Fiirst cycle for american football player. 500mg test e for 12 weeks.

Lol, moral dilemna? You're not under the impression that most of your competing peers are natural, are you?

Also, I didn't say it before, but in regards to your first post: unless you have an explicitly exceptional reason for not playing until 2013, you are making a colossally stupid mistake. All the strength and conditioning in the world doesn't mean shit without technique and experience. You may have been playing since pop warner, but the experience and playtime that comes with even one season (ESPECIALLY if you are at the college level) far outweighs the benefits you'll get from improving your numbers by a plate. This is why everyone juices only during the offseason

Anyway, all that being said, my post sounds pretty antagonizing and negative lol, but I really don't mean it to be. Good luck dude.
Thanks for the reply. Any feedback positive or negative is well appreciated. I am transferring schools and I am injured(a lot of them have healed up though). Various other reasons too that I won't go into(i would like to remain anonymous).

I totally understand what your saying btw.
K. First official injection was today. Friday August 31st. Went very well. I know what I am doing now. Just gotta keep going back and forth while withdrawing the testosterone from the bottle.

Quick question. While I was injecting I quickly aspirated only a bit(should have aspirated a little bit more). And 2 large air bubbles came to the top. They are supposed to flow to the top of the barrel right? So like this: needle, needle, oil, oil, oil, air bubble, oil, air bubble.

Will start aromasin tomorrow.
How to inject testosterone. Look that up on YouTube. It's a video of a younger kid. It will show u how to draw out of the vial. Cuz u r still lost. A side note, if u get air bubbles it's fine just flick the syringe, the bubbles will combine with each other. And when u asperate bubbles will appear in the syringe. don't worry about the air too much, u would have to inject like 10 cc of air directly into ur vein to have a serious effect like death or something.
How to inject testosterone. Look that up on YouTube. It's a video of a younger kid. It will show u how to draw out of the vial. Cuz u r still lost. A side note, if u get air bubbles it's fine just flick the syringe, the bubbles will combine with each other. And when u asperate bubbles will appear in the syringe. don't worry about the air too much, u would have to inject like 10 cc of air directly into ur vein to have a serious effect like death or something.
Its not a video of a younger kid.... Its a video of a transgender(gross!). Yes though I watched that video many many times before my first injection but still managed to mess up the first few. But its going good now.
Its not a video of a younger kid.... Its a video of a transgender(gross!). Yes though I watched that video many many times before my first injection but still managed to mess up the first few. But its going good now.

What?!?!? R u sure u r watching the right one? It's a little white kid. Prob like 18-20. And it plays music through most of the video until the very end where he tells u a couple things. Video is like9 mins long.
Tried injecting yesterday night. When I aspirated the syringe filled with too much blood. Didn't want to inject again with that much blood in the needle. Didn't start over and inject because I was too sleep to do it all over again...

Injected today and everything went well. 1.25mL of delatestryl (200mg/mL). The bottle contains 5mL.
Tried injecting yesterday night. When I aspirated the syringe filled with too much blood. Didn't want to inject again with that much blood in the needle. Didn't start over and inject because I was too sleep to do it all over again...

Injected today and everything went well. 1.25mL of delatestryl (200mg/mL). The bottle contains 5mL.

Don't skip injection days when you fuck up. Just do it again. I know the night before vs the morning after isn't a huge deal, but you want steady hormone levels. Before long pinning yourself will become natural. Hell, I look forward to it now.

I also didn't thoroughly read through the thread, so if you have posted this sorry. What is your work out routine looking like? I also played FB in college and was interested in seeing what kind of work out plan you use.
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Don't skip injection days when you fuck up. Just do it again. I know the night before vs the morning after isn't a huge deal, but you want steady hormone levels. Before long pinning yourself will become natural. Hell, I look forward to it now.

I also didn't thoroughly read through the thread, so if you have posted this sorry. What is your work out routine looking like? I also played FB in college and was interested in seeing what kind of work out plan you use.
Yea I know about steady hormone levels. Regular injections days will be Sunday and Thursday. Thanks for the pointer!

I don't want to give my program out (I need to stay anonymous) but exercises include Power Snatch, Power clean, Bench Press, Push Press, Glute Ham Raise, Single leg deadlifts, Chin ups, Reverse Hyper extension, Barbell rows etc. After the compound lifts I do some circuits of curls, tricep work, shoulder work, etc.
My first cycle was the very similar to yours. I was doing 600MG a week, I used an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (anastrozole) only when I felt a little too bloated. I have been a drug tested athlete, though I never used PED's while I played I knew several that did and I only knew of two that got popped. Word of advice keep your mouth shut about it at the gym and wear bigger shirts. If word gets out that you are using and your coach or AD hears about it they will find a way to "randomly" test you.

As for your injection troubles mine, my first couple were a quite bad as well and took about 20 minutes to go through the whole process. I got tired of wasting Test so I took my time watched a bunch of videos and got it down. At the end of my cycle it only took 2 minutes and was quite painless.

