5'7 lifters... wheres my short brothas

hmm idk. could be a rick roll. lol


Was wondering if anyone would mind posting pics of themselves, we've got some big short dudes here. I think I may be the shortest, but having an idea of what I may look like later for my goal would be cool. I know two guys of same height and weight can look very different, but im just wondering. My goal is 170-175lbs around 6-8% BF at 5'4
Seriously, there are pros and cons to everything. At 6'4" or (5'16" lol) I will probably never get legs like some of the shorter guys (ill still try though out of stubbornness). I'm physically stronger than most of the guys I see in the gym, but that doesn't mean shit to me since they look way more buff. Now that im nearing the end of my cut (down to 218 from 264) it can really be depressing how not buff I feel, lol. Strong as a mofo, but not really buff at all... I need to get to a lean 260-270 before i even look remotely proportional at this height. Not saying i want to be shorter, but its not all its cracked out to be sometimes. Fuck, to compete with the big boys id need to be over 300 (no big deal, just need to add about 100lbs of muscle, lmao). I got a long road in front of me still.
I would like to see some of these guys 5"7 over 200lbs..... Im 5"7 170 and pretty built. Been lifting for long time. Most I ever weighed was like 190 or so but I felt sloppy.