3cc of Sustanon (sust) in one shot?


Hybrid Athlete
3cc of sust in one shot?

Is it just as safe to shoot 3cc`s of Sustanon (sust) in one shot instead of spreading the shots out like normal?

Note: I dont care which gives better results, all I want to know is if it is safe to do this.


I frequenty do 3cc at a time, with any gear, including sust...I have yet to have any problems..

One thing..

If doing Sustanon (sust), this probably goes without sayin but, with 3cc if you get post Sustanon (sust) injection sorenss, the soreness will most likely be more severe than if you were to do but 1 or 2cc...

Or..........maybe he wants to stick with ONE inject a week only???

Hmmmmmmmm..........GM---where are you?
sust works best at eod shots if your running 750 per week,I have tried all ways 1x,2x,and now 3x and I can tell a difference in gains.And 3ml makes my ass sore as hell the next day.
I have to agree w/ BigSoda...EOD for best results....

StoneColdNTO said:
G_M, I just gotta ask why you want to know this ??

Are you front-loading ??

DRveejay11 yes I have done 3cc in many places, glutes, quads & even delts, most dont advise 3cc in delts but I have done it many time.....

I to would advise breaking up the shots for Sustanon (sust), so I did not give any advice on that as he stated in his original post....

"Note: I dont care which gives better results, all I want to know is if it is safe to do this."


DRveejay11 said:
Good point!

Stroyer: are you injecting 3 ml in any place other than glutes??
StoneColdNTO said:
G_M, I just gotta ask why you want to know this ??

Are you front-loading ??

I just wanted to ask if it was safe because this i what a bro at my gym does, Sustanon (sust) 750mg in one shot per week with nothing else and he went from a small and short 5`7 140lbs up to 210lbs in 14 weeks at that dose. He is very lean and very filled out.
Golden_Muscle said:
I just wanted to ask if it was safe because this i what a bro at my gym does, Sustanon (sust) 750mg in one shot per week with nothing else and he went from a small and short 5`7 140lbs up to 210lbs in 14 weeks at that dose. He is very lean and very filled out.

Interesting.......goes against all conventional thinking.

That's 70 lbs in 14 weeks.....holy shit !!

So when are you gonna try ? :D
Golden_Muscle said:
I just wanted to ask if it was safe because this i what a bro at my gym does, Sustanon (sust) 750mg in one shot per week with nothing else and he went from a small and short 5`7 140lbs up to 210lbs in 14 weeks at that dose. He is very lean and very filled out.
5 lbs per week? Thats 16,500 cals over maintenance every week. Sounds more like if he really gained that much, it is much more his table habits, than the way he shot his sustanon. But, just becuase he gained that way, doesnt mean you should go against logic, and shoot it that way, Im sure he didnt have access to these baords, imagine if he would have used it right.
xtremethickness said:
at what bf do you think he is at?

Well I know what pros look like and they are about 2-3%. I would say he is 7%.

Dial_tone, I did see it. He went from a small skinny joke, and now he looks huge! At 5`7, 210lbs he looks huge. Im 5`10 232lbs about 10%bf, a tad less cut than him. That is a huge first cycle too! 750mg Sustanon (sust) for 14 weeks, and after that he is on a very low dose he says and he has been on it for 8 months now. He says if he comes off too early he will lose his gains.

I want to take my Sustanon (sust) like him because I see with my own eyes the results he got are great. The less shots the better.

The reason I said I dont care about the results I get from doing this is because I see with my own eyes the results from it. It may go against science but it seems to be good.