44 year old looking for a good routine


New member
I am 44 with weight lifting background and have been off and on for the past few years. But now I want to get something consistently going. My goals are to be ripped with a full look.

My stats are;

Age 44
Weight 212
18% bodyfat
Cardio 45 mins a day fast walking

I was looking at the strong lifts 5x5 and I was also looking at 2 on1 off 2 on 2 off

Current workout routine. I am looking at is

Mon bench press 5x5
Incline bench 3 x10
Hammer press 3x 10
Hammer wide 3x 10
Triceps press down 3 x10
Overhead press down 3 x10

Tues Deadlifts 5 x5
Pulldowns 3 x 10
Hammer Rows 3 x 10
One arm dumbbell rows 3x 10
Barbell or ez bar curl 3 x10
Alternating dumbbell curl 3 x10
Wed off

Thurs -overhead shoulder press 5 x5
Lateral raises 3x10
Barbell shrugs 3x 10

Fri. Squat 5 x 5
Leg extensions 3 x 10

Cardio on wed, sat and sun

Thoughts and suggestions please
1. So cardio daily, or just on the days listed at the bottom?
2. Why are the last days so short?
3. I know people get sick of hearing this but your diet is what will dictate your results. To get ripped, that's what will do it. I worked out consistently for over a decade but didn't have abs until I learned how to diet properly.