30yrs old, 1 functioning testicle, feeling low. testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) needed?


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30yrs old, 1 functioning testicle, feeling low. TRT needed?

Hey all,

I was hoping I could get a bit of your wisdom.

I'm 30 5'6 skinny-fat and small framed. When I was around 6 years old I'd had a surgical procedure to bring down an undecended testicle. Ever since, it just hasn't developed. I've as far back as I can remember into my teenage years, had trouble with my memory and retaining key items. I've gone up and down since then, but in the last year it's gotten terribly worse - I forget things people tell me sometimes moments later (though, not always, I can certainly function in the world). This brought to get a better idea of what it might be, and when I came across low t, I could believe all of the symptoms I seem to have. I've made a list and it's not looking good:

- hair loss (since I was 22)
- grey hair (since I was 20 I was getting them here and there, now I have about 10-20 percent coverage)
- difficulty developing muscle (I used to work out, even with friends, I tone a bit but gain nearly nothing)
- increase in abdominal fat (older I get on the same diet, more fat I gain around my belly)
- thin frame
- sleepy during day and taking naps (I can sleep more during the day and at night than my pregnant wife)
- weak nails
- frequent urination (waking at night to urinate)
- low body hair (i have chest, leg and facial hair, but compared to the men in my family (we're middle eastern) I look like a 15 year old boy , my body hair is thin and not dense)
- weak word recall (I used to be a great speller, now I forget how to spell even basic words)
- weak focus (getting dramatically worse)
- foggy memory (getting dramatically worse)
- low sex drive (I can have sex between once a week and once a month - I've even gone longer in long term relationships and not noticed)
- low quantity of semen
- lack of energy (just don't have a lot of desire to do things or overall energy during the day)
- deceased strength over time
- weak ejaculations
- difficulty getting out of bed in the morning, regardless of amount of sleep
- no desire to workout/be active
- less drive during everyday life and work
- Almost no aggression

So I went to see a doc, told them and they had me do labs. They only tested Total T, but I came out to 480 ng/dl and she told me that was very normal. I couldn't believe it, thought I'd be much lower! So they said it wasn't that, and found that I had a vitamin d deficiency, so I've been cookin in the sun and taking vitamin d supplements for the last few months, but I feel exactly the same. Could it be that I just have low Free T? I feel like it's 98% certain that I have low t and probably have since I was a kid. My body completely is a tanner stage 4. Narrow shoulders and all of that.

So what do you guys think, based on my symptoms?

PS I'm going to see another doc this week and asking to have a complete workup.

Thanks ahead of time for any help.
I wonder what the best way to approach the doc is? Should I say I suspect low t, or let him/her find it on her own? I've read a lot of posts and it doesn't seem like the docs are usually too helpful, so I'd like to help them come to the right conclusion, assuming it is low-t.
Tell him everything you have told us...
That or go to a clinic that specializes in testosterone replacement therapy...
Just need to get full blood work done...
Wish I had something more useful to tell you, but nobody can accurately diagnose you on here...
Wish.I could though! Let us know what the Dr says and all we can do really is give you an opinion
I wonder what the best way to approach the doc is? Should I say I suspect low t, or let him/her find it on her own? I've read a lot of posts and it doesn't seem like the docs are usually too helpful, so I'd like to help them come to the right conclusion, assuming it is low-t.

It helps to work with a doctor that you already have a relationship with. Is there one that you have been seeing for a while? In general though, I think you have to lead the doctor by the nose.

If I were you, I would get my own labs run using Private MD - Buy Lab Tests Online. Do a search on their site using the word "panel". That will give you your best deal. Sign up for their newsletters to for a 15% discount or ask the guys on here if you need a code,

Vitamin D can impact your T levels. How much are you supplementing?

I would get labs for:

Total T
Free T
Thyroid panel
Cholesterol panel
Vitamin D
Vitamin B12
Metabolic Panel

I am probably forgetting some labs to get. Hopefully the guys here will fill in the missing ones. Anyway, getting these labs should help you figure out what is the root of your problem. This won't be cheap, but it should help you figure out what is going on. Once you have the data from these labs you will be able to have an objective conversation about you symptoms AND your numbers with your doctor.

