35 Years old and wondering what would be a good first cycle


New member
Hi there,

A little bit of background... I'm currently 6'0" & 193lbs. I haven’t checked recently, but if I had to guess (and it would be a pretty good guess) I’d say body fat is hovering right at the athlete/fitness level of 14%. I’ve never hit any AAS before but I'd like to try some on in the coming months. I'm not married to one product or another, but I don't want much in the way of water retention and would like something I could take discretely and, with a strong workout regime/diet, not many people would be the wiser too. Ideally I've always targeted my workouts for the "well-built-and-athletic-with-a-suit-on" look while maintaining the "holy-shit-he's-ripped" at the beach look.

I've been lifting "regularly" since I was 18, prior to that my resistance training consisted of cardio/push-ups/sit-ups and all the effort a junior hockey career requires. Since then I've maintained steady workouts and a lot of physical activity (hockey, baseball, cycling, golf, squash etc.). Being able to continue these during/after a cycle are of paramount importance to me.

At my peak, through natural lifting/dieting, I got up to 208lbs at around age 27 (4000-5000 calorie and 300g of protein daily diets are not foreign to me). Since then the taxing times of work, family, child-rearing - I saw my weight fluctuate and finally settle at what I considered a very soft 206lbs. In the past year I've trimmed back down to a low of about 190lbs (hey p90x it works!) before softening back up to my current non-ripped 193. My metabolism is quite good, I can go for a period of about 2 months eating/drinking garbage and only pick up a couple pounds although the "softness" definitely creeps in.

Ideally, I'd like to harden up and increase the visible mass in certain areas (chest has always been a terribly hard-gainer for me) and have it be easily maintainable post cycle within my normal workout routine (3 or 4 days/week lifting, hockey twice, squash once). I'm fully capable and ready to blast my body for 6-12 weeks if it's gonna help. Ideally, the AAS I've read about that intrigue me (probably for obvious reasons given my profile) are Tren, Primo, Anavar, Masteron, Winstrol. HGH is on the table too, but I'd much rather look into one of those Palm Springs "rejuvenation clinics" down the road then go the UG market. My accessibility to product is remarkably good considering I've not cycled before.

So... any takers? What should I be targeting? (sorry for the long profile)
I should've also mentioned in my prodcut preference that the intention to take some form of test is there too. I'm encroaching on the age where natural levels are teetering on the edge so I realise that's a necessity.
Everyone will tell you:

Test eth or cyp 400-600mg's per week..broken down into 2 injects a week. eg. mon/thurs

An Aromatase inhibitor (AI) of arimidex or aromasin:
either adex .25 or .5mg EOD
or aromasin 6.25-12.5mg ED

HCG 500ius per week throughout cycle (usually sub q) broken into 2 injects per week

10-14 days after last test shot PCT

Clomid 50mg per day for 30 days
Nolvadex 40mg per day for 2 weeks/20mgs per day for following 2 weeks

Test only for first cycle is the way to go..then add to it later on. Sounds like you have a good base. Good luck.
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clomid post cycle @ 50mg/week OR 50mg/day? I thought a typical clomid tab was 50mg, so would that be once per week...? See what I'm getting at? Again, this is just recycled second hand knowledge/conjecture I've picked up from friends who've used before.

Thanks for the reply, that seems like a very manageable suggested test cycle and I like the twice per week dosing. How long could I run that for (in my head I'm thinking 6-8 weeks)?
clomid post cycle @ 50mg/week OR 50mg/day? I thought a typical clomid tab was 50mg, so would that be once per week...? See what I'm getting at? Again, this is just recycled second hand knowledge/conjecture I've picked up from friends who've used before.

Thanks for the reply, that seems like a very manageable suggested test cycle and I like the twice per week dosing. How long could I run that for (in my head I'm thinking 6-8 weeks)?

yes typo, 50 mgs per day for 4 weeks total. sorry about that! 6 to 8 weeks with enth or cyp isn't really going to be worth it. if you want to do 8 weeks and can handle pinning EOD..you could try Test Propianate at 100-150 mg EOD, difference is your post cycle therapy (pct) will start 3 days after last Test inject. That's why people recommend longer esters...less injects. IMO, short esters=easier post cycle therapy (pct). Thats just how I reacted, I barely crashed when I did Prop.
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clomid post cycle @ 50mg/week OR 50mg/day? I thought a typical clomid tab was 50mg, so would that be once per week...? See what I'm getting at? Again, this is just recycled second hand knowledge/conjecture I've picked up from friends who've used before.

Thanks for the reply, that seems like a very manageable suggested test cycle and I like the twice per week dosing. How long could I run that for (in my head I'm thinking 6-8 weeks)?

run etest eth or cyp a mininum of 10-12 weeks . wait 2 week s after last injection and start clomid / pct.
Thanks guys. What you're suggesting sounds like a good way to introduce AAS to what I already consider to be a pretty solid foundation to build upon. I will see what options are available to me (Eth/Cyp or Prop) and go from there. I like the twice/week injuection of the former but also like the 8 week cycle of the latter.

Is mixing Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) difficult? I wouldn't even know where to find bac water other than raiding my old university lab...!
Personally, I would hit the gym hard and do some solid weighttraining and dieting for a good year or so. By the sounds of it you need to get your muscles in some form of conditioning. You said you did P90x in the last year to tighten up which is good, but other than that you did not mention any serious weighttraining.

At 6'0" and 193 lbs sitting 14% BF, you need to tighten up a bit. I am not saying this to be insulting just more in the aspect of constructive criticsm.

So what I am saying is hit the weights and eat right. I think you can make turn that 193/14 into 215/10 with a good training regiment.

Then hop on a good 12 week Test E or C cycle with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) because of your water retention concern and let the games begin.
I think 12-14 week of Test E 500mg a week
followed with PCT 3 weeks after of Clomid 50mg and Nolva 20mg for 4 weeks
Test E is single ester so it is best to see how will you react to AS
It should give you good gains