3 weeks into test 750/Deca 400 Question


New member
Just finished up week #3 and everything seems to be going smooth except the weight gain. I've gained 13lbs in the last 3 weeks. I know I can expect water gain but that much that fast?? I'm running test cyp 750 and Deca at 400, been on adex at .25 EOD since the start and I have Prami in case my canary tells me I need it!

I thought Test doesn't kick in till around 4-6 weeks and Deca 8 weeks?

Should I up the adex to .50 EOD?
I don't think 13lbs in 3 weeks is unreasonable considering that both of the compounds you're running are 'wet' compounds. Deca is known for causing water retention and that test dose isn't something to scoff at. Aromitization will depend on your personal genetics and your bodyfat levels, so if your BF is higher then that wouldn't help (not saying it is, I have no idea). Personally, I think your AI dose is low. I'd change up to 0.25mg ED and see what happens.
Well that'd easily explain it then. I can easily gain 10-15lbs in a couple days after a change in my water or carb intake if I'm not careful. I still think it's worth upping your AI dose at the doses of AAS you're using.
Will do, thanks! On a side note, my last cycle I was sitting at 19.0 pg/ml for estro and that was 500mg test cyp a week and .12 of adex EOD.
It is water. Test and deca will will kick in week 4-5. The water does improve strength.

When I run deca, my cycles are 16 wks. I stop running deca week 13 to allow pct sooner.

Still one of my favorite aas in a mass cycle.
Carful with the AI.. I'm beginning to think nolva is better. Low e2 presents several problems when bulking and lifting heavy. E2 is important for bone and tendon health.

A lot of guys use too much AI and crash e2.
I was fine last cycle on .12 EOD of adex. The bloat doesn't bother me to much, just makes me look fat!
Carful with the AI.. I'm beginning to think nolva is better. Low e2 presents several problems when bulking and lifting heavy. E2 is important for bone and tendon health.

A lot of guys use too much AI and crash e2.

Nolva IS NOT AN AI!!! Its an estrogen blocker. It does nothing in terms of controlling E2. Adex, Stane, Letro are AI's
Carful with the AI.. I'm beginning to think nolva is better. Low e2 presents several problems when bulking and lifting heavy. E2 is important for bone and tendon health.

A lot of guys use too much AI and crash e2.

sure, you're thinking of stopping gyno...but what about all the other high estrogen issues?
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sure, you're thinking of stopping gyno...but what about all the other high estrogen issues?

It depends on the individual. if e2 is a problem by all means use an ai. I can run 700mg test without an ai or a serm. I have noticed some many guys use an ai because that is what someone told them to do.

I made the same mistake when adex first became available. I used 1mg ed because someone told me to. you know what happened. Always use the least amount needed. I think it cuts into gains.
It depends on the individual. if e2 is a problem by all means use an ai. I can run 700mg test without an ai or a serm. I have noticed some many guys use an ai because that is what someone told them to do.

I made the same mistake when adex first became available. I used 1mg ed because someone told me to. you know what happened. Always use the least amount needed. I think it cuts into gains.

Ai cutting into gains? Well yeah at 1mg ed and a crash e2 bwahahaha

Learn how to dose your ai bud
Just finished up week #3 and everything seems to be going smooth except the weight gain. I've gained 13lbs in the last 3 weeks. I know I can expect water gain but that much that fast?? I'm running test cyp 750 and Deca at 400, been on adex at .25 EOD since the start and I have Prami in case my canary tells me I need it!

I thought Test doesn't kick in till around 4-6 weeks and Deca 8 weeks?

Should I up the adex to .50 EOD?

I would up the adex a tad, maybe .5 every 3.5 days. Wait a cpl weeks and get blood work