800mg test 400mg tren e ... what you guys think


New member
So this is my second run with tren ... Running T400 at 800mg per week and Tren e at 400mg per week .. 10 weeks ... then Im planning on coming off the tren .. maybe continueing the test for another 5-6 weeks and possibly add something in ... Come into summer shredded ... 28 training 5 years , 5'8" maybe 10-12 %bf 205lb . diet and training on point . What do you guys think and what you you all expect ... any pointers
in September last year I ran practically the same cycle but instead of running 800mg test I ran 700mg and had faster esters in it ... but I exploded from 200 - 217 ... was an oxen .. lol still had some ab action and was throwing weights .. felt amazing ... then I met a girl and my training went down hill as I spent all my time with her
in September last year I ran practically the same cycle but instead of running 800mg test I ran 700mg and had faster esters in it ... but I exploded from 200 - 217 ... was an oxen .. lol still had some ab action and was throwing weights .. felt amazing ... then I met a girl and my training went down hill as I spent all my time with her

Sounds like a good cycle. Roush said the whole thing about Var but that shit is expensive. I have ten grams of raw var powder tha I know is G2G labmax and I'm not giving or selling that shit to anyone lol. If you can find the var that would be nice or even tbol would be good. Good luck bud.
then I met a girl and my training went down hill as I spent all my time with her

I tell you what I do think OP, there are three detrimental things to whatever your goals are...

Women, stimulants and alcohol lol.

Stay focussed my man.

Me personally I wouldn't run that dose of Test with Tren, you may be one of the guys who is allright with it, but I feel Tren sides just reading that as I don't react well to high test+tren it makes the sides for me twice as bad. But like Roush mentioned, drop the Tren and let it clear out whilst adding in an oral like Anavar at 50mg if you can afford it, if not Winstrol at 50mg and then wrap it up to PCT. Run the oral right up to PCT, dropping your test atleast 2 weeks, IMO go 3 weeks and then start PCT.

Alternatively you could run a good dose of Masteron after dropping the Tren instead of an oral, 4-600mg will have you feeling great, keep you tight and dry but avoid the things like trashed lipids etc from orals (Tren is going to trash it anyway but).

Dropping the Tren a few weeks before as well will help recover, allowing it to clear out properly so good choice IMO. Alternatively, you could avoid it hanging around by using Acetate.
I tell you what I do think OP, there are three detrimental things to whatever your goals are...

Women, stimulants and alcohol lol.

Stay focussed my man.

Me personally I wouldn't run that dose of Test with Tren, you may be one of the guys who is allright with it, but I feel Tren sides just reading that as I don't react well to high test+tren it makes the sides for me twice as bad. But like Roush mentioned, drop the Tren and let it clear out whilst adding in an oral like Anavar at 50mg if you can afford it, if not Winstrol at 50mg and then wrap it up to PCT. Run the oral right up to PCT, dropping your test atleast 2 weeks, IMO go 3 weeks and then start PCT.

Alternatively you could run a good dose of Masteron after dropping the Tren instead of an oral, 4-600mg will have you feeling great, keep you tight and dry but avoid the things like trashed lipids etc from orals (Tren is going to trash it anyway but).

Dropping the Tren a few weeks before as well will help recover, allowing it to clear out properly so good choice IMO. Alternatively, you could avoid it hanging around by using Acetate.

Is masteron good to be ran at 10% BF? I've heard its best during low body fat to see it's cosmetic magic working on your muscles. I'm curious because If I don't get to really low BF I won't run mast this summer. If I get real low I'll run it
You can also offset the price of var like this...

Anavar is a Class I anabolic steroid - it was designed to have a very strong separation of
anabolic - and - androgenic effect - it is most effectively stacked with Class II compounds
i.e. Dianabol or Androl - more so than high levels of test or tren (which are Class I) -

We still need testosterone within the cycle - we're just looking at bang for buck - "within" - the stack.

If you do this you can run both at much lower levels... it is breaking the only one oral rule - however both
of them should be ran at a moderate level so it evens itself out.
You can also offset the price of var like this...

Anavar is a Class I anabolic steroid - it was designed to have a very strong separation of
anabolic - and - androgenic effect - it is most effectively stacked with Class II compounds
i.e. Dianabol or Androl - more so than high levels of test or tren (which are Class I) -

We still need testosterone within the cycle - we're just looking at bang for buck - "within" - the stack.

If you do this you can run both at much lower levels... it is breaking the only one oral rule - however both
of them should be ran at a moderate level so it evens itself out.

So what ur saying is stacking anavar with other drigs can produce same results as high anavar results??? Like 40 var 40 tbol= 80mg pf var in results?
Is masteron good to be ran at 10% BF? I've heard its best during low body fat to see it's cosmetic magic working on your muscles. I'm curious because If I don't get to really low BF I won't run mast this summer. If I get real low I'll run it

10% is definitely low enough to see grainy, hard, muscle that mast helps you build .. Run mast at that bf no problem,, or run it knowing your going down to that bf %.. I'm currently on a bulk test,deca, NPP, Dbol -- Around week 9 I'll be adding in mast , knowing I'm gonna then be leaning out weeks 9-21,, so mast will be ran those weeks in the cycle,, hoping to be 9-10% at the end
i personally like running my test low when im on tren. so like 200mg a week of test, and tren at 700mg.
I see that Mast needs to be ran at 10% bodyfat thing thrown around a lot. It's a bit silly really, I mean you man not see as much of a density increase/grainy looking effect on your muscle compared to if you were at 20%... The same thing applies to Anavar and Winny really. However, if you were to run either of the 3, running Mast at 20% bodyfat will only help... It's androgenic and many have reported it's a great cutter/anti-catabolic. I ran it for 3 weeks at 100mg EOD and come the end of the run I noticed I had begun looking more vascular and fuller than compared to now and I'm more like 16-18% bodyfat atm realistically.