39 years old

Very thick.. nice solid base bro! You look a little bigger then the 190's. How long have you been at it??
motawa said:
Good looking bro, whats ur BF% ?

I don't have a clue. I have one of those stupid scales that sends an electrical impulse thru you but it constantly says I am 25% bf and I know I am lower then that.
JayC said:
Very thick.. nice solid base bro! You look a little bigger then the 190's. How long have you been at it??

If I had wheels that matched my upper body i wld be 20lbs heavier easy. I have the worst genetics for legs.. They are strong as hell but will not grow.
I have been lifting regularly for a little over 2 and a half years now. I started out at a sickly 130lbs. I will post before and after pics when i get a chance.
Thanks for the compliment.
ManOfMuscle said:
Very big 195 and nice delts. Doesn't look like you hit back very hard.

I have made pretty good progress on back.. when i post my before pics it will be evident.. it's just that my delts grow like crazy and make everything else look like they are lagging. I go heavy on back 1 day a week and then hit it a half day with lighter stricter reps. My best genetics is in my delts for sure though.. my worst is legs.
topvega said:
I have made pretty good progress on back.. when i post my before pics it will be evident.. it's just that my delts grow like crazy and make everything else look like they are lagging. I go heavy on back 1 day a week and then hit it a half day with lighter stricter reps. My best genetics is in my delts for sure though.. my worst is legs.

I think you must be missing something, look at the size of your rear delts compared to the mid and frontal sections.
ManOfMuscle said:
I think you must be missing something, look at the size of your rear delts compared to the mid and frontal sections.

Oh I totally agree... I need to do serious work on my rear delts. I had never trained them at all until about 2 months ago. They have gotten a lil better but I have a lot more work to do with them. I actually stopped training my front and mid heads directly. The only work they get is from benching etc.
topvega said:
Oh I totally agree... I need to do serious work on my rear delts. I had never trained them at all until about 2 months ago. They have gotten a lil better but I have a lot more work to do with them. I actually stopped training my front and mid heads directly. The only work they get is from benching etc.

I did the same thing with front delts, now I only hit the medials directly. Do you do weighted pull ups?
looking thick bro...nice to see some mature muscle in here. What's your Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) history?

those scales suck. I'd say you're between 11-13% BF.
BiggerthanLavar said:
looking thick bro...nice to see some mature muscle in here. What's your Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) history?

those scales suck. I'd say you're between 11-13% BF.

I have done test/deca cycle, test/tren a/masteron/eq cycle and basic test with kickstarts like dbol and drol. Tried using oral Winstrol (winny) but as a kickstart also but sides for me are just too harsh and I could not go very long with it.
HardieBoys said:
Great pics man. Did you say you started out at 130# two and a half years ago?

yes. middle February will be 3 years. I was between 125 and 130lbs. Had just separated from my ex wife and was not eating much. I was never heavier then 135 to begin with.. had poor eating habits. I completely got into a good bulking diet and heavy lifting and grew like a weed. I went from 130 to the 160's in a cpl months then started using aas. My max weight has been 210 during my winter bulker and I am 195 right now fairly lean.
You are 5'10 @ 195? Wow, Im about 5'10 @ 190 and am way thinner looking than you! you are THICK as HELL! (even if your legs are thin) .... and you went from being 36 years old @ 130lbs to 39 years old at 195? GOOD JOB, SERIOUSLY! I takes time, effort and COMPLETE dedicacion, even if you are on roids. People think that roids are magical.... some people say, "Well, yeah, I did steroids, I could look like that too!" And I respond, "It takes more than a few injections my friend!"
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