3rd cycle plan for fall, input needed plz!


Beast m0de never sleeps
So I was thinking of test, deca & proviron for fall 2012, but after reading on how wet deca is, I decided not to go with it.
Instead here's what I have planned, if you guys (vets) are OK with this cycle then I'll order the gear asap to have it ready to go.

Wk 1-15 T400 @ 600mg/wk (not sure on t400 or sust. will ask my source for what the t400 blend is exactly)
Wk 1- 1 day before pct Proviron @ 50mg/ED
Wk 10-15 Var @ 50mg ED
Wk 1- end of pct Adex 0.25 mg/ED
Wk 1- end of pct Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500iu/wk (more during post cycle therapy (pct), unsure on how much ui/wk tho)

clomid 100/100/50/50
nolva 40/40/20/20/20
HCG (unsure on dose)

here's what I need help with, anyone ever used t400 by medistar? If so is it worth it? because its only 10$ more for 10ml Test 400mg/ml compared to 10ml test E or C 250mg/ml
is pct good enough/ what's the propper Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) dose?
Are the 2 orals too much?
AI dose good? Basically does everything look OK?

this will be my 3rd cycle this fall, (if blood tests come out OK) looking to gain dry & lean mass and KEEP it afterwards lol

Let me know what you think
Thanks for the help
honestly i think test is test, I'm guessing you want to bulk, why not try
Week 1-17 Test E 600mg/week
Week 1-6 Tbol 50mg ed
Week 1-12 EQ 400mg/week or Deca 400mg/week, as long as your diet is in check and you have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand, the wet will not be there, add cardio too.

btw whats your weight and bf%
honestly i think test is test, I'm guessing you want to bulk, why not try
Week 1-17 Test E 600mg/week
Week 1-6 Tbol 50mg ed
Week 1-12 EQ 400mg/week or Deca 400mg/week, as long as your diet is in check and you have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand, the wet will not be there, add cardio too.

btw whats your weight and bf%

Hey thanks for the reply, will def. consider this, I forgot to add my stats on the first post,
I'm 23yo
6'2 tall
right now about 10% or less bf, (can see abs really well, skin is thin on my stomach)
I have 2 bf calipers, but they both give different readings when I use them, so I kinda go in between both.
this will be my 3rd run, first was test E 500mg/wk 14wks, 2nd was 18 1/2wks (37 injections total) test E 500mg/wk & EQ 660mg/wk with proviron 25mg/day for the first 4 wks, then used the rest towards the end of my cycle @ 50mg/ED, dbol 40mg/ED for 26 days.

did not like the dbol so probably won't use any again. I LOVED the proviron, @ 50mg/ED I was getting rediculous pumps & hardness it was amazing, so I'm thinking of adding it to every one of my cycles from now on (if it sounds reasonable) its not hard on the liver from what I heard??

didn't have any visible sides with gear so far, Except for the back pumps & joint pain with dbol, acne with test, and smaller balls while on test but the clomid brought it up to normal shortly after, any thoughts on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) dosage on cycle/PCT??

IMO i would go with test and deca,and instead of proviron i might research Masteron,proviron is basically a oral version of masteron,both are DHT based AAS,i run proviron between cycles with my trt,but with cycles masteron just seems to synergize or make other AAS work better,just my opinion though
IMO i would go with test and deca,and instead of proviron i might research Masteron,proviron is basically a oral version of masteron,both are DHT based AAS,i run proviron between cycles with my trt,but with cycles masteron just seems to synergize or make other AAS work better,just my opinion though

Right on dude, thanks for the info, I just might go with test, deca & mast. whats the ideal dose for mast? also any thoughts on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) dosage during cycle & PCT?? thanks
I forgot to mention I want to do a small cycle this fall 14-16wks max, because if all goes well I'm going for tren A & test next summer. don't wanna use anything too harsh before tren
You may also look into NPP. It's basically deca but with a shorter ester. I had no water issues when I ran it and I am pretty prone to water. And you don't need to run it as long. Only downside is frequent injections.
You may also look into NPP. It's basically deca but with a shorter ester. I had no water issues when I ran it and I am pretty prone to water. And you don't need to run it as long. Only downside is frequent injections.

I'm cool with more frequent injections :) specially if its dry is a bonus. I'm gonna think about what do cycle this fall, and will most likely start a log on the cycle with pics, progress info & all the bells & whistles...
Tren is the harshes drug out there brother

Oh I know dude, I was saying I wanna do tren next summer (if all goes well) but not this fall because here in canada we get cold fkn winters & have to dress like eskimos so its not worth being ripped to the bones on tren if I can't show it off right ;) that's why I want something fairly light to give me a little edge this winter.