5 weeks into cycle


Hey guys this is a update from my cycle. As i had said in a thread i had gotten sick week 7 when i was supposed to put up a update with the stomach virus so i couldnt eat from that tuesday until the next monday but once a day because i couldnt keep anything down. So the pics that i have from the first 2 are from week 7 going into week you can see that i had lost all my water weight. I had lost 7 pounds so i was down to 169. Than the other 3 are from week 9 which i am on right now i am up to 178 now and getting fucking strong like hell. I think the week off of weights did me justice and a lot of rest and now i am pushing up crazy weight and feeling a lot better. My wifes friends and mom seen me for the first time in like 6 months and was like holy shit. Im eating like hell. I plan on prob going with Winstrol (winny) for my last 4 weeks or anavar havent decided but let me know what you guys think+
23 lbs that's fucking great man, hopefully you keep most of it.

How many weeks are you going to stay on?

Also, doing EOD shots, whats your favorite place to shoot?
I am going to stay on for 15 weeks and i shoot in the glutes all the time i tried shooting in my quad and i just couldnt do it. I plan on just to keep eating man and grow so more and with a good post cycle therapy (pct) hopefully keep at least 15 of it or more but im working man hard
It awesome to see your progress bro. I am on day 4 off my test prop cycle. I never thought of uploading pictures but i think im going to start! the changes are definately noticable. Dont sweat the haters bro, your packing on size and everyone who looks at the pictures can tell. Keep updating, its an interesting thread to follow!!
I am on week 10 right now. Naw i havent really had any sides. Aggression picks up a little bit but i know how to calm that down and i have a a gyno flare up once but had letro on hand to take care of it other than that not too much. Your doing a 12 week cycle
I am on week 10 right now. Naw i havent really had any sides. Aggression picks up a little bit but i know how to calm that down and i have a a gyno flare up once but had letro on hand to take care of it other than that not too much. Your doing a 12 week cycle

Ya, test E only, I don't know if you got the link I sent you but I'm logging it.

I took your advice and started eating a little bit dirty; I think I have to just to get in the right amount of calories, it's tough when your only eating clean...
Yeah i did get the link and following you. Yeah its kind of hard because its very expensive> i have a family so if i did it that would be like 300 in groceries just for me for the month and another 3 to 400 for the rest of my family you know. So i eat clean and i throw some dirty in there because as long as i am getting the right amount of calories and doing some cardio than i will be fine with the little extra bf. But just as long as you eat you should be good and let me tell ya i ate more dirty than good. Eating clean is good but i dont know how much better it will make you look when you are going to have water weight anyways.
What are you taking? I didn't see that mentioned. I am looking at starting an mdrol cycle here in a couple of weeks. It looks like you have had some great results.
I stated what i was taking in my first post. But i am taking gp test prop 100mg eod 15 wks
What are you taking? I didn't see that mentioned. I am looking at starting an mdrol cycle here in a couple of weeks. It looks like you have had some great results.
everything is going good. I am lifting a ton heavier than i was a couple weeks ago and my calorie intake i have tried to go higher as i gain weigh but i am stuck at 179 still have 3 weeks left so i am going to kill it. How about you?