900lb bench

Rychlak's shoulders werenot covered by the shirt.You can see it in the video.It's not a shirt anymore,just a sling attached to the front of the upperbody bringing the elbows together.
Bodybuilding is not a performance sport and never was.
I am not a bodybuilder but a legitimate olympic strength athlete (thrower) and all these idiotic ways to bench more weight make me sick or laugh.
All these athletes that ovelry depend on performance enhancing equipment are a joke and will never hold a candle to the raw lifters of the past or the powerlifters of the past that indeed used the first introduced equipment that provided some protection and nothing more like Kazmaier,Reinhoudt,Williams etc.

Protection is not even an excuse anymore.
He also can squat over a grand, his progress has been dramatic, I saw him do over 8 back in August. It's also skill and technique involved, the same people would be #1 no matter what. If you think you can put a bench shirt on and get an automatic increase in your bench you are wrong.
I like the way you phrased that big mac attack I think every sport has something stupid about them..how this
synthol=metal in wood bat=metal disc=bench shirt=air in shoes=cheap skates=cheap pole vaults== etc...goes on and on.......either way you have to respect the big benchers out there and they still can bench more compared to past competitors raw also. When the shirt bench goes up the raw bench goes up the both go hand in hand. I dont see anyone of those folks bitchin grabe a handful of gear put on a bench shirt and say, "Ok im gonna do 800lbs today then 5mins later 900lbs" Takes strength and skill to push up those weights!
jocktheglide said:
I like the way you phrased that big mac attack I think every sport has something stupid about them..how this
synthol=metal in wood bat=metal disc=bench shirt=air in shoes=cheap skates=cheap pole vaults== etc...goes on and on.......either way you have to respect the big benchers out there and they still can bench more compared to past competitors raw also. When the shirt bench goes up the raw bench goes up the both go hand in hand. I dont see anyone of those folks bitchin grabe a handful of gear put on a bench shirt and say, "Ok im gonna do 800lbs today then 5mins later 900lbs" Takes strength and skill to push up those weights!

I agree it does take strength and skill to bench big weight. Hell I couldnt bench anything close to those numbers with all the drugs and shirts in the world. Those guys are amazing. But like I said in my origional post that the shirts devalue the lift somewhat. Its still a valid lift in some sense but nobody can question a raw lift.
can someone please explain to me the mechanics of the shirt? is it like a rubber band that stretches as the weight goes down so it gives you force on the way back up?
elijah_123 said:
No way man, shirts help but still gotta be man to throw that weight up. At most I'd say a shirt will give 200lb and that is pretty high, so he is still benching 700.

I belive his raw max is around 550. Bear in mind, he has been training almost exculsively in a shirt, which will lower your raw max.

The raw record, is 713 held by Mendy.
I'm a soon to be competitive PL (Raw) and the shirt is a matter of choice. If you want to wear one go ahead and compete in a federation that allows you to, if you dont want then compete in a raw fed.

Some shirts get a little out of hand IMO, but it takes just as much work to get to 900 shirted as it does to 700 RAW.
Gene is a freak.

I don't see why people feel the need to make negative comments when somebody breaks a world record. It doesn't show very much class, in my opinion. Congratulate him and move on.
slobberknocker said:
Gene is a freak.

I don't see why people feel the need to make negative comments when somebody breaks a world record. It doesn't show very much class, in my opinion. Congratulate him and move on.
tell em sk :)
jocktheglide said:
synthol=metal in wood bat=metal disc=bench shirt=air in shoes=cheap skates=cheap pole vaults== etc...goes on and on.......

Air in shoes? What are you an advocate of we all participate nude?

Better equipment doesn't make anyone better or worse than those in the past. No matter what equipment you have it takes something special to be the top of the game. Everyone has access to the same equipment and drugs it is what they do with it that matters.

Following this logic we should drop advanced training techniques, nutrition and weight equipment and go back to what people in the 1920's did or even back to the 100 BC athletes in greece did. BLeh on that, the heart of a champion is going to succede more than the heart of an average guy like me any day.
HardBody said:
How much are bench shirts? DO they really help and how?

Really anywhere from $50 to $250, but you get what you pay for.

They can help, but you have to train with it on a regular basis. Don't expect to get too much from it the first time you put it on. You have to learn how to use it.

All it does is change the strength curve of the press. Helps the first few inches off the chest. Won't help at all really on lockout. Helps prevent injury too, keeps you tight. Like a belt.
if they didnt help him that much, then why wouldnt he just go without it. he must have known that it would cause some controversey, but i bet he also knows that he cant bench as much without it.

regardless, it is a nice lift and he is one of the best. i dont feel the shirt makes him who he is, just as i dont think steroids make Ronnie or Jay who they are. however, id be willing to bet raw lifters say that shirt is the synthol or chest implant of bodybuilding.
iron said:
if they didnt help him that much, then why wouldnt he just go without it. he must have known that it would cause some controversey, but i bet he also knows that he cant bench as much without it.

regardless, it is a nice lift and he is one of the best. i dont feel the shirt makes him who he is, just as i dont think steroids make Ronnie or Jay who they are. however, id be willing to bet raw lifters say that shirt is the synthol or chest implant of bodybuilding.

To be honest, most of the guys who compete in raw meets are losers who are afraid to compete against the big dogs. So they sit around bitching about how they could lift this or that if they had "insert bench shirt name here" or were on "insert X amount of gear here."

The truth is, if you want to compete against the best lifters in the sport, you have to compete in equipment meets. You're just not going to find the same caliber of competition anywhere else.

Really, this argument doesn't even exist in meets, only on the internet. The real competitors don't bitch, they just compete.