I am sorry if you already covered this but where are you injecting?
My first cycle was the very similar to yours. I was doing 600MG a week, I used an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (anastrozole) only when I felt a little too bloated. I have been a drug tested athlete, though I never used PED's while I played I knew several that did and I only knew of two that got popped. Word of advice keep your mouth shut about it at the gym and wear bigger shirts. If word gets out that you are using and your coach or AD hears about it they will find a way to "randomly" test you.

As for your injection troubles mine, my first couple were a quite bad as well and took about 20 minutes to go through the whole process. I got tired of wasting Test so I took my time watched a bunch of videos and got it down. At the end of my cycle it only took 2 minutes and was quite painless.

I am sorry if you already covered this but where are you injecting?
Injecting in quads. Hopefully the scar tissue will not be an issue.
Started aromasin today. Took 25mg (1 tab) for first dose. Want to see how I react to it. Will be taking 12.5mg (half a tab) every other day. Is this too much? I want to be a bit more aggressive with the estrogen control but do understand that low estrogen is bad as well. Extremely scared of gyno and controlling water weight is very important for me too(lots of spotlight on me). My source said though you don't really bloat as much with pharma grade testosterone.

What you guys think of the aromasin dosage?
Injected again today. Had to take the needle out and reject again. A bit paranoid of getting an infection...

Will try aromasin at 12.5mg everyday right now.

How long it take to start feeling the test to work?
People say 4-5 weeks until you "feel" the Test-E...but some people never really feel it, they just notice increased strength and muscle hardness. I am on week 2 of my cycle and have no effects (noticeable) as of yet.

As far aromasin, the half-life is relatively short, so I would stick with 12.5mg everyday. That's what I am doing and it seems to be pretty good so far.
People say 4-5 weeks until you "feel" the Test-E...but some people never really feel it, they just notice increased strength and muscle hardness. I am on week 2 of my cycle and have no effects (noticeable) as of yet.

As far aromasin, the half-life is relatively short, so I would stick with 12.5mg everyday. That's what I am doing and it seems to be pretty good so far.
K I am taking 12.5mg a day now. Its quite difficult to cut the pill directly in half so its really like 10mg one day and 15mg the next day. So 25mg in total every two days. Hopefully thats all right.

What are the side effects of aromasin at this dosage? It might have amplified a little bit of some depression. I guess every month or so when I might be forced to reflect on some issue I get a bit depressed for the day but after sleep everything is all good again. I also probably have a little higher baseline anxiety levels than average. All of this stuff though is minor and completely manageable. Just thought I would mention it when taking AAS/AI's.

I take no prescription drugs, no alcohol, no recreational drugs, almost zero OTC except the rare ibuprofen due to injury too by the way.
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Don't "feel" or see anything from the testosterone yet... Maybe a very very small increase in body oil and acne? But way too minor to tell.

Will be delaying the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) too until I see signs of testosterone working... Anything wrong in doing this?
Hey great to see a football guy on here. What position are you playing? Are you gonna be playing at a D1 school?

Remember that your protein synthesis is gonna be greatly enhanced so eat!

Also does anybody know how the NCAA goes about testing? Ive never been tested and want to know ways to beat it
Hey great to see a football guy on here. What position are you playing? Are you gonna be playing at a D1 school?

Remember that your protein synthesis is gonna be greatly enhanced so eat!

Also does anybody know how the NCAA goes about testing? Ive never been tested and want to know ways to beat it
I play QB. No Div 1 school. If your going to cycle do it in the off season where your at home and far away from your school. Stick with testosterone propionate. I wanted to do propionate cycle but couldn't find Human grade prop (while my source actually has some now but too late...). Good luck with everything.

A tip though. Try to use the least amount of juice that offer the most results. If I personally plan on doing further cycles they will be infrequent (every 1-2 years) with moderate doses of testosterone with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), Aromatase inhibitor (AI), SERM, etc . Use only pharmaceutical stuff too. The benefits to this is numerous. You retain most of your gains after cycle, very little side affects, you don't rely on the drugs to be strong, drugs will remain effective, much cheaper, much healthier way of doing it your performance will be much more consistent etc.

Don't fall into the more=better mentality. Some guys take so much stuff a cycle e.g. test, dbol, HGH, and blow up like crazy but loose a lot of their gains after cycle. And the next cycle they need even more drugs to get gains because there body has already adapted to it.... Hopefully you understand what I am saying... Good luck!
Sup. So its going alright. Its been 23 days since from first injections. Injecting 250mg of testosterone every sunday and thursday.

So far I have noticed a bit more oily skin and more acne. Weights seem to feel lighter. Nothing really dramatic though. Hope everything is legit.

Will start Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) injections this thursday or sunday (so about 4 weeks after first testosterone shot).

Running the aromasin at about 12.5mg everyday and its good but it probably has decreased my sex drive. I think it got higher about 1 week into the cycle and thats when I started the aromasin and never got back to that level so far.

I noticed there is testosterone wasted in the process of withdrawing and injecting. So especially at the start I probably been injecting around 400mg of testosterone a week. But will make sure I am injection 500mg a week now and everything is accounted for.
I agree with this but I would Run Test E and deca 12 weeks with tbol

then run another cycle later of tren and sust. You will be very happy with the results.

You got so much time until 2013 season, shit might as well run two cycles, run test for 12-14 weeks with a kickstarter of tbol