 naturally. When you inject, your body stops making test altogether. This means that a bunch of the test you inject will do nothing at all but put you where you are now! Talk about a waste of money.

I am more worried you will break your HPTA system, which is not yet fully developed at your age. It is easier to break something that is undergoing changes than it is something that is already established and set. I understand the allure here - having just used TNE for the first time, I really do understand. But the risks are so high for you and they drop off dramatically when you get older. If you end up on TRT, you will do a LOT of pinning. Imagine you live to be 80 and you kill your HPTA system at 20...that is 40 years of injections. Now imagine you are doing what most do, which is two pins a week. 52 weeks in a year means 104 pins a year. 40 years means 4160 pins in your lifetime. All of that just to not feel horrible for the rest of your life.

What you are doing is robbing a bank without a mask. If you get caught, your punishment is severe, and your odds of being caught are pretty high. When you are older and your HPTA system is stable, you are then robbing a bank with a mask. If you get caught, the punishment is just as severe, but your odds of being caught have dropped a lot.

So just delay. Save up money so you can do it with a bang later on. It is the wise thing to do. I am a lot older than you, I have accrued wisdom over the years, much of it on this topic came from Teutonic. Teutonic did what you are doing and then grew older. His problems are easily what yours could be. Learn from his mistakes and do not purposefully repeat them. You have the ability to be wise, to not walk into the problems he faces every day. You are forewarned, please do not squander that important knowledge.
Start shopping for a good orthopedic surgeon too. With lifts like those natural, I'm pretty sure you're going to be blowing up some tendons or ligaments.

Hope you have insurance as Teutonic mentioned, my last surgery was 45,000 bucks for just an excision in my shoulder. Reconstruction can double that. ;)

Damn Half. How did you fuck up your shoulder? I like lifting heavy, it makes me feel accomplished when I hit new goals but I don't want all those issues later on down the line. I have great health coverage now, but who knows later on.
To add to what Cybersage said, your growth plates have most likely not even fused yet. That will probably occur at around 21. I still think 24-25 is a better age to start but why not just hold off on this for a couple of years? This is my last attempt to talk you out of it because even though you are a grown man by law I still feel like you are a kid and need as much advice as possible. Shit I'm only 8 years older than you man and I make some stupid decisions from time to time.
Damn Half. How did you fuck up your shoulder? I like lifting heavy, it makes me feel accomplished when I hit new goals but I don't want all those issues later on down the line. I have great health coverage now, but who knows later on.

My shoulder was actually a growth of idiopathic nature, where this gigantic lump had formed in the medial deltoid. If it weren't for the fact that it was pushing against a nerve, and my doc wanted to rule out cancer - I'd have probably just left the bugger in there.

My knees on the other hand, come from very heavy lifts starting at 16 up until I was 23 or so. I thought I was an invincible kid with a total in powerlifting of 1700 raw. So when working on a job site one day, I thought nothing of picking up 600lb+ spools of wire - dehydrated/without any breaks/on a hot and humid day. Hilarity ensued, as did two years of PT/surgery/opiates.

I guess if I had any cautionary advice, it would be to know your limits and listen to your body. My muscles were very strong, and my connective tissues had been used to the beatings - but a lot of little factors add up quickly to make a big problem - like shooting off knee caps like frisbees lol.

That and stretch! I always stretch now, and it not only has made my routines go smoother, but I experience less pain (delt pain after chest day anyone?), and feel more stable during the actual lift.

All the above happened to a guy that was natural and LIVED in the gym; these kids that hop on AAS after spending a little time bro-flexing in the mirror are in for some rude awakenings.
You guys are over exaggerating the sides of using steroids. I've done my research on it. Most of the sides can be minimal or none at all if the protocol is followed "correctly" im fuking tired of living natty, wasting money on useless supps that is far mroe expensive and gives shitty results than using steroids.

I'll tell you once again that my diet and training is on check so no regrets.
And that is how I know your diet is crap. If you had a great diet, took supps and went ballistic in the gym 5 times a week you would be making great progress. Post up some stats. Height, weight and bodyfat %
If u add my injuries up including sport s and work 12 surgeries I have cost ya ll 578k total to include a new knee, a fused back a pinned delt 1 gunshot 2 stap s 2 concussion s.....
And that is how I know your diet is crap. If you had a great diet, took supps and went ballistic in the gym 5 times a week you would be making great progress. Post up some stats. Height, weight and bodyfat %

He has only been at it for 18 months also which is why you are right on this. If he had been training for 3 years then making gains is near impossible if you have done everything right, but like you I have my doubts on this kid.
If u add my injuries up including sport s and work 12 surgeries I have cost ya ll 578k total to include a new knee, a fused back a pinned delt 1 gunshot 2 stap s 2 concussion s.....

Damn Teutonic, is your side job going Rambo on people? You've taken a thrashing my friend I would probably be sitting at home all day after that lol
I had someone ask me yesterday "why wouldn't everyone want to be on TRT. look at the changes you have made!". I explained that these same changes can be made without the use of any drugs. I explained the 80/15/5 rule set and told them if they get their diet on point and exercise hard, they will reach their goals. It is only if they want to push past their genetic limitations will they need to use drugs. I also explained the need to inject so often on TRT, etc.

It is rough, because they see how I was mentally and physically before going on TRT and what I am like now and they suddenly link testosterone as the wonder drug of all things good. It is always those in their 20s. Some of them are good friends and know about my AAS use, up and above the TRT amount. I can honestly tell them I would not be doing any AAS if I was not already broken, since each time you do it you risk becoming broken...and that the cost of a good PCT is quite high. So far I have dissuaded them all from using AAS until they are older and wealthier.
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Update. This is me now come at me brah, u mirin? After this I plan to cruise and blast all the way. Lmao at the haters in this thread cycling at young age can be done right if you follow it correctly.
