50 Days - Anavar (var) Only

yeah i wasn't implying that they lift weight 8 hours a day, but for instance i saw an interview with Sally Gunnel and she was talking about her usual week and it basically involved spending 8 hours a day at her training centre doing one form of exercise or another pretty much the whole time.
What about Olympians? They have a pretty harsh schedules......it is all about how you train, body composition, gentics etc..
You can train your body to handle anything even workouts for hours!

I currently train 6 days a week-3 days on then rest/repeat, hitting each body part twice a week, but each workout is less then if I was doing each body part once per week (so 2 smaller workouts for each body part as to 1 big workout for each body part). I will train like this for a couple of months then switch it to 4-5 days a week hitting one body part each week-I do not show any signs of over-training and feel stonger with each workout-on or off cycle.

I have a friend who trains martial arts 2-3 (at least an hour each session) times a day-every day plus his weight training 4-5 times a week and no over-training, he eats, takes the vitamins and minerals he needs and rests according to his training-it is all how you know your body and what it can handle and what you can make it handle!!
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T-Biggs said:
What about Olympians? They have a pretty harsh schedules......it is all about how you train, body composition, gentics etc..
You can train your body to handle anything even workouts for hours!

These Olympians are also on gear, and they don't train INTENSELY for that long...They warm up for an hour, train hard for an hour, then cool down for an hour. Seeing them train is a bit of a joke sometimes (at least in track), 'cos these World-class athletes sure do fuck around a lot and take their time just so they fill up the 3-hour block and say to the uninformed layman they train hard for 6 hours a day. Fucking knobs...

They rest for ages between sets also...:(
When you are done with the 50 days of Anavar (var) I'd be curious to see your cloodwork, Specificaly your HDL, LDL, and Total HDL chol. ratio.
How did this turn out for you?

I plan on running this (40mg/ed) for 7 weeks along with test cyp (375/week) for 8 as my first cycle.

I have been training consistenly for 4 years and i am stuck at 205lbs... (I am 6'3" with a runners build - a.k.a. chicken legs)