5 weeks into cycle


New member
Hey guys i am 5 weeks in to my test prop cycle. I have done a couple of cycles before but just Winstrol (winny) and thats when i was young and didnt know what i was doing so i lost all the weight and some more. But these are my before and now pics. So take a look and jab and tell me what i need to work on. I can handle it. Just trying to learn and gain more knowledge as i go
your filling out bro.. i would just keep doing what your doing.. keep the diet clean and hit the gym heavy.. looks like you got decent genetics.. this shit dont happen overnight but your on your way.. nice job..

Thanks man im just tryna gain some weight and gain some knowledge off of you guys and look good while i am at it. I eat clean but than i throw a little dirty in there also but for the most part i am feeling good
your filling out bro.. i would just keep doing what your doing.. keep the diet clean and hit the gym heavy.. looks like you got decent genetics.. this shit dont happen overnight but your on your way.. nice job..

hey guys here is a update on my cycle. i started at 156 i am at 172 now i really havent gained that much weight since week 4 but i see a change in my body. The first pic was before i started. The second one was starting of week 4. The third one was starting of week five and another one of week five. The last one was end of week 6. monday will be starting week 7 and i feel really good. i have had really good gains on the bench around 45 pounds and moving. i plan to continue to eat and grow and working hard
if your not putting weight on you could up your calories, because remember as you get bigger you need more calories to improve on the size!
Thanks man. Thats what i am goin to do because i see myself staying at the same weight but my physique looking better but i am goin to eat a lot more

Thanks man just trying to put in the work to get the results i wanted. It was my girlfriends idea and than she notices how big i am getting she doesnt want me to get any bigger but i am like fuck that i want to reach my potential but she understands
This is some good inspiration for me, love this thread, keep it up, bro! :biggthump

ahhh here we go we always seem to have one hater in the bunch. I am 5'7 if everyone on this board would have waited than there prob wouldnt be that many. no disrespect i get what your saying but seriously
gains look great but IMO you shoulda waited alot longer since only starting at 156lbs...how tall?
well i will give a update in like a week because last week i came down with the stomach flu and couldnt eat for like 4 days so as of monday i started eating everything in sight again. i lost 6 pounds which was all water so im stuck at 170. so hopefully that water will build in my body and i am eating like crazy so we will have updates by next week my friend. my strength went up crazy since i had the week off tho. i went up to 265 for 3 and before i was only able to do 240 for 3 maybe so the rest def helped
Update plz!!! :)