5'7 lifters... wheres my short brothas

5'7 off season usually anywhere from 225-240.. Seasonbanywhere from 220-230... Bf% is never above 14%.. Training for 12+years.. Bench 500. Deadlift 640.. Squat 695.. Get some!!!

Bro, your a fucking monster. Whats your diet like? Hows your training routine? Inspirational to see another tiny guy with such a beastmode physique
5'13" @ 200 lbs. Have a tough time getting thick though. My little sawed-off training partners make it look easy.
Bro, your a fucking monster. Whats your diet like? Hows your training routine? Inspirational to see another tiny guy with such a beastmode physique

Hahaha training 2x a day 6 days a week.. Train at bevs gym in syosset home of the legends.. Cal is anywhere from 6k-8k.. Gear run year round.. Im currently on 2g test combined test e and cyp.. With winnie.. In two more weeks ill be running sus at 1500.. Npp 500 and primo 500.. With var and winnie.. Then in two weeks cut the winnie out add proviron.. "im a fitness modell too".. Then cut the var add tren e at 400 a week.. Dec cut both npp and sus.. Add test e at 1500 along with tren e upped to 1g and mast e at 1g.. Then come spring all hell will break.lose.. Mast p, test p.. Tren a.. Proviron.. Var.. Winnie!!! Contest prepp!!!!! Peptides ill add in will be the ghrp and igf.. Maybe also add slin too
guys being tall isn't all that its worked up to be... we have to work 10 times harder and eat much much more to look the same as someone who is 6 inches shorter then us.. im 6'4 and know how frustrating it was when i was younger and watching guys shorter then me see results much faster than i did
guys being tall isn't all that its worked up to be... we have to work 10 times harder and eat much much more to look the same as someone who is 6 inches shorter then us.. im 6'4 and know how frustrating it was when i was younger and watching guys shorter then me see results much faster than i did

^^^^ THIS.

5'19" and 336lbs here. :p
listen here you son of a whore cunt cock sucker I'm going to shove you back in that filty asshole you came out of. You got balls taking to my client like that. He busted his ass and lost that weight. I have never been so happy to ban someone in my life! TIME TO TAKE OUT THE TRASH!

I think everyone will be happy about this. I bet he will be back as xyzz or some shit
i need to step up my photoshop game.

i was thinking dos XX guy with:

i don't usually rage,

but when i do,

i flame the fuck outta shitbags like you
Have you guys seen that video of him benching 130K for one rep with shitty form and half of the lift done by the spotter? I wasn't sure if it was serious or not at first, then I remembered: fayg.