54 years old getting it together.....


New member
Started P90X about two years ago at 241 lbs. Currently 176 lbs. All natural. I can't believe I allowed myself to get in such poor shape. Family, kids, business, alcohol will take their toll if you allow. Started freeweights recently wow love the iron!
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Welcome !

Great progress ! sometimes we let ourselves go, but the important thing is to realize this & get back in track, is never too late. Stick around this board has many knowleadgable members :)
WOW.....great transformation....what are your current goals as far as fitness goes?
thanks BKK..my goals have been changing as I get in better shape. Originally, like most people I just wanted to lose weight. But the better I felt, the better I wanted to feel!! So now the free weights have got me interested in how much strength and size I can put on a lean frame. I'm probably about 14% BF so a little more weight loss is in order. When I get around 10% BF I will ramp up the carbs and calories.
And my latest interest is cycling on off days. Road bike and spin bike. The huge cardio and leg pump is addicting. Anyways when BF% is as low as possible I will reassess and probably create a more specific long term plan. It's a lifestyle now...
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thanks BKK..my goals have been changing as I get in better shape. Originally, like most people I just wanted to lose weight. But the better I felt, the better I wanted to feel!! So now the free weights have got me interested in how much strength and size I can put on a lean frame. I'm probably about 14% BF so a little more weight loss is in order. When I get around 10% BF I will ramp up the carbs and calories.
And my latest interest is cycling on off days. Road bike and spin bike. The huge cardio and leg pump is addicting. Anyways when BF% is as low as possible I will reassess and probably create a more specific long term plan. It's a lifestyle now...

What all are you incorporating as far as supplements go...anything?

Well heres your chance....

just finished 12 weeks test e only, currently running post cycle therapy (pct). I ramped up the dose 200,300,400,500mg which I wouldnt do again. 500mg all the way thru next time. I gained 21 lbs. Prolly carrying 10-13 lbs of water/bloat.

This old man hasnt felt this good in 25 years. Fountain of Youth!
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just finished 12 weeks test e only, currently running post cycle therapy (pct). I ramped up the dose 200,300,400,500mg which I wouldnt do again. 500mg all the way thru next time. I gained 21 lbs. Prolly carrying 10-13 lbs of water/bloat.

This old man hasnt felt this good in 25 years. Fountain of Youth!

Test is awesome. It makes everyone feel 20 again and I'm only almost 26 lol.
Was in college with a kid who the year before was 215 the year i got their he was 165, guess that p90x stuff works, good job bro
That's nothing but hard work and determination right there. Well done!
I bet it feels good looking better than guys half your age!