6 weeks into test e cycle not feeling much strength


New member
hey on my first test e cycle.

500mg of test e a week. Im starting to feel some pump in the gym, mild acne, slight increase in libidio. Up 10 pounds. However it feels pretty weak in gym strength wise and i keep waiting for it to "kick in" but i think it might be fully kicked in.

I feel like i have better workouts from preworkouts like 1MR or jacked and creatine than i do now.

I have genshi test e and heard good reviews on that. So what if i up dose to 600mg a week?

or should i wait another week?

or i have some test e from a diff lab i could switch too if i had too.

what u guys think?

CNS plays a very important role in strength. That's why you see small guys who are surprisingly strong.
test is not gonna make you super strong...it'll make you big. use the creatine pre-wo shit with your cycle. plus sometimes i get larthargic on test and tired.

dont up the dosage
Stay the course.

Test had me pulling over 600 pounds at 198 in 91.

How are you training ?

Resting ?
In my experience running 600mgs test e/week for 12 weeks, I didn't "feel" a whole lot from it
and what i did "feel" was, subtle but the results were there. Hell man, your putting on weight so somethings happening. good luck.
I'm 6'4'' 215lbs. 25 years old

My workout is the 5x5 routine off this site in the training section. Its a 4 day split. I get 8 hours sleep a night.

Alright I'll probally just continue the cycle as is. I'll start to take preworkouts too cuz I'm tired after work.