44yo and going w/Beastdrol as first cycle...Post cycle therapy (pct) ???

A lot of people do oral onlys with OTCs...mostly because if they could get gear to pin with ...they wouldnt be taking OTCs.
A lot of people do oral onlys with OTCs...mostly because if they could get gear to pin with ...they wouldnt be taking OTCs.

In my mind it was a way around the stigma of injecting. Almost like testing the waters. However, after my post cycle therapy (pct), I fully intend to run a Test Cyp only cycle. I'm over the whole injectable thing, thanks to this forum. Might should have gone with the TC right outta the box but, at the time the oral was what I was comfortable with.
I've read this thread from the begining, very insiteful..thx I'm going to give beast a go here in a couple of months. I've been using otc prohormones and the like for over two years now with some good results (about 15 lbs lean muscle)..currently I just started Tribulus 1000mg x2 and DHEA 100 mg x1...going to use this until the bottles are empty then give beast a cycle.
Im a big fan of jackd3d.

Good thread fog
I just saw this thread. Good luck with it. It beat me up, chewed me up, and spit me out! I'm 3 weeks past the end of it, and I'm still not well. I hope you don't deal with the same problems I did.
I've read this thread from the begining, very insiteful..thx I'm going to give beast a go here in a couple of months. I've been using otc prohormones and the like for over two years now with some good results (about 15 lbs lean muscle)..currently I just started Tribulus 1000mg x2 and DHEA 100 mg x1...going to use this until the bottles are empty then give beast a cycle.
Im a big fan of jackd3d.

Good thread fog

you've only gained 15lbs in over 2 years with several pro hormone cycles??

You should be able to achieve that in a year naturally.
I've read this thread from the begining, very insiteful..thx I'm going to give beast a go here in a couple of months. I've been using otc prohormones and the like for over two years now with some good results (about 15 lbs lean muscle)..currently I just started Tribulus 1000mg x2 and DHEA 100 mg x1...going to use this until the bottles are empty then give beast a cycle.
Im a big fan of jackd3d.

Good thread fog

Glad you found it helpful. I browsed around here for a couple of months before I made a move. If it weren't for folks willing to share their experiences we would all have to learn the hard way. Gotta tell ya though, the beast is no joke! I seem to have leveled off at + 10 lbs but still a week to go. Turns out I came down with a bad head cold on top of the grinder the beast was putting me through. I laid around all day yesterday but took my ass to the gym for a smokin' back, lats and traps wo. Jack3d to the rescue! Even banged out 5x5x225 deads. Not my best effort but at least I did them. I'm taking a break tonight and hitting arms tomorrow. I love arm day!!! I started at about 15.5 inch and haven't measured since but judging from the mirror I will be surprised to be less than 16/16.25. My lats have exploded and thighs touch at the top now...never have. Everything is noticeably bigger but the arms and back and thighs have really come to play. When I cut the bf I could be a body double for Hugh Jackman in X-men

Dude..i personally wouldnt run oral dhea unless you are in your 50s or so...it converts at a high rate to estrogen.

Good info thx. I'll look into it. I am 46, so do u think dhea will do mew more harm than good?
O.K. I've done a little reading on this DHEA stuff. It seems that anything over 50 mg per day could convert to to much estrogen. Therefore out weighing any benefit you might gain from it..:crying: I'm 3 pills into this at 100 mg.. I think I'll just trash um..
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:Pat:My age may have something to do with that, i'm 46. My strength on the other hand is night and day from when I begain. Could barely bench 135 x5 now 225 x6+..squat 135 legs would shake now 315x4..deadlifts used to be 135 x5...now 405x3..You get the idea. I've just tried to build strength as well as some size along the way. I work in some cardio for the ticker and watch my calories...so I have not been a straight up mass builder..
This is a reply to shock up above..fyi new to this posting stuff..
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Good info thx. I'll look into it. I am 46, so do u think dhea will do mew more harm than good?
O.K. I've done a little reading on this DHEA stuff. It seems that anything over 50 mg per day could convert to to much estrogen. Therefore out weighing any benefit you might gain from it..:crying: I'm 3 pills into this at 100 mg.. I think I'll just trash um..

I think your assessment is correct. Transdermal DHEA is the only way to go. Actually converts to test that way.
Sorry guys, new job = crazy!

Short update. Upped the dose for the last week to 40 mg. I figured I already felt like turd stew and either a sinus infection or bronchitis or both so what the hell. Didn't want to leave anything on the table. Weight is steady at + 10 lbs. I dropped the cal/day to limit bf increase. The size seems to be still coming. It may be re-comping that accounts for the apparent size increase. the last week has been HELL yall! I will be glad to take the last dose. Ready to feel good again but, I must say, it has been well worth it. I have added and re-comped in one month what would have taken me three or four of natty bb. Everything has grown but the most significant size increase has been my back. My strength has increased the most there as well, go figure. Overall I am very pleased with the results. It is however aptly named. This stuff is beastly and will put a hurtin onya. The worst side is easilg the lethargy and overall fatigue. It is similar to a lite flu fatigue. The back pumps were evident beginning in wk three but not enough to worry about or bad enough to take anything extra. I just dealt. Sunday marks the finish line and it couldn't come soon enough! I will post pics then and you can judge from my profile pic. Sorry for the lakc of multiple b4's. Thanks e'one for tagging along. It has been quite the ride. PCT to begin Monday. May look into Bridge after that or go straight to a Test Cyp 12x500/wk inj cycle. Have'n't decided.
BTW, shoulder is giving me fits. Had reconst. surgery last Feb but it has been good 'til this past week. The strength increase may be what did it in. I hope I didn't undo what the doc did. I will go see next week.