4 th cycle


New member
I am wondering what I should add to my next cycle. I want to bulk but I want good quality muscle. Im thinking of test and deca again. But should I try masteron or eq. What should I do.
im 33. 5'10" at 220 right now about 18% body fat.
I'd run the eq or mast...

deca is a good bulking agent, but will not give you the quality gains that mast and eq can give you...

You can run test e and eq or test e and mast...

I am actually on sus and eq right now, its an awesome cycle, i feel huge all the time, but i look leaner and more vascular...

I am also running some t3 to break down extra fat...

I love the cycle i am on for hard quality gains, and i looked deep in to it and made my decision with the sus and eq...

i run 750mg sus per wk and 600mg of eq and up to 75mcg of t3...

this is a lot of gear tho, i know what i am doing and have every thing in check, Aromatase inhibitor (AI), post cycle therapy (pct) ready, diet, exercise, etc... everything

to run it like this make sure you have EVERYTHING good to go other wise go with mild doses of

Test e (or whatever test you have, i like test e) - 500mg per wk

EQ- 400mg per wk

get your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and some HCG and have your post cycle therapy (pct) ready and you are good to go brother

Good luck!
I have Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and post cycle therapy (pct) already.I was just up in the air about the second compound for my cycle. I want a leaner look as well.
I'd run the eq or mast...

deca is a good bulking agent, but will not give you the quality gains that mast and eq can give you...

You can run test e and eq or test e and mast...

I am actually on sus and eq right now, its an awesome cycle, i feel huge all the time, but i look leaner and more vascular...

I am also running some t3 to break down extra fat...

I love the cycle i am on for hard quality gains, and i looked deep in to it and made my decision with the sus and eq...

i run 750mg sus per wk and 600mg of eq and up to 75mcg of t3...

this is a lot of gear tho, i know what i am doing and have every thing in check, Aromatase inhibitor (AI), post cycle therapy (pct) ready, diet, exercise, etc... everything

to run it like this make sure you have EVERYTHING good to go other wise go with mild doses of

Test e (or whatever test you have, i like test e) - 500mg per wk

EQ- 400mg per wk

get your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and some HCG and have your post cycle therapy (pct) ready and you are good to go brother

Good luck!

are you gaining a good amount of muscle on the EQ? is it like a slower gain than deca? just curious
If you are looking for leaner look i would definitely go with the eq or the mast.. For me the eq just is making my vascularity go up like crazy, and im getting a lot of striations in the muscles and some insanely huge pumps...

My body has a tight hard feeling all the time while on it, almost like my blown feeling from the gym stays with me all day long...

I was on a deca and test e cycle... I did not feel this way at all on it. On that cycle i felt like i had energy all the time, no pain, and i could just keep going hard at the gym for hours. I didn't have the joint pain ( because deca helped that) so the pains that are already there were basically hidden, it doesn't last for ever tho... so im kinda hurting a little again, not too bad...

Cardio is much harder for me on this cycle tho, except my figure is looking amazing since i have been on this cycle... Theres more definition rather that the bloat/wet look, you get from deca....

As far as the other question... Gains are slower, they arent as dramatic on eq as they are on deca. But eq doesnt retain as much water and the sus is not retaining much either...

Mast is suppose to be great, like tren but without the crazy sides... I never ran tren, i am frankly kinda scared of the stories i hear from it and i am fine with how i look, i dont need tren... But if your running test e/c you need to run mast e.... if your running prop or suspension, you need to run the shorter ester, mast p with it... Hope this helps with your decision...