A couple pics of me halfway through cutter


Your Girls Pay my Bills
ok here i am at 190, after dropping 5lbs of water. i tried a water depletion and a carb load for these but it really just left me kind of small looking.
These are taken 100% cold. Yes i know i cant pose. the last pic is fuckt, i couldnt get it to load so i kept lowering its resolution.

for more info check out my journal.
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Looks like your warming up for the underwear modeling eh? Quads are looking thick. Chest is lacking thickness. What are you running currently?
150mg tren eod 250 test ew. had to show the quads right?

im not real happy with how small i look in these, im hoping my back is healed up enough to start deadlifting again.
lookin pretty good, for your first pose, your traps look pretty decent, and you have some decent separation for you chest. just try standing a little more upright, your traps would still peek out over the top and your chest would end up being a little more separated. lookin good though.
yeah i want to get real lean for the first time in my life. then i will focus on adding mass for a long time
Warmachine said:
yeah i want to get real lean for the first time in my life. then i will focus on adding mass for a long time

This is exactly what i'm doing. After this cutter, i'm bulking for 2+ years. Looking good war!! :druggie:
Looking good bro, but we're you trying to go with some sort of irony by taking your pics in a 'NATURAL' setting? haha

i rarely get undressed and take BBing progress pics in the woods anymore... :D
RJH8541 said:
Looking good bro, but we're you trying to go with some sort of irony by taking your pics in a 'NATURAL' setting? haha

i rarely get undressed and take BBing progress pics in the woods anymore... :D

my friend wanted to do them there. Hey bro you should talk, you got woods in the background of your pics too!

the t3 im taking has me looking kind of flat and small, im actually really looking forward to the end of it.
Warmachine said:
my friend wanted to do them there. Hey bro you should talk, you got woods in the background of your pics too!

the t3 im taking has me looking kind of flat and small, im actually really looking forward to the end of it.

i know, i was just giving you shit. Although those woods are where my house sits. lol

T3 sucks for that reason for sure. I never go over 50mcg and that seems to help the flat look you get if you go too high with it. That shit is strong and it don't take much.
probably because he did what most of us learned to do... before you take your shirt off you put vicks vapo rub on your nips to kee them hard...or you just twist it to keep it hard...ive been doin this since i was 13...kinda sucks..cant wait to get rid of this shit.
rookie03 said:
probably because he did what most of us learned to do... before you take your shirt off you put vicks vapo rub on your nips to kee them hard...or you just twist it to keep it hard...ive been doin this since i was 13...kinda sucks..cant wait to get rid of this shit.

I had gyno and I never used vicks lol. At his bf% I would think you would be able to see the gyno if it were anything significant.
i didnt put anything on them, but i have some lumps under each nip. the left one is maybe the size of a marble and the right one is smaller and more diffuse. Im glad you guys cant see it easily but if you look at the 3rd pic, the one where im standing and just flexing my quads take a look at WHERE my nipples are on my chest. They are a little lower than they would be no gyne. another thing that helps is my dehydrated state for the pics.
But yeah, my gyno is not bad thank god.

about me and T3. im using the researchology and i dont feel that its very strong.ive posted tons about this but at "120" mcg a day my BBT doesnt even go over high 97's. i occasionaly get some light palpitations but thats it. I hope it is helping with fat loss, because combining the flatness with a little water retention has me looking shitty much of the time.

and yeah rook that pic was me before i shaved down and before t3.
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