a few hgh questions


i am currently on 900 mg test and 500 mg deca a week. i am going to add some hgh to my cycle but have never used this before. i want to put on mass so what is a good starting dose and final dose. i have heard that 2 iu a day will only burn fat and about 4 a day is good for mass. is this correct. thanks guys in advance.
don't fuck with insulin
if you can't put on mass with just under a gram of test and 500 mgs Deca then there are other issues to look at. Not saying that is the case but so you know HGH is not a size drug. It's a wellness drug. You feel better, skin healthier, sleep better, fat loss, etc.
I have been researching the same thing. I'm going to run 4iu's a day with a low dose of test, 250mg a week. I'll also start with some var. The plan is to keep T levels on the high end of normal with minimal shutdown. I plan on running the test for 10-12 weeks and continue on the HGH for 6 month to a year. If I have noticeable results with the HGH, I will continue after that. As I said before it's hard to find long term info on HGH due to it's cost. Now that the price is coming down there seems to be more interest.