New member
hope u have torem ready
Please splain Lucy
hope u have torem ready
A lot of people do oral onlys with OTCs...mostly because if they could get gear to pin with ...they wouldnt be taking OTCs.
I've read this thread from the begining, very insiteful..thx I'm going to give beast a go here in a couple of months. I've been using otc prohormones and the like for over two years now with some good results (about 15 lbs lean muscle)..currently I just started Tribulus 1000mg x2 and DHEA 100 mg x1...going to use this until the bottles are empty then give beast a cycle.
Im a big fan of jackd3d.
Good thread fog
I've read this thread from the begining, very insiteful..thx I'm going to give beast a go here in a couple of months. I've been using otc prohormones and the like for over two years now with some good results (about 15 lbs lean muscle)..currently I just started Tribulus 1000mg x2 and DHEA 100 mg x1...going to use this until the bottles are empty then give beast a cycle.
Im a big fan of jackd3d.
Good thread fog
Dude..i personally wouldnt run oral dhea unless you are in your 50s or converts at a high rate to estrogen.
Good info thx. I'll look into it. I am 46, so do u think dhea will do mew more harm than good?
O.K. I've done a little reading on this DHEA stuff. It seems that anything over 50 mg per day could convert to to much estrogen. Therefore out weighing any benefit you might gain from it.. I'm 3 pills into this at 100 mg.. I think I'll just trash um..
How you holdin up to us!!