A sleep study is always a good idea too. Poor sleep can mess up your test levels. Talking to a nutritionist about your diet may be a good idea too.

Good luck!
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Thanks guys. I just wonder: with a Total T of 480ng/dl, is it possible that I have low T? Most of the guys I've read here have been sub 400ng/dl. I just feel like, aside from depression, I have ever single common symptom, but the T level is so throwing me off.

Won't know until you get your labs back.

The symptoms of low T overlap heavily with many other issues like sleep apnea, depression, weight gain.

This is why you're not supposed to self diagnosis. It's easy to read down the symptoms an say hey, that's happened to me once before!

The libido seems to be very poor. With the condition of your body and your weight, your estrogen may be very high at this point and effecting you.

What sort of vit D supplement are you taking and what frequency/dosage.

Have you modified other lifestyle habits like sleep, exercise and nutrition to see how you feel?

Have you been diagnosed with depression or other mental illness?
Thanks guys. I just wonder: with a Total T of 480ng/dl, is it possible that I have low T? Most of the guys I've read here have been sub 400ng/dl. I just feel like, aside from depression, I have ever single common symptom, but the T level is so throwing me off.


I'd say that with a TT as high as 480 that things are getting less and less clear on whether more T will help or not....it's more vague, more of a gamble. With your symptoms though it'd be nice to read some day that you decided to go on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and that it massively improved your life. Would it be that story...don't know.

You should probably start with a bunch of labs and make sure all your other hormones are in check along with thyroid, adrenal, ect health and leave the test on a back burner for now.
Won't know until you get your labs back.

The symptoms of low T overlap heavily with many other issues like sleep apnea, depression, weight gain.

This is why you're not supposed to self diagnosis. It's easy to read down the symptoms an say hey, that's happened to me once before!

The libido seems to be very poor. With the condition of your body and your weight, your estrogen may be very high at this point and effecting you.

What sort of vit D supplement are you taking and what frequency/dosage.

Have you modified other lifestyle habits like sleep, exercise and nutrition to see how you feel?

Have you been diagnosed with depression or other mental illness?

I'm taking liquid vitamin d of 5,000 UI a day, and I've been spending a whole ton of time in the sun. I'm looking forward to seeing what my level now. I imagine I must be highish, if not "normal".

I haven't modified my nutrition or sleep at all. As for exercise, I've been getting slightly more (I walk regularly now).

And nope, never been diagnosed with depression or any other mental illness. Depression is the one low t symptom I just don't have at all, luckily.

I just can't imagine what else it might be, and when I spoke to the doc a few months back, she had no idea as well, other than low vit d. :/
I'd say that with a TT as high as 480 that things are getting less and less clear on whether more T will help or not....it's more vague, more of a gamble. With your symptoms though it'd be nice to read some day that you decided to go on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and that it massively improved your life. Would it be that story...don't know.

You should probably start with a bunch of labs and make sure all your other hormones are in check along with thyroid, adrenal, ect health and leave the test on a back burner for now.

I had checked all of those, they said I was normal across the board except for vitamin d.

After reading so many posts here, I've got this distrust in the quality of care a doc can give me, through diagnosis or treatment. I know I shouldn't self-diagnose, but I'd sure like to have an idea of what it could be (if not low t) before going in.
Hey all,

So I went into the doc's office today and he told me that the chances that I have low t are almost zero, despite me having every symptom of low-t (save depression) and a one non-fuctioning testicle. He's going to have my Free T checked, but he told me all the symptoms I have (see my first post) could really be anything.

He was really nice, but that sounds nuts, doesn't it?

I asked him what else it could be in that case, but he said he didn't know.

He also refused to check anything in my labs aside from free t, total t & shbg. He testing Estradial, LH or FSH could throw us off.

What should I do about all of this?
Get your own labs at the place I suggested to you earlier. They are cheap, anonymous, easy and quick. If he is only checking your Free T, this guy may not be the right doc for you.