3rd cycle 20 week bulk/rip course ADVICE APPRECIATED


New member
age : 23
weight : 79kg
height : 5'8
training : 2 years

Hi just wondering what you guys thought of this cycle?

dbol 40mg Week 1-4
deca 400mgs Week 1-12
Tri Test 400 600mgs Week 1-20
tren A 75mgs ED Week 12-20
Proviron 25mg ED Week 1-24
Prami .25/.50 ED Week 1-20

6 month HGH course also at 4UI ED 5day pw

will have armidex on hand also, i didnt need this on previous cycle when using 600mgs of tri test 400 although did get slight bloating to face but i can handle that, main fear is gyno which no symptoms occured. is it worth taking adex anyway say 12.5mg ED, or will proviron be enough, seemed to work ok last time.

PCT will consist of Clomid, HGC, adex/nolva.

alot in there i know but what you guys think of the cycle overall?

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how about this...

dbol 50mg Week 1-4
Tri test 400 600mgs Week 1-20
deca 400mgs Week 1-12
prochem one rip 200 EOD (70mgs test prop, 65mgs tren a, 65mgs masteron prop) week 12-20
Proviron 25mg ED Week 1-24
Prami .25/.50 ED Week 1-2
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wow you are doing a lot for 3rd cycle. also for 20 weeks?

i been training for 5 years, my 3rd cycle was only 700mg test.
i know its a little heavy but no planning on doing anything else after this hopefully keep as much of the gains i can naturally