326 NG/DL Testosterone Level


New member
I had scheduled an annual psychical and to get my testosterone levels checked for the first time in my life, out of curiosity.
My plan was to relax the night before, but my best friend came to town and things got a little crazy.
I drank more than I ever have in my life that night (even puked), barely remember that night, and didn't get any sleep before my physical. But I still made it to my psychical somehow, and my testosterone came back at 326 NG/DL. Which seems really low.
I'm 5'8", 150 lbs, small frame, but in good shape. My doctor even thought it was odd I was even asking to get my levels checked.
I'm wondering if the alcohol and lack of sleep + stress during that time could have wrecked my levels, and perhaps they would have been normal, had I gotten good sleep and didn't drink.
Is it worth getting them re-checked, or I am pretty much screwed?
I would love to know your thoughts.

326 NG/DL Testosterone Level After No Sleep

I had scheduled an annual psychical and to get my testosterone levels checked for the first time in my life, out of curiosity.
My plan was to relax the night before, but my best friend came to town and things got a little crazy.
I drank more than I ever have in my life that night (even puked), barely remember that night, and didn't get any sleep before my physical. But I still made it to my psychical somehow, and my testosterone came back at 326 NG/DL. Which seems really low.
I'm 5'8", 150 lbs, small frame, but in good shape. My doctor even thought it was odd I was even asking to get my levels checked.
I'm wondering if the alcohol and lack of sleep + stress during that time could have wrecked my levels, and perhaps they would have been normal, had I gotten good sleep and didn't drink.
Is it worth getting them re-checked, or I am pretty much screwed?
I would love to know your thoughts.

23 years old. I have no symptoms of low testosterone either. Strong libido, no trouble with erections. Energy seems fine.
I gain decently, and have always been slim.
I get facial hair, but it's not super thick. Pretty hair below the belt, and super hairy under my arms. Decent chest hair.
I used to do a ton of cardio, and ran around 6 miles a day a few years ago. But now I focus mainly on lifting and interval training.
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I'm not a doc, nor do I have the level of experience with TRT that other board members here have. That said, 326 is still within the "normal" range for an adult male, albeit at the lower end of the normal range. How old are you? Staying up all night can have an adverse effect on your Test levels, although the docs I've seen have said the circadian rhythm has more of an effect, so they always want the draw in the morning (I work nights, and they still want the draw first thing in the morning after I've been up since 1 pm). So, if your levels after partying all night are still inside of the "normal" range, you're likely ok. The most important part is how do YOU feel? I don't think any of us on TRT were chasing after a number on paper, Personally, I went to the doc because I had symptoms associated with low testosterone levels, and they were becoming unbearable. I would venture a guess that the story for most others on TRT is similar.

Don't be in a rush to get onto TRT, especially if you're not having the symptoms associated with low T. You get used to the whole poking a needle into your muscle thing, sure. But it's one more thing that you HAVE to do from time to time, and if you don't do it, your body doesn't get that hormone, and you go back to feeling like crap because your natural test is shut down after you start putting an exogenous source of test into you body. My fully rested levels at their best when I got put on TRT were half of what you had after a night of partying and puking and I just didn't feel like me any more, so I'm glad to be on TRT, but if I was feeling ok beforehand, I wouldn't want the hassle of having to do it forever
Take that number and chuck it out, it's biased and completely useless. Both alcohol and a lack of sleep will lower your TT. Combining the two for an all nighter just seems ridiculous. I wouldn't be surprised if you retested with a good 8hours sleep and came back at a high/normal level.

What I'm getting at is, that number has zero relevance as to what your natural test might be.
Take that number and chuck it out, it's biased and completely useless. Both alcohol and a lack of sleep will lower your TT. Combining the two for an all nighter just seems ridiculous. I wouldn't be surprised if you retested with a good 8hours sleep and came back at a high/normal level.

What I'm getting at is, that number has zero relevance as to what your natural test might be.

Yep ^^^^^^^^^
Thank you for the great advice. Lot's of great insight.
Yes I don't feel bad at all. Normal to high libido, no issues with erectile function, and normal energy.
TRT would be a last resort for sure, and my doctor seemed to think my level was fine, (I didn't tell her about my previous nights adventure out of embarrassment.)
I will probably test again at the end of summer just to be safe, and make sure my diet is geared towards maximum testosterone production, but otherwise just assume I am probably fine.
FWIW I am 23. BMI is 22, in pretty good shape. Lot's of lower body hair, and underarm air, if that means anything.
I had a feeling that was the case. My fault for being a little crazy the night before.
I will get it rechecked in a few months. But yeah I imagine I would be fine if I get some rest before. I stopped drinking because I heard that can have an adverse effect on testosterone, and cause I'm not even a big fan of the taste so why bother.