^^^ Beatz makes great points about what happens in your body before 25. For many reasons, we want the young guys especially, to really research and understand the potential issues that come with AAS use. Everything from a lifetime of low natural testosterone and infirtility to ugly scarring from acne... This may be extreme examples but its important for you to understand on your own what you're getting into.
Yup. Your definitely right there are huge risks involved. But hopefully the way I pursue AAS usage I will be able to minimize these risks. E.g. I got prescription grade acne gels from my source, Human grade test/HCG(the test e I have is stuff you get straight from a canadian pharmacy), low - moderate amount of test cycles very infrequently(if that even if I decide to cycle again), probably going to drive down to the U.S and get blood testing done, etc.
That said, I very much appreciate your goals and appetite for advancing yourself... And your dedication to it is obvious, so I'm glad you're hear asking questions. Your cycle looks good actually. Diet is the most important part of any cycle and given your time frame, there's plenty of time to do a proper bulk followed by a cut (which you can do naturally). If you eat right with a solid macro plan (avoiding the extra sugar and sodium- BTW eating out is LOADED with sodium so start cooking!), you should gain 20 pounds, no problem. \
Yea its definitely better to focus on one goal at a time. Thats the reason why I did a huge cut so I didn't have to rely on the testosterone to lean me out(plus lower bf%=less aromatization
I'm conflicted really, part of me wants to encourage you, because you do seem to have it so well laid out (diet and cycle). The other part of me is screaming, so young!! Ultimately, the choice is yours; and whatever comes after it. Good luck dude and let us know how it goes either way!