40 and very low test. Just got my total test number.


New member
Hi all.
Well today I am devestated. I just found out my total test is 74. My doc wants a retest next week. I live in Rhode Island and it is not legal to get bloodwork that is not ordered by a doc. I went to next state over and tried private md labs and they refused me. I asked my doc to order free T along with thyroid work up and yearly bloodwork. It all comes back good. Tsh is 2.2, normal 0.35-5.5. Also estrogen was 69, normal for male is 40-115.

I have cycled test three times in my life starting once at 35. Another at 37. And this January-April I ran test e 350 with deca 400 or so and I did a proper pct, even extending it two weeks. The past few months I noticed ED, irritability, my penis and balls have shrunk, trouble concentrating at times, and trouble sleeping. I have a family history of low T with ED. I've never had a problem with ED until this year. Overall I don't feel bad and the only reason I mentioned this to my Dr is because of ED.
I have read TRT overview here and I understand it. I really don't want to go on TRT personally for selfish reasons. I have a full head of hair at 40 and it looks like genetically I follow my mother's side of men with full hair way past my age.

Some ?s:
If I do TRT I will go Dr prescribed. If I inject say 100mg a week of test would I lose more hair? After all you are not raising T to crazy supra physiological levels. Just getting to a more normal level.

From what I read here a lot of Docs are relatively clueless about HPTA complexities. If I used a board sponsor for TRT are they Docs?

Do u have bad acne on TRT? I work in patient care, and get bad forearm acne when on cycle, which was noticed by people. I would have to wear long sleeves at work if it happened again.

Thanks guys. I'm very nervous.
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TRT doesnt make you lose your hair.

Did you only check Free T? That by itself doesnt paint much of a picture.
I meant total t. I guess my doc is doubting result due to its crazy low. I don't expect retest to be much better. I thought TRT led to hair loss with dht conversion. Does it not with TRT dosage?
TRT will speed up the process if you are prone to hair loss. Sounds like you are not prone to it. Who cares though? Have hair vs. feel like a man?

Can you post all your labs?
74 what for Total Test?
In what unit of measurement...in nmol/l ??
"Estrogen" was tested or Estradiol ?
69 what ??? In pg/ml ???
sounds like estrogen was measured in pmol/l ...
74 what for Total Test?
In what unit of measurement...in nmol/l ??
"Estrogen" was tested or Estradiol ?
69 what ??? In pg/ml ???
sounds like estrogen was measured in pmol/l ...

Guys, I don't have the lab paperwork yet. I got the numbers from logging in to my Dr's website where they put up some numbers. I plan to request a hard copy of everything next week. It did say pg/ml for estrogen and 74 total t with normal 170-730.
Guys, I don't have the lab paperwork yet. I got the numbers from logging in to my Dr's website where they put up some numbers. I plan to request a hard copy of everything next week. It did say pg/ml for estrogen and 74 total t with normal 170-730.

That level is high normal for an adult female.
I would get to treatment immediately. Something serious is going on. Those are castrate levels. With super low levels of T like that and high estradiol. ..
you must be full of rage, irritability and anxiety.
That level is high normal for an adult female.
I would get to treatment immediately. Something serious is going on. Those are castrate levels. With super low levels of T like that and high estradiol. ..
you must be full of rage, irritability and anxiety.

I think he had total estrogen checked -- not estradiol. See his previous posts.
I think he had total estrogen checked -- not estradiol. See his previous posts.

yes it was total estrogen. i asked the Dr for other things to be added to the testing but i guess he didn't. can you believe that i can't even order my own bloodwork? unreal.
as for feeling rage, i honestly don't feel different from years ago, at least not that i've noticed. i have occasional irritability but i feel fine overall. i just have little libido and ED. cialis helps with that last one just fine. i am retesting for bloodwork on monday hopefully and if i don't like what the doc says afterwards, i will be calling IMT. what sucks is i have test e on hand and could get myself going in the right direction today but i want to do this the right way and get bloodwork with my actual unaided test levels. so it could be weeks until i start proper treatment.

regarding using a company like IMT, what happens if they go out of business or shut down suddenly. Then what?
yes it was total estrogen. i asked the Dr for other things to be added to the testing but i guess he didn't. can you believe that i can't even order my own bloodwork? unreal.
as for feeling rage, i honestly don't feel different from years ago, at least not that i've noticed. i have occasional irritability but i feel fine overall. i just have little libido and ED. cialis helps with that last one just fine. i am retesting for bloodwork on monday hopefully and if i don't like what the doc says afterwards, i will be calling IMT. what sucks is i have test e on hand and could get myself going in the right direction today but i want to do this the right way and get bloodwork with my actual unaided test levels. so it could be weeks until i start proper treatment.

regarding using a company like IMT, what happens if they go out of business or shut down suddenly. Then what?

