3rd week Tren Ace not noticing anything

So you cant even tell if your gear is bunk, yet you question people who have been running gear for longer than you've been alive?

This is you're 4th cycle, and you havent been bigger than 150lbs?
Maybe you need to lay off the gear and learn how to eat, train, and put on mass.
Jesus Christ everyone in this forum acts like they know everything about people lol. I'm 190 lbs right now 5'6" and have a solid 6 pack. when did I EVER say I was never more than 150 lbs?
since you guys want to act like you know everything about me let me tell you. 5'6" currently 190 lbs with very visible abs and obliques. Started my bodybuilding journey at 90 lbs and NATURALLY got to 150, cut to 130 for a show and have then since put 60 lbs on. I know how to eat, train everything. I just asked a simple question as to whether my tren was bunk. Jesus.
I'm trying to compete and become pro. I'm not like these low life fools on here that have done 20+ cycles but still would place dead last in a comp.

This 52 yr old low life has won several comps. BBding and power. At 25 I was deadlifting and squatting 600 plus on both.

Ur very arguementatvie. I told u had bunk gear.

We re trying to be helpful. I m gonna help u w an infraction for having a smart ass mouth lil man lil dick complex.

Leave it alone.
I do not care about anyone's strength or personal records as that does not pertain to my question. If someone will teach me how to post a picture of myself that would be greatly appreciated. Since everyone thinks I'm a 150 lb twig lol..
Go to settings on the right

Scroll down to edit avi
browse to a photo of urself pick and save change..

We ll start fresh...bad vibe s in this one.

It s all good Young blood...
since you guys want to act like you know everything about me let me tell you. 5'6" currently 190 lbs with very visible abs and obliques. Started my bodybuilding journey at 90 lbs and NATURALLY got to 150, cut to 130 for a show and have then since put 60 lbs on. I know how to eat, train everything. I just asked a simple question as to whether my tren was bunk. Jesus.

Welcome and easy there, we are all here to learn and share!
Youngblood u look good son.!!!!!

If I were gay or still locked up I d be all over you....lol

Im gonna help you out . 3 weeks and your not feeling tren a ... its definetly bunk gear . Ive stared mine a week ago yesterday and im starting to feel it now . 3 weeks in u should have noticed something by now for sure . Strength , libido , aggression , even maybe leaner and more size .... u should be noticing some if not all of these . The gear is bunk .
i think it's frowned upon to reply to a thread this old but just wanted to say I got tren from a legit source and it is definitely working. other shit was for sure bunk. thanks guys (:
Alright so to start this off I'm 21. Went from 90 lbs to 150 lbs naturally in a year then cut to 130 shredded (about 4%) and won a natural show as the youngest on stage. Now I've done 3 cycle and this is my third one, planning to do an npc competition. I'm running 100mg of test prop and 100mg of tren ace m/w/f and only .5 adex every other day. Haven't even touched the caber. I'm on my 3rd week and I've been a little hornier but have had no sides or gains from the tren. I went to shit on my diet before this cycle and cleaned it up a lot (8 meals a day) and I've gotten leaner. obliques are showing, more vascularity and just overall more lean but no strength gains and none of the tren sides. anger has been fine (and sometimes it rises even on just test e), only have minor night sweats which could be from the test prop. have had zero size gains or any insomnia. This is GP tren acetate 100. I've heard mixed reviews about this stuff so someone give me some insight.. my buddies think it's fake or underdosed. So should I bump up the dose and wait a week or two more? or is this just straight bunk gear?

From my experience with Tren, the side effects don't always indicate whether it's real Tren or not.
For example, if you pin Tren frequently, such as ED or EoD, the physical side effects such as headache, insomnia, night sweats, get lessened over time. I have no idea why, perhaps it's some kind of tolerance, who knows, but it happened to me, and it has happened to many people on many forums. You can do a quick Google search for "Tren ED less sides," and you'll see what I mean.

Just a word of caution: The physical sides can get lessened, but the psychological sides, however, do not. It has been my experience that the psychological sides (paranoia, short temper, and sometimes very violent thoughts) actually increase over time, but they're not very noticeable unless you pay real close attention to how you normally think, feel, and react to people and things around versus how you think, feel, and react now while on Tren.

Anyway, since you're wondering how you can tell if the Tren is real or not, there are a few things you can do:

1) Get a blood test (Female Hormone Testing).
(Menopause Testing - Private MD)


A friend of mine did this while he was taking Tren, and his Estradiol was off the chart on the blood test results.

2) If you somehow cannot get the blood test, another way to find out if your Tren is real is by stop taking it for several weeks and see if you start losing your strength, weight, lean mass, etc. If your Tren is real, you'll see a decline pretty quick.
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3rd week Tren Ace..? It's bunk.

OP everyone is different you can't expect to get the same exact answer from everyone but you can listen to the majority.

Personally we use foul language n here. Well fvck I do :) but really I gotta tell you it is offensive to many of use when you bring Jesus into the picture. I'm no prude or goody two shoes and for shits sake everyone knows that, but Jesus is getting real rude.

IMOP you're not listening and acting like a young asshole and have no respect for how to listen and function on an open forum.

Oh kiddo listen to me, I'm no low life fool at 65 retired and began my AAS career in 80' below see a pick of mine in Daytona classic. Also there are some competitors on here that don't say much and you don't know who. If I didn't show a pic would you know who you were taking too.
View attachment 564905View attachment 564906

You came here and asked so show some humility.

Oh the pic in my Avi is two years ago at age 63. No pro or big guy but , you hope you look that good at age 63.
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I've used just about every compound under the sun at this point, and Tren A almost always smacks me right in the face when it kicks. Sleeplessness, aggression, mental sides, and I generally blow up. HOWEVER, if you're on an extreme cutting diet, Tren "gains" aren't going to be drastic, if at all.

My last competition I used Tren the last 6 weeks. By far, it was the least amount of progress I've made using tren. I was stacking mast, test, and winny with it. My point being, when you're deep in a cut and getting ready to step on stage, gear just doesn't hit you like you'd expect.(at least it doesn't for me.) I did have a few days where I KNEW I was using Tren mostly because I've done it many times, and the shit can be magical.

Whats the color of the gear look like? Sorry if this has been asked, i'm at work and can't read everything.

And 4%? Sorry brother, I highly doubt that. I came in around 6% and I felt like death. No amount of gear would bring gains because of how low my calories were. Top that with intense training and 7 days cardio, and nothing.

If your situation is anything close to my prep/cut, you may have decent gear but you just aren't eating enough to make a difference. I'd say your shit is probably underdosed or bunk, however.