6-19-03 Squat


pro powerlifter
This is what I did yesterday.

warmups not shown

Squat: 585x3 (PR)

one legged hamstring curls: 100x6's, 4's (PR)

zercher front squats, on a bench: 315x5 405x1 (PR)
585 for 3 is a nice weight bro.

throw in a strip set now and then to really rip apart the legs.
You must have some pretty large legs Bro. Nice work on the squats. I on the other hand prefer high rep squats (15-20 reps/set). I'll have to give the 3 reps squats a try one day though.
VERY IMPRESSIVE weight on the squats... damn homie...

I just recently got back into back squats via the cambered bar -- it allows me to do it with my bad shoulder... I have gotten 335 with alot of depth... I think, once i get used to the motion better, I will hit 405 easy by the end of summer.

Zerchers, I have done 275x10 or so... and am looking on taking it up to 315 soon... I wish I had a thicker bar... they really help with the bar digging into your arm! :)
