a couple of questions


New member
I am 42 yrs old. I have been lifting for a few yrs now. I only weigh 120 lbs. I am 5' 8". This is the most I have ever weighed. I think I look good and recieve compliments at the gym. I bench 140 5reps 6x. I have plateaued. I have never juiced. I was thinking of trying test cypionate in the following cycle (6 wk cycle) 1st wk 300mg/1.5ml- 2nd wk 300mg/1.5ml- 3rd wk 400mg/2ml- 4th wk 400mg/2ml 5th wk 300mg/1.5ml 6th wk 300mg/1.5ml. Will this work? Also I was thinking of using Nolvadex 20mg tabs in case. How should I use these? Hope you have some answers for me, I desperately want to get bigger!
this thread is not gunna take off.... did u mean 220, or r u in fact 120???? cause if u r, forget the sauce, and gi to mcdicks and EAAATTTTT

120 i ingest 160 grams of protein and about 2500 calories a day and can't put on weight i dont want this thread to take off just a little advise thanx
try up your calorie intake, 2500 isnt a lot considering u hit the gym a few times a week aswell..try eat a meal every 3 hours containing 600 calories..which is easy to do with the rite food. ie breakfast as follows:

40 grams of porrodge oats made with milk: 200 cal
protein shake with milk: 200 cal
wholegrain toast with peanutbutter , honey and couple slices ham:300 calories

this totals 700 and u wont even feel stuffed. then just structure the rest of your meals so the have good fats carbs and protein.

if u want to try gear after u try this id guess 500mg week test for 10 weeks with dbol 20mg/day wk 1-4.
well I will say you would be wasting your time @ 6 wks of cyp.
A person running a long ester like that needs to run it for at least 10 wks.
please suggest a cycle that will work for me including what i need so i don't get titties ( not that i don't like titties, just not on me)
go with a long ester test, 500 mg/week, 10 weeks. get Nolvadex(tamofixen citrate) and have it on hand incase u feel a lump behind your nipples..take 20mg tab if this happens and take 10mg every days till it clears. 3 weeks after ur last injection take clomid(clomiphene citrate) ..dosage up to u, but as a guide 100mg every day for a week, and 50mg a day for following 2-3 weeks...
You are more likely to get more help with some more info.
There are still some alternatives before juice.
What does you diet look like I.E how many meals are you consuming daily ,calories etc.
Are you using any supps? protein powders etc.
Juice will not be your answer if your diet is not in check.
my bf is next to nothing i drink 160 grams of protien in powder form split 3x a day. to be honest i could eat better i eat three meals a day most every day. my appetite is increasing. i have been small my whole life. my arms are 13" only because i workout. i have been giving it a real effort for the past 3 yrs or so i'm just so tired of being this small 135-140 lbs and i'd be estatic thanx for all y'alls help
You say you bench 140 5x 6 sets?Is that one exercise or 2
ex flat bench 3x
incline 3x
Alot of people will plateau for various reasons I would research the diet section I think your diet needs some work.
I eat at least 5x daily not including my supps.
There is also a good section for various workpout routines,but if you are working out correctly you should have a healthy appetite 3 meals most days isn't enough.
You need to feed those muscles.
Please don't jump on gear right now. I don't think that using it illegally is the proper thing at this point. I would be willing to bet that you can get a prescription for it as you might very well have a hormone deficiency.

It's rather obvious that you have a food deficiency at that wight. You might very well have other things affecting you also.

You might want to post your workout to get help there.

Get your protein from food and don't rely on shakes for the bulk of it. You need to be getting in protein from food so you get all of the various amino acids instead of just the ones in your shakes. I'm sure your diet is the number one thing holding you back.

But you should talk to a doc about hormone replacement therapy. With that, you don't have to worry about the law seizing your shipment, and you might very well get your insurance company to pay for your gear.

At 42, you are a prime candidate for HRT.
this is my workout mon wed fri all exercises 5 sets 4-6 reps flat bnch 140 lbs, incline bnch 120 lbs, (flys w/press 35 lb dumbells pullovers w/ press 60 lbs) i alternate flat and incline each w/o, tricep pull downs(pulley machine) 60 lbs, overhead press 90 lbs, dips on machine 145 lbs, tricep press 50 lbs, curls with pulley 100 lbs, concentration curls 35 lbs, preacher curls 40 lbs, dumbell curls 30 lbs, and a whole bunch of sit ups. 3 yrs ago i weighed 100 lbs.
Okay, I see some serious issues here that will help.

Start a thread in the training section and we'll see about getting your training squared away.

Go talk to your doc and get on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and let your insurance pay for it.

Start a thread in the diet section and we'll work on your diet.
Good luck to ya steve.Hang around and you will get alot of valuable info to help you in the goals you seek.AAS is a great way to achieve goals beyond genetics,but it isn't the always the answer.
biggersteve said:
swellin im at work noow so i will star both threads sometime tomorrow thanx a whole hell of alot!
You bet. There are plenty of knowledgeable people on here who can help you in both respects. I am certain we can figure out a way to get your growing.
im back at the house and its time to nap i want to thank all ya'll and your most excellent advise i think i'll keep comin back. swellin b4 i logoff i'm gonna start them threads. only one problem, no insurance but will check on how much a doc would be.(bucks, i'm a po white boy) oh yeah, i'm on eastern time i gotta change that thing thanx again everybody.