8 week Clen cycle log for research

Weighed in this morning at 146.6lbs which his 1.6 lb loss since last Thursday. I thought at 146 I would be able to see my abdominal, im .6 away and a tad concernd. I'll post pictures of me next thursday.

Also as Clen goes, today I jumped to 120mcg to test it out, which I still have no side effects which makes me worried. Im going back to 100mcg but wanted to test 120mcg. Today is carb up day, so it's gonna be a good day.
Hey bud, (not trying to be a dick, btw) just curious as to why are you doing clen.. In the winter.. When you already appear to have a fairly ectomorphic build?
Hey bud, (not trying to be a dick, btw) just curious as to why are you doing clen.. In the winter.. When you already appear to have a fairly ectomorphic build?
Because my time off ends in February, and ready for my next cycle to begin. So cutting to get lower bodyfat before next cycle, for less cons.
So last night I took 1.5mg of Ketotifen, about an hour before bed. It didn't make me tired. My clen is still at 100mcg. Thursday I'll post a weight, and pictures.
Still no side effects, except maybe this mornings cardio my heart beat raced up faster then usual.
I weighed in this morning at 148.5lbs (which I was 146.6lbs I think last week it was). But I believe im holding a tad water since diet the other day was high sodium, and it's been I believe over 2 weeks since I started back on creatine, so thats holding me a lil water. I've been doing 100mcg ED, with 1.5mg of Ketotifen a night with 5 grams of taurine usually ED. Today though I wanted to experiment, so I shot my dosage to 140mcg. I truely don't feel anything as side effects go. At first I thought my stuff was gtg, now im thinking RUI Clen isn't legit. Neverless I can tell that im losing weight, but thats from dieting and 3 days a week morning cardio.


So this begins the fourth week on Clen, the past three days I've been taking 140mcg. For all last week I did 1.5mg of Ketotifen.

So I believe RUI clen and keto is not legit, sorry to say. Keto didn't make me tired what so ever. Clen I have 0 side effects. The past three weeks on Sat and Sunday I'd check my temp, and it's never been high. Actually after going up to 140mcg this week, my temp was lower then last weeks. My blood pressure is low I believe it was some along the lines of 110's/70's. I'm getting no shakes at 140mcg, and I thought with Ketotifen it actually improved the dosage amount, where you don't need as much. No sweats or anything. Thats why im leaning towards RUI clenbuterol is bunk.

Though I said I would keep going with the log, and I shall do so. And I'll even still use the Clen, lowering to 100mcg again. I'm losing weight, but I fully give the benefit to diet/cardio
I weighed myself this morning, weighing 145.2lbs which makes me frown, I thought at 156lbs I'd be at 15% bodyfat and being able to see my abdominal.
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I'm using AR-R Clen (same company) and I'm taking 50mcg twice a day. I shake like a fiend, and I've got a high tolerance for stimulants.
I'm using AR-R Clen (same company) and I'm taking 50mcg twice a day. I shake like a fiend, and I've got a high tolerance for stimulants.

I just take 140mcg after I wake up in the morning. 3 days of those week consist of fasted cardio for 45 mins after about 30 mins of consumption, which I hear fasted is the best way to take it.
Maybe try going keto for last few weeks?

I've done keto in the past, fuckin sucked. Though the first month worked vary well, after the water droppage of course, but after that not too much droppage.

Also IDK if I could do keto, my gf keeps the house pretty stocked with junk food and when she cooks once a week its always carby.
She wants to lose weight also, so i may see if she wants to do 2 weeks of clen (just to see if she gets any side effects, if she wouldnt get sides then I know it'd have to be bunk).

I've heard this in the past but not sure how truthful it is, because the half life would already be gone. But I heard after you stop clen, it will still work for another week or 2.
So I've been at 140mcg for the past week or so, no side effects feeling good. This week i'm going to try and get a physical and donate some blood. My weight for thursday should be in the 144lbs.

Gym wise feeling great, improving in some areas. I may not do 8 weeks of clen, I may do only six. Diet is pretty good, all in all good.
Surprisingly my weight this morning was 148lbs, which a week n a half ago I weighed about 3lbs less. Maybe some water weight, thats a big jump.