5 weeks into cycle

so far i have put on 22 pounds i go between 22 to 25 im trying to keep my diet up but its too expensive i know that if i ate right i would look a lot better but couldnt afford and was just looking to get big this time around and keep at least 15 and start a new cycle later on. I am thinking dbol tren. just a thought havent figured it out yet
by eating dirty whats that man????

dude i was gonna order test e but im liking that prop!!,
u shooting delts?
awesome progress bro. looks like a totally different person. def gettin prop next go around. Keep up the great work and train hard...why stop now

I would def go prop and tren next cycle...wont have to worry about the "dirty" food every once in a while...youll melt everything off
do prop again, with tren....

Yeah, from what I hear dbol gives a lot of water retention, You probably want to do a cutting cycle. Lean up and add muscle.

A few months after my cycle, I plan on doing an m-drol only cycle. I want to finally put to rest all the controversy stating that it's junk and gives nothing but sides.

From a lot that I have read, it gives incredible dry gains, so their solid, with no water retention. I want to do an extreme cutting/sculpting cycle with it for 3 weeks only, and log my results.
holy shit! amazing transformation can i ask what's your diet like because you've remained so lean! insane progress
Solid results man, good job...

I'm into week 3 of my first cycle. Test E.

Going good so far, but want to fast forward to week 6 lol...
Thanks guys for all the replies. I am done with my cycle now and will pist up pics. I just got back from vacation so i havent had time to get on here but i am One week into my pct and so far so good. I feel smaller but i weigh the same. Its weird but i know its all mental. I heard about the dbol being all water retention also so i was thinking of staying with the prop and tren but i want something that will have me jacked and ripped. I am going to do a little bit more research and decide. Prop def did good for me. Everyone that saw me over my vacation was like holy shit what the fuck have you been doing and it made me feel real good. PICS COMING WITHIN 2 DAYS