48 Yr Old, 1st cycle questions: coming off


New member
OK...my scoop...48 yrs old, 6', 170lbs after gaining 6lbs on cycle. 1st Cycle started 6 weeks ago with 250mg TTcyp and 300mgTTdeca. After about 5 weeks, switched to 500mgPVL cyp/wk with the deca...and don't really know the quality of the deca.

Gained 5 or 6lbs, and expecting the cyp to kick in good for the next 5 weeks. Eating a lot, good mix of protein, carb, fat. Problem: my gut seems to have grown a few inches since I upped my eating. I have gained all over...but most in gut.
Question: should I go on Aquadex( arimidex)....will it lose the gut now....or should I tough it out...and try to lose it post cycle.
Also...going off cycle: I have all the goodies on hand....should I go Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and clomid.....( I worry about acne).....or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) nolva....or what? I also have dbols on hand for next time......should I just keep em for later?

thanks gang
Do a search for post cycle therapy. There should be loads of info an it.

I'm 43 and HCG/clomid is a must for me.
Bro how'd your blood presser react to the deca and at our age d-bol is rough on b/p so I'd drop it or monitor it very closely. Are you on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)? If not get your test levels checked you could get a script of some test. Clomid brakes me out so I'm going to give nolva a try.

If you're 48 I hope to god you're keep track of your blood pressure and getting your cholesterol checked every 6 months...especially if you're going to start doing gear (and stuff like liquidex).

That said, I'd recommend doing clomid & nolvadex. You can probably do a search for how people combine the two post-cycle. I can't say anything about Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) as I've never used it.

Also, as JohnnyB said you should really take a look at Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) (Testosterone Replacement Therapy). You might make better and consistent gains over the long run if you're on 100mg-200mg/wk of Testosterone Cyp or Enth under a doctors supervision.
I would suggest starting the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) right now. Do 500 ius twice a week to maintain your testicle size. You might have to adjust the dose depending on what you see. Coming off is really tough at our age. Think about going straight into Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) from now on, that is my plan the next time.