43 years old...about to start firts cycle of test e


New member
Just wanted some advice from the experienced. I have been lifting since age 24, but over the last few years have slacked up with it quite a bit. Lifting here and there and eating a lot. I allowed myself to get to 253 and decided it was time to do something about it. I started a diet around the end of Oct. I was 253lbs and 24% bodyfat at that time. Today I have gotten down to 219 with 18% bodyfat. I am posting pics below. The first three pics is when I started the diet and the next three is today. I do cardio 4 times a week and lift 5 days a week a bodypart a day, 10-12 reps 4 sets. My question, in your opinion, do I like like I am ready for a cycle because I have everything I need to get started, and yes I have already did extensive blood work and everything is fine. Thoughts and Suggestions please. Thanks
I would diet down more, You wont be happy with the results if you dont, your schedule looks good but hows the diet,? if you havent already Try eliminating white carbs and sugar complete for 6 weeks and keep complex carbs to 100-150 and should see another 20lb drop then start on a test cycle and you will come golden, also personally prefer sus over test E,