Don't take this Teat E now. It will shut down your LH and FSH which will tell your doc that you are on something.

IMT has been around a long time. I suppose the risk is the same if your doctor retires. You will have to look for a new one.

Make sure you get the right blood work done next time. Review the lab order yourself before you get your blood drawn.
So my primary doc called today and they want me come in tomorrow to talk about TRT and have an MRI of the brain for tumors and see an endocrinologist. I am interested to see what protocol they will recommend. From all u read here most docs have no clue and make ridiculous plans like one test pin every 2 weeks with no ancillary use. I have started the process with IMT as well to see what they offer. I'm leaning toward IMT but if my doc has a sound plan and it's covered by insurance I could go that route.

So here is my question for bros: what is the real word about test patches? Are they safe? Do they deliver consistent T levels? I really don't want to pin twice a week the rest of my life. And gels from what I read smell bad, smear a lot, and can contaminate loved ones. I have googled about patches but the results are mostly medical info about patches, not real world experiences by men who have tried them.
So here is my question for bros: what is the real word about test patches? Are they safe? Do they deliver consistent T levels? I really don't want to pin twice a week the rest of my life. And gels from what I read smell bad, smear a lot, and can contaminate loved ones. I have googled about patches but the results are mostly medical info about patches, not real world experiences by men who have tried them.

First, good luck on getting on a protocol that works for you.

Based on my recent experience, it can be difficult to find someone knowledgeable and helpful. I did a ton of research on gels, creams, patches, etc when I figured I would have to go on TRT. There are complaints about everything. Most of the injection complaints come from, well, the need to stick yourself or doctors who won't let you self-inject. Common complaints about the patches seem to primarily be around local skin reactions. That sentiment was echoed by my doctor. She said almost everyone she's tried the patch with has eventually moved to injections due to skin reactions so she doesn't bother with them except in special circumstances. Also, similar to the gels, women/children shouldn't touch the patches or where they're applied (again.. based on what I was told).

I'm finally on weekly self-administered injections and, for the moment, I couldn't be happier about it.

Good luck in whatever you decide. Oh, and even though I didn't end up with IMT, they're super helpful and would treat you right if you hit a dead end with your doctor.
Injections are your most effective method and the cheapest option. Gels/Creams/Patches all have unpredictable absorption rates and have the huge risk of transfer to women and children in your life. In my mind, that risk isn't acceptable when the option of self-injecting at home is available.
Injections are your most effective method and the cheapest option. Gels/Creams/Patches all have unpredictable absorption rates and have the huge risk of transfer to women and children in your life. In my mind, that risk isn't acceptable when the option of self-injecting at home is available.

That's what I was wondering about patches and gels. Do u have data about their unreliable absorption? I want to educate myself more. I've only pinned in the past.
you can go to gels and creams, and they can work to increase your sex drive, but in our experience thats where it ends.

Megatron is correct since the absorption rate varies a ton, so will your mood and well being.

Injections are a lot less of a hassle and on top of that it is way easier to control the dosing. Many have traveled down different paths but in the end most end up at the same place.

Save yourself the ups and downs and do it right from the beginning.
So my primary doc called today and they want me come in tomorrow to talk about TRT and have an MRI of the brain for tumors and see an endocrinologist. I am interested to see what protocol they will recommend. From all u read here most docs have no clue and make ridiculous plans like one test pin every 2 weeks with no ancillary use. I have started the process with IMT as well to see what they offer. I'm leaning toward IMT but if my doc has a sound plan and it's covered by insurance I could go that route.

So here is my question for bros: what is the real word about test patches? Are they safe? Do they deliver consistent T levels? I really don't want to pin twice a week the rest of my life. And gels from what I read smell bad, smear a lot, and can contaminate loved ones. I have googled about patches but the results are mostly medical info about patches, not real world experiences by men who have tried them.

I thought I would chime in also. I am in the process of finding the right doctor and getting my dosage dialed in. I have a buddy that uses the gel and it is EXPENSIVE and sounds like a hassle and I don't think he feels any better. I am not sure why he still uses it. I don't think he realizes how much better he could feel. I went straight for the injections. It seems so much easier than the gel and cheaper. I get an injection EOW but soon to be EW and I REALLY look forward to them! Maybe it's in my head but feeling the needle does special things to me. I talked to IMT and I really liked them. However, I decided to go with a doctor in a neighboring state that is covered by insurance to make it a little cheaper and I felt more comfortable seeing a doctor in person to start off. I listen to advice in here. A lot of these guys seem to know more than my current doctor.
Thanks guys. I don't miss pinning but having test level below 100 I don't have many options. It's pinning time. I'll learn from u all and not waste time with other stuff.